
2 Post – 29 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Are we codeberg yet?

9 more...

I'm not sure why people keep pushing that myth on C++. It's been a decade we have smart pointers. There's no memory management to be done ever.

Using the old 'new' is like typing 'unsafe' in rust. Even arrays/vectors have safe accessor.

Am I missing something?

And C++, just checked the wiki and the 2 example of openssh's heartbleed and sudo, both in C. Not C++. As expected.

I tried watching the video. I am genuinely interested but I couldn't. The video is uncuted (edit: uncut*, my English is so bad) and very slow paced. After 10 minutes I gave up (50 minutes remaining).

Maybe an other time or with an other video.

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Earlier this year we saw an increase in the number of reports we received about some people using our service in ways that we cannot tolerate. To be more clear, this was not about some people merely saying things that others disliked.

Cannot be less clear.

Anyway I don't understand why you'd need an account. I've always created rooms and share the link to people to invite. You can setup a password if you want privacy. Any reason to login?

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On top of the fact that those previews are annoying as hell as other comments pointed out, I want to add that this kind of feature also uses a fair amount of processing + memory.

I think that is a nice opt-in feature for those who wants it but I like my default light and simple.

It really has the vibe of an hbomberguy video. I also feel the background is a subtle tribute to his style.

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They just don't want to watch it. Length is not really an argument.

I am so sorry, I am going to fix this. Also I am not one of the people who downvoted your comment. I like when people point at my mistakes. I am making a lot of those even in my native language.

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They list gitea but not forgejo. That's not really advocating for FOSS. "all" (the ones I looked at) are startup products coined as open-source.

I really don't like this website and this list, to me this is replacing bad solutions by other bad solutions (I am sorry for the people that like firebase and co).

I am sorry for the negativity but I really don't enjoy this link and all it represents and all the people enjoying such content. I guess I/we should explicitly separate FOSS from open-source.

I may be out of touch and should be educated on why/how this is good.

I thought this also would need the next Nvidia driver version 555. Am I missing something?

it's been at least 7 years now, I don't have any hope.

Thanks for the link, I knew hyperbola for many years from afar. Reading this gave me a lot more insight on the project. I find it very cool and pushing toward better software like GNU, openBSD and suckless.

Nothing is perfect but for server this distribution could be a nice option . I'd love to see an arm version of it. I guess RISC-V would also be a perfect match for them


For me the firefox password manager is totally fine : I know where the encrypted file is and I can manually back it up and copy to an other computer ($HOME/.mozilla/firefox/[profile folder]/key4.db + logins.json). You can decrypt yourself the file easily too.

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Spending 3000$ to assemble a PC and installing TrueNas as is not new nor informative to me. I'm not a huge fan of rich people spending thousand of dollars building a power hog a call it a nice NAS.

The post would be more interesting if, at least, it would show the assembling (not stolen photos) and the software settings. For a really interesting post I would like to see a before/after benchmark of performance and power consumption.

I don't think any server, especially self hosting should be CISC based like x86 architecture but RISC like arm or RiSC-V. The power usage is a order of magnitude less. Also really building yourself would probably cost hundreds and not thousands of dollars.

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Never heard of bonfire, I really need some kind of tech news to explain and review those kind of things. I spend few minutes reading some of this "micro-bloging" thing. I'd like to see/understand concrete application. Is this mastodon-like small messages use?

Damned, this is so frustrating when you cannot switch yet. Not like Wayland is perfect anyway but I felt the same with pipewire where the new system as some needed improvement but the switch is harsh.

Chad stack

I don't see anyone addressing what should be the main concern: purism as a long history of internal toxicity and screws up. There were problem and their CTO left a long time ago, since then everything went downhill. Their communication is also one of the worse I've seen. They don't mind lying, it feels borderline scam sometimes.

Whatever the price and the alleged goal I would not get behind a shady organization.

Nothing is perfect but Purism has been way passed the limits for me a long time ago.

Thank you for sharing this. I didn't know this FS yet. It seems new and have some nice goals. I always have a grudge against zfs/btrfs because of the resource usage/performance.

I'll keep an eye on this. I'd love to find some benchmarks.

I am using a python script that push in a private git repository (so I even have history). I am using dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com command to check ip.

You can add a new executable in your ~/.local/bin directory like command_custom that would start SOME_ENV_VAR=value command. Like if you use bash:


SOME_ENV_VAR=value command

Do not forget to chmod +x the file to make it executable.

This way you will have additional command for your user only (no sudo require to create/update those), for system-wise command put it in /usr/local/bin.

He is right. In Japan there are 2 form of health insurance: from your company 社会保険 (shakai houken) or directly from the government 国民健康保険 (kokumin kenko houken). If you quit your job you loose your health insurance the very day you're unemployed and must go to your prefecture to ask the national one (you'll pay for it, around 200$-300$ a month).

Also in France your health insurance is also tied to your job. The french administration is a nightmare to me so I have no idea how to get anything if you're unemployed.

I don't like it being HTTP based and TLS (certificate?), nor I am a fan of flutter and the other 70-ish dependencies (https://github.com/localsend/localsend/blob/main/app/pubspec.yaml).

KDEConnect is great and does way more than file sharing, I'll stick with that.

Celeron is x86 and quiet bad at its job as far as I have always seen. Benchmark would be nice.

Yes indeed. For now you can just use wine registry option (from the up arrow next to the wine glass) to open the windows registry.

The you go in CURRENT_USER (don't remember the full name, on my phone right now) and something like software/windows/current_version/internet_settings . There you should have a "ProxyEnable" you can switch the value from 0 to 1 (just double click). Then right click to add a "string value" and name it "ProxyServer". Once created double click on it to change its value to something wrong like "http://bla.local:80".

You can check internet by running exe from the wine environment (up arrow next to play) and start internet explorer from c_drive/Program Data

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Yes for the pointing to a wall.

You can go with your firewall I don't mind. I don't get why you think this had anything to do with security. This is just to get any software to go offline by default.

If a human has deficiencies from birth or after an accident, should they have the same rights under laws?

Wine is fine so I guess proton would be.