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Joined 1 years ago

Once had a manager instruct me to block an emergency exit with an extremely large piece of machinery. While the building was still full of customers.

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For a while there it was nigh impossible to legally get access to GOT in certain countries. Not to mention, when your only option is an insanity expensive streaming service, and the only thing you want there is one specific show, you’re likely to look for alternatives.

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Everyone talking about this being used for hacking, I just want it to write me code to inject into running processes for completely legal reasons but it always assumes I’m trying to be malicious. 😭

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“I only reluctantly support the guy saying he will be a dictator, therefore don’t lump me in with the people who happily support him.” 🤦🏻‍♂️

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IIRC this is satire against circumcision.

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This was likely worse, the intent was explicitly to block the emergency exit. That was the point of the request.

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Bots are indeed a problem, but at the same time so are the huge swaths of users dedicated to a single users whim. When one person with enough pulls says “I want to take over this entire area of the canvas” and it happens in minutes?… it ruins the experience. Bots are just a way for this to happen without the following.

Timberborn is the shit. I get a lot of good playtime into it when it was first released, and honestly I keep thinking I need to go back to it to experience the updates.

Would definitely recommend this game to anyone who enjoys city builders/colony sims.

Someone didn’t pay attention to the community they’re commenting in.

It was an “extra security” procedure put in place because at the time a gang had been targeting our stores by breaking in through the emergency exit, grabbing expensive electronics, and getting out in under 2 minutes. The machinery was meant to only be in place while the building was empty, with the intent of them opening the door and deciding that it would take too long to maneuver around it and instead just leave.

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You don’t even need to be tech literate to join Lemmy.

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These “ai says” articles are all fluff. You can get an LLM to say just about anything you want. This is akin to “my child says we should eat the neighbor.”

I feel the need to point out, there is porn on both instances. Just more on lemmynsfw.

Honestly this is part of the reason I’ve been thinking of spinning up my own instance. Literally just so I have control of the instance my account belongs to.

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FYI you’re looking for a reverse proxy. There are addons for HA that handle that, such as NGINX Proxy Manager.

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If there’s no more karma… are they just a slut?

I mean, the situations are completely different. Biden (and other VPs and former presidents, including Mike Pence) have found they had classified information on hand, and immediately turned them over.

Trump kept them “secret”, lied about having them, them, ignored requests to have them returned, showed them to people who didn’t have clearance, lied about having more when the first batch was taken, and apparently lost at least one, or is again lying about having some.

This is like saying a pat on the back is the same thing as being hit with a bolder and almost dying.

People too far removed from IT/Dev team can become disillusioned as to what they do.

If you have a good dev team, you won’t hear about them doing anything until shit hits the fan. If you haven’t heard from them?… They’re doing their job. Leave them alone.

Burgers aren’t inherently unhealthy, in moderation. The problem comes when you’re buying the burgers from fast food joints.

“This recording is inadmissible, it was zoomed in so much it’s impossible to tell with any certainty what is going on.”

Digital zoom is literally just cropping out the rest of the video. You’re not actually zooming in, you’re just losing context.

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You can have the most secure and secret OS in existence, and you’re failing miserably the moment it has unfettered access to the internet.

On the flip side, literally any OS can be secure if it’s airgapped in a sealed room.

There’s a happy medium in there, and that’s where most governments want to be.

I disagree.

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This is literally a community dedicated to Reddit happenings…

They had both NetSupport and DeepFreeze installed. At the time, NetSupport config files could be decrypted with a simply python script, and contained the password. Turns out, it was the general admin password.

So I had admin creds, full control of any PC with NetSupport, and the ability to install anything on a computer and have it survive past a reboot.

What did I do with it? Video games, mostly.

I mean no offense, but this sounds like such a niche workflow this xkcd applies: https://xkcd.com/1172/

If anything it’s willful ignorance I suppose. Reddit was unlike any previous social media site the majority had used, so I don’t really get how “it’s too different” could be a legit argument.

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Ads? No, I would not accept ads. What I would have accepted was a subscription payment. Hell, I went so far as to purchase Apollo lifetime ultimate.

I am more than willing to support things I use. I am not willing to deal with ads though. Especially when they sneak in like they are posts, and take up entire scroll widths.

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The person they are replying to likely insinuated they were a white person being racist against black people.

I think the part that’s missing is that this advice is related to companies, not in general. If the company is making a profit, and not asking you to pay, where is the money coming from?

*.internal.domain.name since ssl certs are easier to get when you’re using an owned domain name.

Maybe not ensure he’s fucked for the rest of his life?…

“It’s okay sweetie, the world is literally burning, drowning, and sometimes both at the same time! But in order to protect you, I’ll just say we have no idea why or how to prevent it! Wouldn’t want to hurt your fefe’s by telling you that humans are the problem!” 🤦🏻‍♂️

The argument about engagement being worth a lot is kinda silly. The initial numbers of “look at how good we can do!” immediately followed by “but everyone using it has left” isnt a good thing. Advertisers want stability not “big number for short time.”

Look at it this way: If you were an advertiser, would you go with an advertisement campaign on a site that had an average of 1000 users each and every day, or a site that had 100,000 users for a single day, and 10 for the rest of the year?

Honestly I’d just be happy if their fixed the shitshow that is Siri.

Only to immediately bomb following, showing that their metrics are extremely unreliable, and their user base volatile.

I’m sorry, you’re claiming that evangelicals, the majority chunk of Trump supporters, are marginalized, unheard and unseen?

Because we refuse to listen to their bullshit?

When a school bully harasses other students, do you shush the victim and console the bully? “But the bully feels like we hate them” well gee, maybe they should stop being an asshole.

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Might want to edit your title to specify “room temperature superconducting.”

This is for reading‽‽ That is absolutely insane.

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I could see that, yeah. It’s funny because I was just arguing with someone on Reddit the other day, claiming that making our own API using a scraper would be simple and easy.

I pointed out that scraping can invoke bans and is easily worked around by the service. Apparently Twitter doesn’t know how to detect scraping so just went with “NO ONE USES THE SITE FOR MORE THAN 20 MINUTES A DAY!”