
5 Post – 151 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

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The issue with enacting a mandatory age limit in a democratically elected government is essentially conceding to the idea that the voters are unable to determine for themselves whether an elected official is competent, or not. This has substantial, and serious implications.

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[...] lowest viewership since 2015

Hasn't there only been one other debate since then...? That's rather misleading.

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This is Techrights (But with Jews!) – a satire site based on Techrights (But with Jews!)

It looks like the site is satire. But, I'll be honest, it initially had me fooled. How have we gotten to the point in society where one could come to the conclusion that it is perfectly possible for such an article to be unironically written?

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I use Nextcloud's Calendar to sync to other calendar apps over CalDAV.

What bugs are you encountering with KDE Connect?

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There’s no right to magazine sizes. They have a right to guns.

The 2nd Amendment specifies "the right of the people to keep and bear arms". I would argue that to be able to functionally "bear arms", one must be able to be in possession of the means to operate those arms.

Give ‘em a bolt action with a 3+1 magazine. Still have a gun, right?

The 2nd Amendment does not say "the right of the people to keep and bear bolt-action rifles, shall not be infringed". Instead, it states "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.".

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What issue are you looking to solve? You state that you believe people are able to seek out, and attain their education independently through resources like the internet. So why would it matter if there are alternatives that cost money which one can pay, and receive loans for?

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No. Canada has a whole host of prohibitions, and restrictions. The sale and transfer of handguns was recently made illegal (source), in 2020, 1500 models of what the Canadian government deemed to be an "Assault Rifle" were banned (source), Canada has extreme restrictions on the transportation of "Restricted Firearms" (handguns are an example of this) in that, to be able to transport them, you must obtain an "Authorization to transport", to be able to carry a "Restricted", or "Prohibited" firearm, one must obtain an "Authorization to Carry" (unless, possibly, it is for wilderness protection (source)), and, as outlined in the Canadian Criminal Code, and the Firearms Act, there are also many restrictions on the general transport, handling, storage, display, and transfer of firearms. Not to mention that in addition to all of this, as outlined in the Firearms Act, every firearm owner must be licensed for the use of "non-restricted" firearms (Possession and Acquisition License, PAL), and "restricted" firearms (Restricted Possession and Acquisition License, RPAL), respectively. The acquisition of each of these licenses requires a 1 day course, the successful passing of both a practical, and written exam, and a background check performed by the RCMP. After filling out, and submitting one's application, the prospective firearm owner's application, as mandated by legislation, will sit idle with the RCMP for a 28-day cooldown period. Only after that cooldown period has completed will they begin to process one's application, which can then take much longer depending on the speed of the government at any given time.

I can provide no guarantee that this list is exhaustive.

I have found that instances that do seem to modify the source code just use the existing "Code" link and simply point it to their own repo instead.

After some testing, It might be that the parent commenter just deleted their comment which nuked all the child comments. I can't rememeber if this is what Reddit does. I think it just sais "Deleted by creator", but keeps the children. Could certainly be wrong, though.

Maybe something like taskrabbit? Could pay them to pick it up, then send it through a courier.

You can still edit it.

You claim that you believe that there is a problem with elected officials being incompetent, and yet you then contradict yourself by stating that you are part of the problem:

personally I prefer someone with memory issues but is representing what I vote for than someone who is perfectly neurotypical but contradicts my beliefs.

You are correct that the voters have the power to change their representatives if they are found to be incompetent, so use it. Don't fall victim to the ostrich effect.

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How was it handled on Reddit? Did the moderators have to handle it there as well, or did Reddit filter it out beforehand?

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Would you mind defining "we don't really know how it works"?

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Perhaps the next emergent entity is not corporeal, but, instead, of the collective. A good example could be similar to what @kozy138@lemm.ee stated about how the movements of people in crowds are, on the "microscopic" scale, seemingly random, and unpredictable, but, on the "macroscopic" scale, can be predicted quite accurately. One could look at economies, traffic flow, entire nations, etc. as emergent entities that rely on our individual, autonomous interaction. A very interesting such example is outlined in this paper which explains how "Online communities featuring ‘anti-X’ hate and extremism" can be accurately modeled using "novel generalization of nonlinear fluid physics".

Yup it appears that our entire comment chain got nuked. So it is now confirmed that if you delete the parent, then all children get removed as well.

For any reading this message, the context is that we tested it by me replying to OP's previous comment, then OP responding to me, then I deleted my comment to see if their comment also got deleted.

In addition to this, there is no limitation on the magazine size for rimfire longuns in Canada.

[source] With some exceptions, there is no limit to the magazine capacity for:

  • semi-automatic, rim-fire long guns
  • other long guns that are not semi-automatics

Nah, never liked the feature, wouldn’t appreciate it here.

Would you mind elaborating on why you feel that way?

Side note, external images can be embedded in markdown like this:

![alt description](https://example.com/cool-image.png)

Thank you for that info! I'll update my post.

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Well, that doesn't bode well.

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This isn't necessarily about the sheer size of population, and has more to do with birth rates, but this Kurzgesagt video also outlines well the need for a higher birth rate.

Hm, one must be careful with such lines of thinking. Self-defense should be protected, and upheld based on principle, and not simply because it was used against someone who may socially detestable.


Does your network not support UPnP? You shouldn't normally need to port forward in order to seed a torrent, unless your network prevents NAT traversal.

I presume that anywhere where interest-free loans are offered, they are offered by that country's government. Canada, for example, as of April 1st 2023, offers federal student loans interest-free. Depending on the province, some may not have interest on provincial loans, as well.

Your are absolutely right. I guess I had accidentally copied the wrong link. Thank you for letting me know! I have now updated my post.

Scary, but neat.

I recommend downloading it from f-droid if you want full functionality (like self-hosted sync) for free -- the one in the play store is monetized (however I do recommend donating to the dev if you don't want to pay the subscription fee).

The 2022 remaster of Tomorrow Never Knows by The Beatles (spotify) has lots of sounds that pan left and right, but they may not be the kind of "rapid panning" that you are talking about.

You mean like how most places don't let you vote before you turn 18 because it is accepted that children have not developed the cognitive ability to make sound decisions in regards to electing officials?

This is a strawman argument. OP was talking about an age limit for elected officials, whereas you are now talking about age restrictions on the voters. Yes, we are both talking about cognitive decline in decision making; however there is a substantial difference between putting an age limit on those who can be in power vs. putting an age limit on those who can decide who is in power.

I agree with the statement that you are making, but, if I may be pedantic for just a moment, the way that your example was worded is not an example of gaslighting; it is actually an example of something called "affirming the disjunct".

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It could be as simple as updating a post with an outcome. You paste in a link and don’t realise until too late that you actually pasted in your personal email address. Do you then have to delete the whole thread and all it’s 1000 comments?

Hm, that's actually a very good counterexample. I hadn't considered that.

Wikipedia is aggressively compressed (since you can merge multiple article revisions together and build a decent dictionary to drop the size dramatically).

The example that I provided is uncompressed. Here is a notable excerpt from Wikipedia:

As of May 2015, the current version of the English Wikipedia article / template / redirect text was about 51 GB uncompressed in XML format.

Since I am only talking about the article content, and not any of the extra structure, or linking data, then it should be straightforward to imagine that it is only ~20GB in size.

Being able to go back and fix my comment or add to it, change hyperlinks, etc, is great. Knowing conversations might get derailed to fixate on why I changed something etc is not great.

As was pointed out by @sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works, this may be self-limiting issue, since this sort of behavior would be quickly condemned by the court of public opinion.

It’s not just about editing out passwords or hiding what is already out there in the federation. Public internet, no taksies-backsies is beyond the point.

However, that seems to be the common counterargument in this comment section.

It’s about facilitating good communication.

Correct, but this is a subjective argument. I am of the opinion that it would improve communication by improving the quality of the post (removing things like "EDIT Grammar", etc.), and improving one's trustworthiness in the post's content.

I’d imagine the nitpicking and derailing will be more prevalent that any other use of the feature.

This is conjecture.

Why do you need to “verify” what a user changed?

This was already outlined in my post. People can change their post's content through an edit to mislead the reader.

Chilling impact / chilling effect is just a technical term for things that inhibit or discourage behaviours.

Oh, my mistake! Was this the idea that you were intending to convey?

It can take only one or two negative interactions to shut a user up and revert them to lurking. Lemmy needs people talking.

I would honestly argue that the lemmings, themselves, accomplish this already to a far greater degree 😉 -- although that could be due to the influx of redditors, I'm not sure.

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This one actually isn't so bad. If a person opts out of their edit history being shown, at least this would be a sort of red flag for the reader that should trigger skepticism in the content's trustworthiness. That being said, it would still be inferior to having a mandatory edit history.

For more in depth information, I'll refer you to this Wikipedia article on digital signatures. But, the long and short of it is that I distribute a public key which would be used alongside that signature to verify if that signature was generated by my private key for the content that is contained in the given post.


I don't. The string at the end of my comments is a digital signature which serves as a means to verify that I was the one that posted it, and that it wasn't modified by an admin, or any other external entity.

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Are any of the examples that your provided libre/free and open-source? I wasn't able to find any info for Google's, and Cloudflare seems to only offer theirs for free if you are already using Cloudflare's services. If not the examples that you provided, does there exist any tools that are libre/free and open-source?

I think it’s sensible to ignore prohibitions of this nature

While sensible, I would argue that it is ill-advised (depending on context). One would instead be better suited to protest for this right, or to build grassroots support with the hope of democratically achieving it.

freedom is a practice.

I do strongly agree with this statement; however, the rule of law must be respected unless one is absolutely certain that there is no other choice. I think the declaration of independence puts it succinctly:

[...] Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government [...] Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. [...]


occ files:scan --all (or something like that)

I have already done this, as was mentioned in the post.

Neat idea! Although, it would probably be more practical to use a centralized model since if one peer is offline, then the syncing would not occur. That is, if my assumption is correct that you are thinking of directly syncing between 2 devices.

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