
1 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Honestly this is probably how I subconciously felt on reddit for maybe a few years before I left. In all the slightly larger subreddits you could mostly predict how the comment section would look like. Mostly the same jokes and the same answers. The best posts also felt like they were made by people who put in a lot of time to figure out how to get to the frontpage and once you yourself made a post it would mostly be removed for some reason or buried. On Lemmy it is also much easier to see other opinions that are not directly downvoted into oblivion but rather discussed and as long as the person does not behave like an idiot the discussion is interesting.

I think seeing how fast many people turn into people they would not have liked when they were younger. It's probably part of growing up but many people seem to not remember what they wanted to do better than their parents.

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Since switching to Lemmy I use my up/downvote in a different way than on reddit. Upvote now means I think the comment/post contributes something valuable while downvote means the comment/post is unnecessarily unfriendly or just not contributing anything constructive.

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Haven't seen Inkscape here yet. I use it for almost every image editing thing I regularly do like cropping, stitching together, adding text and of course creating graphics from scratch.

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What a legend.

A landing strip for model aircraft with lights.

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Mont-Saint-Michel definitely was a special place. Already driving up to it and seeing it from a distance was surreal and then walking through this tightly packed place seemingly in the middle of the sea is unlike anything else.

But that's why federation is great. If you don't like how one instance handles stuff you can move to any other instance that suits you or even host your own.

I guess it could be that it's easier to build. You have a tower that only gives structural support and you have a gondola that only deals with all the rotation. In general it is difficult to have something that rotates and also carries a large load. And the rotating gondola technology is a solved problem. Plus you have a large rotor area that is always facing the wind instead of half your blade area going opposite to the wind. These are just guesses though.

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I read that some people on here go about it by blocking accounts that are repeatedly toxic. I like this approach since it directly improves your own feed and if a lot of people do it with time the reduced exposure these accounts get could improve the platform as a whole.

the dude that couldn't take a shit for three days

Evince (the standard GNOME pdf reader) has night mode that you can toggle with "Ctrl + i" by default.

If you're new to FPV flying and unsure I can recommend getting the controller first and practicing in a simulator. it will save you a lot of money since your first crashes won't cost anything.

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I do the same when wiping my phone. Some time ago I wiped it carfully and suddenly all the colors changed until i tapped the screen again.

I was thinking about what if one instance shuts down for whatever reason. Then a lot could be lost. But in a similar way a subbreddit also had no backup if something would happen to them so they could already be lost. One can just hope that the instances will develop a solid funding/administration foundation to stand on so they will stay.

Do you feel like you could use coding in your daily business or is it just an interest you would like to pursue?

Twitter is one of the things that shows me how much we all live in bubbles. I have a twitter account and know a few people who have one too but it's not really a huge thing among people I know. But sometimes I stumble upon huge communities that heavily use twitter and absolutely rely upon it.

I just love searching through their photos/graphics sections and finding super cool looking stuff from museums, history or culture in general.

Don't know if it really is the favourite one since I like a lot of cars but the Alpine A110 is definitely close to the top. It just embodies everything that I think a car should aim to be. Light, inexpensive, great handling, good looking.

What makes you say that there will never be "a poop knife"?

I was very active on Reddit for a long time but for some reason I also don't miss it. I think it's because the big subreddits felt "too big" for quite some time before and even in the smaller subreddits there was often too much unnecessary negativity.

Great points. I guess there will be communities that connect each other over instances for various reasons but in general it will just be a little different to what we are used to since it is something different.

it's definitely harder than it may seem in videos. but I've seen people getting the hang of it in a few sessions in the sim. I'd say it you're okay at flying in the simulator and close to actually buying a real done you could get FPV goggles and practice some more with them. it all depends on how determined you are too get into the hobby.

This is the way. Maybe this should be shown to everyone who signs up and everyone should be reminded once in a while to keep up this system.

What are those shortcomings?

I also try to get along with a small amount of software and I also mainly stick with default configurations. It is a great feeling when setting up a new PC or a device that there is little need to install a bunch of software and mess with a lot of configurations just to get my learned workflow up and running. Therefore there also isn't really a need to follow new software releases.

With that username I totally believe you wish for nothing more.

In the settings you can select the default for sort type and which communities to show (Subscribed, Local, All).

maybe your taste buds are just different to most people and much more sensitive to onion flavor

I don't know a lot about running instances and the federation system but I think companies who operate search engines could create their own instances where they decide who to federate with and then use their instances to look for information. That shouldn't be too difficult and they can create custom systems that suit them best. I don't think it's the users job to do that and until that happens the users of Lemmy should just focus on generating good content.

It was an great moment when I learned that bangs exist. I only use two or three but it's still amazing.

You don't even have to save that link. In the online version of lemmy at least it says "Modlog" at the bottom of every page.

Yeah and then in the next section they reveal that you have to use to official Reddit app to even be able to do anything with your points. It's a joke.

I was scrolling the deep sea site and at over 2000m I was not expecting to see any mammals and then at 2400m there was the Elephant Seal. I'd have never thought that those massive blobs of animal can do such amazing things.

Thanks for the input. Maybe thinking about instances as "different things" is something that we just have to remove from our brains. Instead one could think of them more like "apps" (like RIF vs Apollo for reddit) since they all access the same platform, but influence which data from the platform you see and the way you see that platform.

I find it easier on the eyes plus I don't use Oled Screens so I'm thinking "why should I block all this light that my backlight produces anyway just so i have something that looks a little more aesthetic?"

Not really, since I went back once or twice but then realised how little value I get from there and how much time I waste there. I also try to reduce my time on lemmy but at least everything is new and fresh here.

I've never player truth or dare but I never wanted to because I didn't want to tell people I hardly know very personal stuff. Not that long ago I learned that people apparently frequently lie while playing it, but honestly why are you playing it then?

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