
13 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Your feelings are valid and I hope you are doing well, all things considered.

There is huge value in discussing your feelings with those who are going through the same things as you, or who have gone through it in the past. I hope you do consider coming to !lgbtq_plus@beehaw.org and chatting there if you are comfortable with it. And, for what it's worth, even if you never plan to come out publicly, you are still valid as whatever gender (or lack thereof) that you identify as, and you deserve to feel supported and loved.

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Plus, they made it so only non-commercial accessibility apps could use the API for free. So basically, reddit is saying: you can do our job for us and fix the shit we should have fixed on our end over 8 years ago, but you can't get paid for it.

Most blind iOS redditors were using Apollo I believe.

Gender expression and gender stereotypes are societal constructs. A person's sense of their own gender is (probably) not. There have been many times where people have tried to raise their child as a different gender than the child was assigned at birth, and the child 99% of the time identifies with the gender assigned at birth, at the same rate as the general cisgender population. There have also been studies of identical twins where if one twin is trans, the other twin often is as well, at a much higher rate than fraternal twins.

There is a genetic component and a constructed component to gender.

Edit: wording.

Edit 2: See my comment below with sources on the twins study - it's possible I was misinformed on this. The results of studies are mixed.

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I was actually repeating what was said in a video I watched yesterday so I went to look at their sources - here is a relevant study that supports this conclusion - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1743609515339060

However while looking it up in google scholar I did find another study that concluded the opposite, that there's no significant difference between identical and fraternal twins. That study is here. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-17749-0

So it's possible that I was misinformed.

As a bonus, here's an interesting analysis about what even is gender and gender identity in an academic setting. https://academic.oup.com/analysis/advance-article/doi/10.1093/analys/anad027/7204699

For me, a big thing is to not only post about the wins.

Back when I was still using facebook, I made a point of at least once a month making a post talking about my struggles, because I knew that seeing everyone else post only happy posts made me feel like everyone else had a parfect life and I was the only failure. Of course that's not true, it's just that they weren't posting about the bad times.

Florida was a swing state until very recently.

Thank you for the kind words, but it really is almost entirely thanks to the pattern artist that it's so cute! I just did what the pattern said 😊

Yeah, as someone with ADHD I find the idea that gamification is inherently exploitative to be outright offensive. It’s an absolutely necessary accessibility tool for many people with executive function issues. Hell I need gamification to remember to brush my damn teeth every day.

Sure some corpos can take it too far, but this article is way off the mark.

I am agnostic. My personal point of view is that if there some sort of all-powerful being(s) and they want something other than "don't be a jerk" out of me, I don't care enough to put effort into impress them.

I do love learning about other people's belief systems, though, as long as they don't try to prostelytize to me.

You might like to explore the communities at mander.xyz, they're a science/nature-focused instance. https://mander.xyz/communities

Ooh good callout, I wasn't aware of that.

I think they were clarifying whether image posts (topics that are an image) could use that, and they cannot. Only inline images can.

On that note, the developer of the iOS lemmy app mlem has said that he's focusing on blind accessibility every step of the process during development and will be hiring accesibility consultants to make sure he gets it right.

That portion is anecdotal. These stories come from either before there were ethics guidelines in psychology so people were studying their own children, or reviews of child abuse cases where the parent was forcing a different identity on their children. This is not something that is possible to (ethically) run an empirical study on, unfortunately.

I kind of just want to… not be bound by gender.

I'm cis myself so I can't really advise you too strongly, but if you're trying to find a label for what you're feeling, I'd suggest looking into nonbinary, agender, and/or genderqueer identities and seeing if any of them resonate with you.

Good luck <3

because they’re just there without begging for my attention

You clearly haven't met my mom's cat, lmao

This is probably better suited to a kbin magazine than a lemmy community 😉

I take a medication that makes my skin sunburn easier, so I do have to wear sunscreen all the time. It sucks.

But skin cancer sucks even more so yeah

If you live in the US, the Trader Joe's facial sunscreen is excellent, it's clear and doesn't leave a white cast. Asian sunscreens are also a lot more cosmetically elegant than american sunscreens tend to be. Our sunscreens in America are actually decades behind other countries technologically, because the FDA is very slow to approve newer sunscreen filters.

Some northeastern US accents do something similar. Not sure the exact term for it but it is a linguistic thing. Words that end in A get turned into an R sound, like Emma sounding like Emmer.

even transgender friends have told me I don’t sound transgender

It's important to note that all trans people are different and have different experiences, so just because your experience doesn't line up with that of other trans folks doesn't mean you're any less trans than they are (if you identify as such).

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I don't think the term "neurodivergent" implies there's nothing wrong with you and you don't need treatment. Neurodivergent is also used to describe bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and schizoaffective disorder. The term means that there is a structural difference in how the brain deveops in comparison to neurotypical people, as opposed to a "chemical imbalance" as is often used to describe mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, which you can be born with but you can also develop due to trauma.

In addition to what @Barbarian@lemmy.ml mentioned about changing the filter and searching, you can link it from your own instance like so:


You can also grab the URL to any community or post on another instance, return to your own instance, and paste the URL into the search bar. If you're the first person to ever search for that server it might not find anything at first, but it'll fetch the data and probably work in a couple minutes.

I love it!

Thank you!

If you're transcribing text, transcribe all of the text, including repeated names.

Thank you! I hadn’t thought about the casing with hashtags, I’ll be sure to be mindful of that from now on.

Thank you! I added that to my OP.

It's worth mentioning that if a community you don't want to see is implemented, you can go to the community page to see the "block community" button (right under the subscribe button). 🙂

Yup, people with ASD, OCD, and CPTSD also struggle with these issues. They tend to be mis-diagnosed with other conditions on the list fairly frequently.

Side note: If you're diagnosed with ADHD but stimulants make your symptoms worse, consider being evaluated for OCD instead. That was something a friend of mine experienced.

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Just a quick update, Lauren just released a video saying she's out of the hospital, and going over her thoughts about the entire experience.

There's !cptsd@lemmy.ml but it has no posts

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If you're into gw2 specifically, there seem to be 3 communities (two active and one basically dead I think) in the fediverse -




I have 3 cross stitch projects I’m working on right now.

This first one is actually finished, but I need to get around to washing and framing it. It was a Christmas present for my father, so hopefully I can get it done soon 😅 It’s of Zion National Park which is in Utah, and is one of his favorites. The pattern is by Awesome Pattern Studio

Zion National Park

This next one is a silly one that I started last pride month and has been sitting at about 80% done for a year, so I intend to finish this pride month - the bi pride opossum. Just need to finish the foliage. The pattern is by Studio Ansitru

Bi Pride Opossum

Finally my monster WIP, the 2021 stitchalong from Modern Folk Embroidery. Hoping to get this one done within this year. Since it’s only 2 colors it actually works up pretty quickly. Pattern is by Modern Folk Embroidery

Modern Folk Embroidery 2021 SAL

Those are all of my WIPs for now. I have the materials for another project on order and possibly arriving on Friday.

It's better to have alt text in the comment than to have no alt text at all :)

I had some weird bugs replaying it recently but maybe you'll have better luck than me - Orwell

Cloudpunk is more of a delivery game that has a mystery aspect but I enjoyed it (haven't finished it yet)

CaseCracker was enjoyable but there were some translation issues I think so some things weren't clear in English.

Thanks for this!

I honestly doubt I will entirely stop using it, but I will likely entirely stop using it on mobile, and continue to use adblock on old.reddit. Some of the communities there are fairly irreplacable for me for now, especially hobby communities with their wikis and tutorials and years of answered questions you can search for.

It will most likely stop being my main time waster website on the net, though, and for that I'm not sad.