
2 Post – 156 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

YYYY-MM-DD forever!

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Year at the front makes all records perfectly sortable over time. It's there for the long haul.

thank mr skeltal

Liberals Left, Republicans Right, is the dichotomy of the US at least.

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In the US it's a spectrum combining party policy and Overton Window. As you move left, you go deeper and deeper into increasingly extreme thoughts on policy regarding what we consider classic liberal topics such as social justice, corporate power, various societal and economic reforms, etc till it hits an extreme that's considered radical to the average, the same goes for the right and classic conservative views.

Hugging the middle/mixed gray zone are the Centrist.

This kind of toxic behavior is always at least a little mystifying to me, but honestly, given the video in question, I'm extra flummoxed. It's such a short nothing burger of a video. And it's a guy liking girls. Like....WTH?

This kind of toxic behavior is never really "acceptable" but that aside, with all the rage bate tier content available on any given platform, people chose this as the target of their ire and harassment?

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That's why it survived the landing.

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Just give them a bit, they're lagging on the whole AI thing right now but they'll catch up.

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That's a common reporting problem, there have been no "successful" attacks, you show value/work by making sure to note all the unsuccessful ones.

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elseif( user.region = 'eu' ){ SecretlyCollectData(user)}

Well obviously, you can't tempt fate with that name 24/7 without occasional repercussion.

I'm still on the fence about that being a good thing. I'm kind of looking forward to being able to see Twitter style content from major companies but without ads via my Mastodon account.

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Came in expecting a story of tragedy, congrats. 🎉

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So basically "NextDoor: Fediverse Edition".

I'm not against but I think uptake will be difficult because, depending on your starting region you may be competing with an established product and because there is a heavy venn overlap between people who care about decentralization and those who care about privacy and wouldn't want an app tracking and to some degree giving away their location.

(Clarity Edit: I have a cold, my ending was guessable , but technically gibberish.)

Remember the rule, if the article title is a question, the answer is most likely "No".

You may be thinking of something else, Slack doesn't have a self-hosted version.

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100% Discord is for discourse, not announcements/updates.

But do the costs really matter if you never pay your bills?

Context: Jira is a guy.

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It's kind of hard to find quality heart boxers. It's all cheap alphabet companies, you can't get them from Hanes or the like.

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Yes, it's part of my job, it's super easy, barely an inconvenience.

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No one's doing this kind of work on their android phone, so you're argument is pedantic at best in this context.

I am honestly a little confused, what are they trying to bring to the table that isn't covered by Bing Chat AI already?

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Truly revolutionary thinking!

Ok, but the space agency in charge is...still NASA. These aren't American astronauts doing a ride-along on a Japanese mission, it's literally the opposite.

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I think the meme would be improved if it went angel>devil instead of devil>angel, feels like a more logical progression.

You talk about Deezer dropping features but then the ones you list are super basic things Deezer still does, so I think you need to go into a bit more detail regarding what you want out of this.

Every barrier that slows down attacks a little is worth it when you are trying to buy time so people can apply emergency updates. It's not about stopping them from ever figuring it out.

It's a guy.

This is one of the spots where I wonder if the whole "If you see someone shoplifting, no you didn't." thing breaks down a bit.

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Every US McDonald's I've been to for the last...5+ years has had the kiosk system.

There are some real crazies and failures in office, but more often than not, I tend to see them more as failures of the people(+gerrymandering).

The fact this guy has maintained office in spite of all the BS that came out in the immediate aftermath, and that has continued to come out, is the kind of thing that really makes the system itself feel broken to me.

Yeah, the chance employers naturally just start paying the same # of people the same amount of money, for 2 days less work, which feels like the implication in this post, is functionally 0.

With that domain, I'm not that surprised. Actually even says Mumbai News on the page so it's non-native speakers writing or converting for English.

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Weekly report that says XXXX attempted/failed attacks of X type, of y type, etc. and the ability to produce the 70m scroll and generally talk about the stuff on request.

This is my wife every time we go to the store.

I live here but to be clear, lemmy.world is not "the entirety of Lemmy".

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