
2 Post – 28 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The problem I have with this viewpoint is this.

Where does it start and where does it end?

World history is full of atrocities, crimes, war etc.

Additionally, many of the things which we now consider atrocity or crime might not even have been one in the past.

Fabricating such artificial claims is the same as Putin is doing by using the history book for creating claims on Ucraine.

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For me it is the other way around. At home too much distraction. In the office I can focus.

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If you do it like Putin, you could say these parts of the US belong, historically speaking, to Mexico anyway.

Crusader No Remorse, Crusader No Regret and Civil War Generals 2

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BattleBit and Fifa23

Made severall purchases on G2A and Kinguin and never had a problem. I only buy old games though and only from resellers with a lot of reviews.

Stopped with G2A however when they asked me to upload an ID.

I do not think that it is complicated to join or use.

But many do not care about privacy and centralization and hence will not leave mainstream platforms. Also the network effect is strong.

give it time and dedication. it will grow if we want it to.

It is or was not their land to begin with Hence the land was not stolen.

Before it was occupied by the Ottoman Empire. Then the area was a British protectorate. So when in the time frame of several centuries was there a Palestinian state or nation?

Figured I can just play the Battlefield games for which I payed less and which is basically the same but with better graphics, sounds and effects.

Also I can buy it later again when it is on discount below Eur 10,00.

Anno 1404 and City Skylines

Israel is no apartheid regime. Thats silly.

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I cancelled my Xbox ultimate subscription because of the latest price increase. Eur 12,99 to Eur 14,99. Just no.

Cheaper to buy the games.

Israel never proclaimed the destruction of Palestinians. Where did you get that?

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I bought Battlebit Remastered, and refunded it after 70 mins playing.

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That kids or later generations are liable for past crimes or wrong doings (by todays standards!!!) is not fair and it is no justice.

In German it is called Sippenhaftung and was even used by the Nazis.


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For my taste your analogy is faulty.

You put it like it was a game of Civ.

The history and development of nations and cultures on Earth was/is much more complex.

What do you mean by block feature? What do you want to block?

Time is too precious for wasting it playing subpar games on mobile phones.

For me the best gaming experience is on the PC.

by your logic, if someone stole something, have it to his brother and then got caught, having the brother give back the stolen goods is something Nazis would have done.

According to Sippenhaftung the Nazis would probably have shot the thieve, his brother, their parents, other family members and burned down their houses.

In case of societies you mean collective liability then?

The society in question (which exactly?) of today is not the same compared to the society of the past. How can it be at fault?

Be aware of not confusing nation state with cultural group or ethnicity. Palestinians are basically Arabs.

The state of Israel never said that they want to wipe out another culture, like the Arabs. It is actually the other way around.

Israel is not an apartheid regime. That is silly.

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and then HAMAS has to stop proclaiming the destruction of Israel.

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Just reading such a headline and about some calculated average global temperature record is enough for me to categorize it as fearmongering. Same as with covid infection statistics in the last three years. Now with climate. Screw that. On this issue I am perfectly happy with my heuristics.

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Where are the NGOs with boats in order to bring them to Europe?

How is this average calculated? Such numbers cannot be taken serious.

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It is moral blackmailing.

ok, that is your opinion, right?

As the trial about this Jan 6 event has not even started he is innocent until proven guilty, right?

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