
1 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"GPS attacks" shows picture of sonar

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The Irishman - It was so highly recommended by many but I could only go through half the movie (which is 3h long) and despite having watched 90 mins I couldn't bring myself to watch the second half or recap what happened in the first. Maybe too much flew over my head but it bored me too much and I couldn't see the appeal at all.

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Fairphone or probably something else along those lines. Having the ability to hot swap broken parts or sinply upgrade is a pretty bug pro.

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Boiled potatoes, maybe. But I wouldn't count on the eggs, especially when it can get hot outside.

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Pi-hole? Pardon my ignorance but could you elaborate?

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Also a big pro

Because your kids won't need a parent once they turn 18?

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I'm sorry, what?

Could whistle normally as long as I can remember. Tried forever to learn the two finger loud whistles as a kid and never could make a sound but still tried. I still recall when I was around 13 yo reading Goosebumps and randomly did the gesture when suddenly I made the first successfull attempt. I literally turned to the mirror on the side becuase of the surprise and had that Shaq face on Hot Ones. After practicing for a while I discovered that, while you can whistle EXTREMELY loudly this way, you legit hurt your own eardrums the most. Basically kamikaze whistling. I don't use it that often because of it.

The third way of whsitling is by blowing through your palms which makes that owl-like howl. You can basically do the first part of the song in Once Upon a Time in the West this way.

Also, snapping your fingers in a very "snappy" loud and deep kinda way.

I want to know

Thinking about getting back into Crossfire. That was a super fun time during high school with a good friend about 15 years ago. Maybe it's just the nostalgia but I remember some quite fun modes like Ghosts.

No, it still doesn't. This has been an issue for me since I started using lemmy during the reddit drama. I initially thought it would be due to the influx of new users and all the issues that came with it or a problem with the app that would be ironed out later. But it's unfortunately still the same after months. Thanks for the links though. I never had any idea that lemmy.world defederated that many instances.

Awesome! Didn't even know of its existence until now. Thanks for the heads up!

A cat picture I saved on my phone from reddit half a decade ago. I think it's a neat picture plus doesn't give too much information about myself aside from prolly being a cat person.



Or whatever the animated movie featuring a gory cat detective story was called.


What happened?

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Kilo translates to thousand. Mega to a million. So in you example, kilometer fits perfectly. Megameter would be a million meters, or a thousand kilometers which is annoying to say on the scale we humans use on a day to day basis. And if it comes to space, megameters are way too little.

An arab country siphons resources from the US this time? How ironic.

Holy shit that's awesome. I've considered getting a Fairphone or comparable alternative for a while now. Only think holding me back was the design and limited color options (first world problems, I know) as having bricks to carry around is something I despise which is also a problem with new phones in general. They simply are too thick or the screens are too big.

I've heard one of the reasons you don't often see people smiling on old photos is because you had to hold the pose for quite a while. So in order to make it easier (and prolly not look like an idiot) they often went for the most mundane expressions. Not sure if it's true though. Someone more informed is welcome to enlighten me.

Child of light Had it on my radar for some years, then in my Steam library for many more. Finally played it. Really nice vibe and combat system with amazing art direction and narrative.


Oh, I didn't mind the slow pace that much but I couldn't see what the movie was getting at as it seemed like a diary entry of a mafioso. The overarching elements throughout the first half somehow didn't appeal to me. Marvel has been going downhill for quite a while but that's a different topic

Not available on connect you can only choose undetermined afaik

Fart jokes

Was it? Curious to hear more as I'm considering the extension

Tmyk. I still thought it mattered until I read this reply. Could you explain why? Everytime I try to visit other communities on instances I didn't register a seperate account on, I can only lurk.


Hello Fine Thanks. I'm CD.