
2 Post – 107 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

While they’re still mods they can still affect some level of change.

If they can't endure even a 1 week strike on a social network then they cannot affect any change anyway because they are a completely powerless farce. Imagine how quickly they'd fold if this were a RL thing with actual consequences beyond their moderator position.

I mean have we forgotten when last year the mod of that sub went to a live interview and the whole subreddit was so ashamed they had to distance themselves from it? I think the day later they said nobody will interview anymore and they removed the person as a mod and wiped any trace of it? They are a joke, this is just another event that proves it.

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Yep, without actual big content creators the platform is just randos talking about their private life. That's not inherently a bad thing but Mastodon often feels to me more like Facebook for software developers than something like Twitter where'd if actually find interesting new people to follow or art/music/games to enjoy.

Lack of proper discovery tools and algorithm is also a big issue.

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The moment you get actual content creators to move off twitter and provide their content on mastodon, I'm deleting it too. Until then I don't really see mastodon being a proper replacement, if anything it looks like bsky is taking the lead in that area unfortunately. Besides, half of mastodon community is seemingly against the idea of becoming mainstream anyway... so I dunno if it's ever going to work out that way.

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Hope we get some comparable options yet, I only know of matrix and that one allegedly has tons of security and performance issues.

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What? 😥 I was/am so hyped for TWAU2, the first one was awesome. Why is that studio so cursed...

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That's a shame, it's a really fun movie and great to watch in cinemas. Doesn't reach the highs of fury road but it was still a really good time for me personally.

I was so excited 10 years ago for star citizen. I played eve online and was in a corporation there with my best friends at the time, I couldn't wait until the day we'd all be standing together on the bridge of a ship and actually fly together for a change.

It's just been a downhill disappointment since then, with CR seeming more of a scam artist with every lie he'd make over the years and SC getting further away from that initial dream. I tried it a year or two ago and it's barely functioning, and even less of a game. I thought that by 2020 we'd have at least SQ42 for sure, but not it looks like they can't complete even that.

And the community still eats it up and defends the project vehemently. I've never seen such a fanatical fanbase that can't see what's in front of their eyes. And I'm still not even angry about it... just sad and disappointed.

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@Gaywallet Have you moderated communities before Beehaw? You seem like you have a lot of (bad) experiences with it but are still passionate about it, any specific place it comes from? I'm just being curious, you don't have to answer if you don't want to

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But... they are literally the mods of r/antiwork, a community based around calling out unfair treatment by bosses and gathering strength to quit and find better employment.

You can't make this shit up, it's so stupid - it'd be unbelievably dumb if it weren't for the fact that it actually happened.

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Sounds like you want forums, basically :D

I'm pretty nostalgic for forums myself but while they are great for smaller communities centered around a specific topic, they were really difficult to navigate when it comes to larger general communities IMHO. Fediverse with its reddit-like structure has an advantage here, and I personally like the idea of AP and multiple smaller communities interacting. We just need better tech and UI.

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She's doing the same thing as always, taking advantage of vulnerable people while playing herself off as a victim. This is hardly news or something positive about AI chat bots...

The genie is out of the bottle and discord is unfortunately here to stay for the foreseeable future. What we need are good reliable tools to export all this data to an external service / knowledge base. At least that way they could be picked up by web search and be accessible without a discord account one day down the line when discord goes to shit.

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I'm pretty new here so dunno how much it counts, but for what it's worth I think it's a good idea. I've recently seen quite a few users that have been posting from these instances and it seemed to me like they are just trying to instigate conflict or drama rather than build a community. The way they have write is aggressive and rude but not enough to break any specific rules, which must be hell to moderate. The mods here have been amazing so far so if this will help them, I'm all for it.

Besides, it shouldn't affect users too much - we can still manually go and subscribe to defederated instances and see that in the "subscribed" feed, right? This just means it's not discoverable through "All", and vice versa.

edit: I was wrong, it seems defederating completely stops content flow between instances, the things I've been seeing on subscribed page is old stuff from before the defederation. Still, a bit tricky but not insurmountable if it makes for a better sense of community in the end.

I don't know about discord issues, the hype behind is it mostly that it's free, very convenient, feature rich and can easily integrate bots. Its the go-to place to build communities nowadays.

Matrix issues that I read about can be seen here https://telegra.ph/why-not-matrix-08-07 . I haven't done my own research tho so I don't know if all of this is (still) true

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Lemmy is a public forum, discord servers are usually for invite-only, more closed-off communities, and we're not talking about a lemmy replacement but rather how this is inadequate as a discord replacement.

What makes these two better?

Kbin deserved to win in that case.

Nobody is saying it doesn't "deserve" to win, whatever that means in a federated non-profit social network. The issue is that kbin probably wouldn't be an asshole that intentionally created compatibility issues with lemmy just because they are in a superior position on the market in order to kill its 'competition'. Meta absolutely will without a second thought.

But even that was like 5+ years ago, ancient history by software dev standards. It's hardly an excuse for the state it's in today.

Well, valheim now works straight out of the box on Pop_OS so that's an improvement! Haven't downloaded other games so not sure about that just yet though, still setting up my usual programs now.

On the other hand I kinda hate its GUI, I installed that gnome extension to make the toolbars customizeable and now it just crashes every once in a while, for example just few minutes ago alt-tab stopped working and everything minimalized and became unresponsive so I had to force shut it off. An hour ago I closed the laptop lid and when I reopened it later, the OS woke up to the login screen but everything was frozen and I couldn't do anything. It's a bit of a cursed OS, you can't even click the folder path to copy the path, I miss mint lol.

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Trying not to get sucked into the hype since I only game on PC and it will be years before it's available here ;(

At the end of the day the idea is that an instance is responsible for their users. If kbin.social (or any other) allows a bunch of trolls to sign up in droves there and harass users of another instance, then it seems to me like it's completely justified to defederate them until they get their house in order.

Moderation is going to be a big issue in fediverse and it seems like the only way to keep it manageable is to make instances self moderate properly. It might be rough in the start but it will eventually lead so properly moderated instances remain connected to each other, while 4chat-like environments are in their own space.

The more LLM stuff gets banned the better. I'm really tired of seeing those "AI summaries of articles" that are completely unreliable since they change the tone, miss important bits, show bias or sometimes add completely new made up sentences to it. If you want to make a summary write it yourself instead of relying on a glorified auto complete tool to do it for you...

I dunno whats the official definition, I just remember the old (phpbb) forums having a complex roles structure and privileges so a subset of community would often have access to subforums or threads that other people can't see. You'd have a public face of the forum and then private categories within it that wouldn't be visible from outside.

This is more of a reddit-like news bulletin where everything is public and open by default - in the case of fediverse even more so since everything automatically gets pushed to other servers that you have no control over.

I doubt they would sell the engine but it would be nice if we had good modding tools and map editors like in NWN for example, custom maps and campaigns could keep bg3 alive for a long time - especially considering that they have no plans for expansions afaik

The update that overhauls the core systems is going to be free, the expansion being sold is the phantom liberty new story with the president and Idris Elba. Just saying.

I really don't know how to feel about him. He's either the world's greatest liar since people keep falling for it, or he's genuinely just that passionate but keeps overpromising (the Peter Molyneux syndrome).

That's what I used twitter for tbh. Since everyone is on it it's easy to follow people, get instant updates and maybe even discover something new through the people you follow and their likes. It's really a shame it went to shit, it was the lurkers perfect tool, especially when it comes to artists or content creators.

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I use jerboa so I'm not affected afaik but I'm curious why the uncertainty about update, they are (generally) a good thing for performance and security. Have there been issues before?

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Exactly, we've been getting better engines, tools and educated game devs for the past decade too and it's what led to current situation. I don't think AI is going to help with anything, it will just result in more soulless cash grabs if it's used the same way ChatGPT has been lately.

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Maybe for you but I miss interacting with actual developers, personalities or other content creators that post and respond on reddit or twitter. Mastodon and lemmy/kbin only get second hand crossposts (if even that), without any of the actual interaction and back-and-forth that usually happens. I'm still hoping it takes off eventually but if the "big exodus" didn't do it I don't see it changing at all for the foreseeable future.

That's a tough question and my answer usually depends on the mood but I think mad max fury road has got to be up there near the top of the list. It's just a perfect movie. Interesting hook and story, amazing action scenes and visuals, chilling music, amazing performances of everyone involved... Every few years I just get the urge to re-watch it and it's always fun.

Jerboa has been logging me out constantly to the point I'm considering trying some other app. Even kbin PWA has been working better for me in this regard.

I really should have known better than to expect a consensus in a topic like this 😁 Ask 10 linuxheads which disto is the best and you'll get 12 different answers

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Id hope they use the popularity to improve it further but I really don't wanna get invested in the same way I have with valheim, they have been mostly resting on their laurels so far and these developers will probably do the same. I hope I'm wrong tho, seems like a game I'd enjoy if it had more depth.

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You're bunding all of it together. I don't want EA to run their marketing campaign or mastodon (although why not - it'd add legitimacy to the platform and I can easily block/not follow them), but I do want smaller youtubers posting there, I want artists to share news or boost other artists. I want developers to post announcements about what they are working on or when an update drops for their game. I want developers to have their personal accounts there and share stories about the development too.

All of this i get on twitter. I haven't gotten any of it on mastodon because none of these people have moved off twitter, and never will because mastodon doesn't want to give them a platform on which they can reach the same audience.

I guess the point I have an issue with here is 'ability to do things not specifically trained on'. LLMs are still doing just that, and often incorrectly - they basically just try to guess the next words based on a huge dataset they trained on. You can't actually teach it anything new, or to put it better it can't actually derive conclusions by itself and improve in such way - it is not actually intelligent, it's just freakishly good at guessing.

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Please please please let this be the breaking point at which big online personalities switch to mastodon, or at least start using those crossposting tools. That's the only thing I miss from twitter and something RSS cant replace

Citizen Sleeper (discounted on GOG rn!) is really good. The timed elements are not as stressful as I thought they might be and the overall story is interesting enough to keep me playing. It does feel a bit too easy in the later stages, and I'm afraid I might have made a decision that is gonna end the game for me too early, but otherwise I'm having fun with it, can definitely recommend it if you want a sci-fi story-based / resource management game.

Not everything is black and white, just because Beehaw doesn't want to be in the center of massive reddit exodus and fediverse growth doesn't mean they don't want to interact with any other (properly moderated) instance.

Maybe they want to share customers with a nearby pub, but don't want to get stopmed over by starbucks, you know.