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Joined 1 years ago

The Cybernetic Federal Republic of Kaltovar is a colossal, efficient nation, ruled by The TEMPEST Council with an even hand, and notable for its national health service, compulsory gun ownership, and devotion to social welfare.

Okay, guess I just won't use it then if they defed from my primary instance. Glad they did this now and not later when they became bigger and more important.

If they're that into making a safe space then fine. Hopefully some other people will also make more free spaces and both of them can exist and everyone can be happy.

I realize that is a highly optimistic outlook to put it mildly. I must remain hopeful to avoid losing my mind, if I haven't already -.-

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Seems like a pretty reasonable request. Hopefully they get the tools they're after and then everyone can be even more connected again!

This is very useful information. People should be free to discuss ideas without the FBI glaring over their shoulder.

I bitch about Islam constantly. Almost as much as I bitch about Christianity. Being in the USA, Christianity negatively effects my life far more than Islam does so it's a higher priority to complain about.

It is difficult to find someone further left than me, and I enjoy free speech.

The problem with "Far left" is you could be talking about communists, or anarchists, or fucking stalinists, or me. There's a few other ideologies that you could label that way too.

Were you meaning the people who made Lemmy@lemmy.ml are communists? Because I don't really mind as long as I can say what I like here. I've never given an extraordinary amount of fucks what the ideology of a person hosting something I use is, so long as the thing works and they don't fuck with it too much.

I find centrists and liberals to be just as, if not more, frustrating than ML roleplayers. At least the ML roleplayers are similarly pissed off at landlords and capitalism. Yet, I take part in centrist/lib boards all the time and get plenty out of it. So why would I be upset the people who made a board are commies if that belief they hold isn't actively fucking me over?

Worst case scenario, if they do start fucking with it, I'll just ignore the board and use another one.

This satire is an observation that the entire system is run by oligarchs. If you’re too stupid to see that, then go back to the slime pool you spawned from and leave me alone. I hope you fester and die of poverty in the shithole of a country you refuse to change. You support nothing but more endless imperialist sludge and when you are choking on your own fumes and watching your children degenerate in a homeless camp right next to you maybe you’ll understand that yes, both “sides” in this garbage can of a fucking country are oligarchical greasy turds who need to be flushed down the toilet bowl and you along with them you simpering babboon of ignorance!

May you die choking on your own hubris under the boot of the smile-fucking politician you sold your soul to on the promise of change. Curse you and everyone who thinks vaguely like you, you ox headed parody of a sentient being and accidental unpaid minion of the kleptocracy!

Yeah, except I am and literally everyone who knows me knows that I am and it's a well documented fact because I have a presence on the internet that you can literally just google and see for yourself.

I know this is fucking surprising for you, but Jewish people exist and can also be married to other men, and the majority of the present generation is on the left one way or the other.

Statistically speaking, you were bound to meet one eventually, and based on your behavior you were bound to inappropriately call them something they're not.

You have two paths here: You can remain in fantasy land fervently huffing your own farts and disbelieving the reality that sits in front of your face, or you can accept that you just called a pansexual anti-capitalist jewish leftist alt right and take the L for being such a trigger happy fucking moron.

Either way?

Suck my Jewish balls bitch! 😸

I'm so bigoted and alt right that I'm an anti capitalist far left Jew in a gay marriage who wants to see a revolution.

Are you beginning to see why I take pleasure in your disapproval? You are so materially fucking stupid that I consider it a mark of approval by the universe itself.

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If censorship is the answer, why have years of censorship failed to eradicate undesirable ideologies?

It is fascinating to watch a lot of people who got purged from social media for being too leftist and flocked to a defederated forum created by free speech enjoyers go on to immediately start complaining about the lack of censorship and damning the concept of free speech having learned nothing in the process.

The most popular suggestion here seems to be isolating yourselves from any part of the Fediverse which doesn't accept your demands. Now, if we could just get the Nazis to be stupid enough to follow in your footsteps and curtail their own methods of ideological propagation, this place might actually start to be kind of chill.

Instead they keep fucking talking to people and trying to convince them of stuff, which has proven vastly more efficient in achieving their goals. I am severely disappointed in all of you for making Nazis look intelligent by comparison.

I welcome your down votes, as disapproval from you is a mark that my brain is not grossly malfunctioning.

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