
2 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Any Pronouns | Pronomen egal

Enemy of AI generated pictures because weird stock pictures are a lot funnier

I thought thigh highs and cat ear headsets are the style of the modern hacktivist?

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If anyone wants to know, "Beweglichertorpfostenkrieg" is literally just "moving goal posts war" disguised as a german compound word.

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Sherlock is command line only too...

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Don't forget that Reddit was made up of 90% lurkers, and less than 1% of active posters, the rest would comment but rarely post themselves. These numbers are great if we keep those statistics in mind

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Periods are awful to keep track of yourself, it's not a perfect, "every 4 weeks for 5 days" thing. Those apps actually recalculate the beginning and end of a period when something abnormal happens, like stress moving the period back a few days. This way you don't need to keep it in a personal calendar, which mind you, a lot of people don't even have.

Btw, most apps do also more than just regular tracking, they can predict how bad blood flow will be, and if your periods are known to be rather painful, they can keep track and remind you when a day comes on which you'd need to pack a few extra painkillers.

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Honest question, in what way do you think your comment is contributing to the conversation? At best it's a recommendation bundled with a brag, which will only make people hate the thing you're talking about even more, and at worst you're making fun of people for simply using a different search engine.

You could have said something like "Fyi, Brave doesn't use a bigger search engine as its base, so if you need to look something up rn you can use their search engine", much nicer, not patronizing, and actually helpful

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Mood, haven't owned a TV in 3 years, my mental health has never been better

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You have 79,596 fingers per hand? Impressive

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How long has it been since they promised us an official modding api?

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I no longer actively watch news, helps immensely.

And I incidentally got involved in a small local community group recently, helps keeping me grounded by reminding me that local happenings are important too, and it also gives much quicker results when it comes to any kind of activism.

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The site the guy used to host the mod (Nexus) has the rule that no mods pertaining the removal of diversity are allowed. Simply put, Nexus made use of their right to host what they want, and told the guy to host his mod somewhere else.

Also, fun fact: the mod was so badly made that it removed the she/her and he/him choices, only leaving they/them as a choice in character creation

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Have you already forgotten the Cyberpunk 2077 launch?

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Just because your attention span and memory are lacking doesn't mean everyone else's is.

This movie is a good way to show what half of humanity is going through in their day-to-day life, would you really call that a "non-pressing issue"?

I understand if the story being used to deliver the message isn't your cup of tea, but simply disregarding what some would call an important and half of humanity affecting issue, is quite rude.

Please remember there is more to do in the world than to just concentrate on one issue at a time, and this movie is simply one small move for women to sit in a theater and to point out "Yes, I know that experience, and I hate it as well".

An interesting way to look at it, is that this movie is similar to what superhero movies are to men, with a lot of ironic "womensplaining" memes popping up on several different social medias. If you really don't like it, just think of it as the first Avengers movie but for women. Maybe that helps understand it a little better.

I hate to tell you but Wii is retro too

But the datapack feature is a pain in the ass if you want to do more than add funny new small feature. Overhauling entire gameplay systems, or adding new ones is really complicated and often not worth it when done through a datapack

Periods are never properly explained in school, a lot of people simply get taught by their mother, or survive with what little knowledge the biology textbook holds about them.

I cannot blame someone for not knowing how awfully complicated they are, when school at most teaches about the ideal period, not even mentioning how much can affect them, or how awful they can be for some people.

I once did a Phishing test for a customer during an internship. We had 50% of all employees click the Phishing link, and 30% of all employees input their login info.

What was the form? A new data protection agreement (which was the current one copied from the firm's site) which required a login to accept.

These employees all got regular cybersecurity training, and yet they still fell for such an obvious fake login

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For the longest time I thought when people were talking about Turkish Delight, they were in fact talking about Baklava. The disappointment I felt upon first trying Turkish Delight, life just isn't fair

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I've started doing a 'two sleeps' kinda thing. Sleep four hours at night, and three around midday. Haven't felt better.

If I can't get enough at night, I simply sleep some more midday, and vice versa.

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Hey, c'mon those programmers making minecraft mods during their work hours are contributing to society

Partially yeah, but atleast Google Drive and Onedrive still have folders to sort and share more than one file, which sometimes gets the kids to actually use those features.

What also killed the basic understanding of PCs, is the way in which everything is now done "in-Browser". No longer do you need to open Word to edit a document, nor do you need to open Photoshop. It's all done in the browser, and if you want to simply "save" a document, well, just don't close the tab and you're golden.

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Apparently almost all Pit Bulls are predestined to get Dementia at an early age, which causes them to basically "snap".

It isn't technically the dogs fault, but akin to French Bulldogs I can't help but advocate for a ban on breeding them.

Could you infodump about this special interest of yours, and why Billy is being an idiot?

New fear unlocked: Somehow getting a blood transferable disease from working on my pc

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The logical evolution from here is a country song about a man being cheated on by his wife with his truck

Can't help you, but I have to ask, why Hetzner?

They are a german server hosting company, you know, the country with some of the strictest copyright laws? For example, a kid at an old school of mine was once fined 800€ for accidentally sharing a song on a school hosted messaging board.

If you do anything with pirated torrenting on their servers, they will know, and will come after your ass. And even sharing pirated content can get you in incredibly hot water, they might not have found out yet, but when they do, good luck.

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Absolutely, my mother thought she was doing great by parenting me to live the childhood she never could, problem was, I was my own person, and absolutely not interested in experiencing all the things she never could.

My dad on the other hand treated me akin to a roommate (his words), which is not ideal for a teenager trying to learn basic life skills.

Regular Phishing tests is the only way I know how. GoPhish is an open source tool to automate them, and I have had great experiences with it.


Have you seen the slap fights on Wikipedia that happened during the great edit war of Brisket? So many people who had never interacted with Wikipedia at all, suddenly turning into expert researchers. So many Gamers™ crying out, simply because Youtube, and other/similar sites, aren't considered a proper source.

Just witnessing the event unfold in real time back then, was well worth the trouble in my humble opinion.

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Hey, the Sims 4 modders, who use free 3d models to create badly made furniture mods, just to sell them for $20-30 on Patreon want to have a word with you

I was wondering if another Dove company was founded, nope, turns out it's the shampoo Dove

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I pay 5€ for a VPN just to be extra safe, still way cheaper than all the other stuff

Considering the only closed source apps have ads and use a premium model is kind of funny. Especially considering Lemmy is FOSS, and they are making money off of a FOSS project

The biggest crime is in my opinion that Android as an OS was made without allowing the user root access unless they jump through a bunch of hoops. Even if it comes at the cost of a bricked phone, kids should be allowed to experiment with their devices.

Also, from my experience basic graphic design is the newest version of this. The amount of praise I get for understanding basic color theory, as well as not to use JPGs, or Comic Sans for everything is wild.

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Exactly, the disappointment was even worse in the face of that

Usually a domain gets rented for the test, using the in-house domain isn't normal. But you can change the display name of an email adress to appear as if it was sent from a reputable source

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Only complaint I have is that some modern monitors start making a high pitched noise with age. I sincerely thought I had tinnitus before I figured that out

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Dead by Daylight, leaving the community and game single-handedly cured my depression

It's for the greater good