Kajo [he/him] 🌈

@Kajo [he/him] 🌈@beehaw.org
1 Post – 112 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't understand. Is this supposed to be an incentive to turn on watch history?

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Getting Nintendo would be a career moment for me

Who cares about your career? How could it be a justification for anything?

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If I follow your reasoning, blackface isn't racist because it doesn't involve real black people?

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Unions don't work the same way in all european countries.

In France, the union I belong to is organized by local company and public service, with a spawling system of dual cascading federations by geographic sector and economic sector.

And there are several competing national union organizations which overlap. I don't know exactly how the other ones are organized

It's not a question of age, but of culture. Video game are no longer niche stuff for a handful of nerds. It's a huge industry, like music or cinema.

People who say that games are childish are just trying to hide their ignorance.

There is no universal "line". Every family has its own implicit rules about clothing and nudity, which vary from situation to situation.

If she doesn't question the rules acquired on her mother's side (your SO doesn't seem to be worried by her clothes), it's because she sees you as an adult in the family, i.e. someone she trusts and who won't sexualize her.

If you feel uncomfortable, I think you should work on that on your side. I think these days, it must be precious for a young adult to have a safe place, where she can dress without being judged or sexualized. You shouldn't risk taking that away from her.

To take things a step further, the only smart male on board is an orange cat.

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This news must be read in the French political context, where far-right ideas are corrupting the minds and islamophobia is the legal face of racism.

It's also a way for the government to divide the left, accusing it to promote islamist terrorism (which is obviously a fake).

I'm grateful to people who build safe spaces, whether online or IRL. And I'm sorry when they struggle to find the tools they need.

If you decide to switch to another plateform that fits your needs better, I'll follow you.

Fez: a 2D plateformer in which you can change the perspective to create ways to unreachable plateforms

Baba Is You: a puzzle game in which you move blocks with words written on them, combining them to create small phrases which become new rules of the game.

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Full support for the strike.

This is a loophole that the Minister of the Interior has been discovering and exploiting for months: he does something whose legality is highly questionable (like banning a demonstration), and by the time his decision is legally challenged and overturned, he's got what he wanted and there are no legal consequences for him.

Not only that. It's also a means of long-term tax evasion, by storing works of art in a freeport.

In sustained French, "verge" is a synonym for "penis". So, it made me smile to see an article about Pornhub in TheVerge.

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Before being an appetite suppressant, it is a medication for diabetes.

The problem is not the margin Novo Nordisk makes on an appetite suppressant, contrary to what the headline says.

The twofold problem is the margin on a diabetes drug, which weighs heavily on patients and health insurers around the world. And the potential supply problems for diabetics, when a vital drug is sold as a miracle weight-loss remedy.

First of all, I'm so sorry that you have been exposed to such horrors. I hope you can handle that, or find help to.

I don't have a solution, I'd just like to share some thoughts.

  1. Some people suggested that AIs could detect this kind of content. I would be reluctant to use such tools, because lots of AI projects exploit unprotected workers in poor countries for data labeling.

  2. An zero-image policy could be an effective solution, but it would badly impact @dyi@beehaw.org, @creative@beewah.org and @greenspace@beehaw.org.

  3. correct me if I'm wrong, but on the fediverse, when a picture is posted on an instance, it is duplicated on all federated instances? If I'm right, it means that even if beehaw found a way to totally avoid CSAM posting, you could still end up with duplicated CSAM on your server? (with consequences on your mental health, and possibly legal risks for owning such pictures)

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Yes, I live in Europe and have an old house dating back to the 19th century, with thick stone walls.

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I live in France, and the term "camarade" is daily used in my union instead of the first name, or when you talk about several members of the union. It has no negative connotation, it's not used as a reversal of stigma.

It's also used in several left parties, but not all. It's quite common between people who primarily fight for the workers rights, but it's much less common between other progressive/leftist activists (feminists, climate activists, LGBTQIA+ rights activists..).

For me, it makes sense to use it this way, according to the context.

I tried that this morning at work, as a joke.

It was still there when I got off.

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Wear the colors of the bi flag? Whether in an obvious way, like a shirt, or in a more subtle way with accessories: socks, bracelet, phone wallpaper, keychain..

In a recent interview, Yara El-Ghadban (Palestinian-Canadian novelist, with a PhD in anthropology) made an interesting answer to this recurring question: by asking her "do you condemn Hamas?", the interviewer was questioning her humanity, and she didn't have to prove or justify her humanity.

I find this point of view interesting, because it turns the question on its head. Since the answer is obvious, what does it mean to ask this question, and why is it only asked of certain people?

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Indeed, but maybe it's a chance to be exemplary, by spreading moderate and compassionate words (for all victims, on both sides).

My only concern is the mental health of the fellow beeples who chose this instance because they needed a bubble of kindness, far for the cruel real world.

Yeah, you're right, it doesn't make sense to say that O(f(n)) is good or bad for any algorithm. It must be compared to the complexity of other algorithms which solve the same problem in the same conditions.

It's a common misconception that Monopoly is a hymn to capitalism.

Actually, it's a reimplantation of the Landlord's Game, which was designed to demonstrate the mechanics of wealth accumulation and its nasty consequences when almost everybody end in poverty.

Also, part of the solution is to change our lifestyles for good. And we've seen with covid the problem of changing our collective behaviors just for a limited time.

That's not true.

In the 90's, the Oslo Accords was a step forward between Israel (Yitzhak Rabin, and his opponent Shimon Peres) and Palestine Liberation Organization (Yasser Arafat) to find a way to live peacefully together.

They shared the Nobel Peace Prize for that. And it cost Yitzhak Rabin his life, as he was murdered by a far-right terrorist who wanted to stop the peace process.

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Not to mention the fact that Nazism thrived on the devastation wrought by Germany's defeat in 1918.

And It wasn't the World War II that broke the cycle of wars in the heart of Europe (WWI was consequence of the war in 1870). It was the project to build a peaceful European union.

My niece, who disappeared months ago (she lives off grid, in an anarchist community), has reappeared. I'm going to spend the day with her.

Apart from that, I'm using my vacations to help my partner in her craft business to prepare a fan convention.

I think it's a more global movement.

When I was recruited at my university in the early 2000s, every teacher had an ftp-accessible space with an http address like myuni.edu/~myname. The more techie ones did html, the fancier ones even added css. Muggles would export html from a Word document.

Then one day, the IT department decided to replace this with a "learning management system". A wysiwyg platform with dozens of modules for videoconferencing courses, homework submission, online exams, and so forth.

Except that the user (the teacher) no longer has control over his or her personal space.

It's quite old: The Black Company by Glen Cook

To complete the article, there are two levels of (public) social protection in France.

Unemployment insurance, which pays a percentage of your last salary if you lose your job, for several months.

The RSA, mentioned in the article, which is a survival benefit for people who don't have/no longer have access to unemployment insurance.

People do their utmost to get back to work before moving from unemployment insurance to the RSA, which is the gateway to extreme poverty.

This measure therefore attacks the weakest of the weak.

Solo boardgaming: tons of cooperative games can be played solo. At the moment, my main games are Marvel Champions and Arkham Horror LCG.

Cross-stitching: maybe the easiest kind of embroidery, perfect for pixel art patterns and you don't need expensive stuff to get in.

Because the rich and powerful meat lobby wants to make life hell for their meat free competitors. The only logic here is money.

I understand the statement is about in-game stuff, but I'm guessing a lot of game developers have been using GitHub Copilot and this kind of "AI tools" for months.

Great news, but it's only a first step. European political system is quite complex. Correct me if I'm wrong but the law has only been voted by the European Parliament, and now it has to be ratified by each country.

Personnal opinion: I don't see the french government ratifying a text which would limits their authoritarian drift.

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Living with someone who has the same aspirations, the same pace of life, the same progressive ideas, but also mutually accepting and supporting our differences

I don't try to shift the narrative, I use the same method than Simone De Beauvoir in The Second Sex to highlight a discrimination.

Generating the picture of a black person is not racist (the AI could have bias, but that's an other subject). But generating pictures of persons in different skin tons on a website called apartheid.ai and making people vote "white or black", that would be racist.

The problem here is not generating picture of women, but how these pictures are used.

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One solution is to question their competence to speak on this subject, and assert the superiority of lived experience over purely theoretical knowledge.

Another solution is to weigh (their) rationality against ethics. Many purely rational policies have led to disasters and horrors. Eugenics, for example, is perfectly rational.

The world is insane. A friend of mine died of cancer. And I've had some kind of flu/cold for a week.

On the bright side, I finished my Becky Chambers' books, fixed the extruder on my 3D printer and made the last plum pie of the season. I so wish this was the kind of daily life all human beings enjoy.

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My partner is a craftswoman, and she'll soon be taking part in a fair. She does it 5-6 times a year, and during those times, I spend a lot of my free time assembling and sewing for her.

It's during these times that I watch to old series (actually, I'm more listening than watching). Right now, it's Supernatural. I didn't watch it with any regularity when it first came out.