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Joined 1 years ago

It's pretty incredible that the idf didnt call and give warnings to the thousands of palestianian children already slaughtered,even after being forced from their homes.

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I still cant believe the western goverments are sitting idely by while this slaughter happens.

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This isnt a war,this is genocide.

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At this stage you would have to think anyone still supporting this genocide are sick to their very soul.

Can you imagine the uproar if Russia did this in Ukraine to a christian church,but its ok its only muslims.Would make you sick.

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Macrons clearly an anti-semite /s

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Watched a documentry about this before Trump became president.The man is a lying scumbag who treats people like shit.How he conned his way into the whitehouse astounds me.

How many more dead will it take to sedate Israels blood lust.

We are now at the stage of crimes against humanity,and still western goverments watch on,doing nothing.

Poor girl.I hope them two remorseless bastards rot in jail.

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International outcry,yet the west keeps supplying them with arms to keep the slaughter going.And to smear anyone against it as anti-semetic.

You find the hysteria over the top? Over 30,000 innocent people have been slaughtered and your reaction is "but hamas" This is one of countless war crimes commited by this genoicidal state and reponding with "what about the other side" is quite frankly abhorent.

How many more dead before these Israiles get their beach front property.

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But do them 130 newborn babies condem hamas.

No,not jews.Zionist facists who have a history of lying through their teeth while commiting horrendous atrocities.

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I think you honestly need to have a long hard look at yourself.Who reads about people being tortured and their answer to it is "but hamas"If someone came on here defenending hamas torture you would be rightfully disgusted.But for some reason zionist apoligists seen to view Palastianians as subhuman.I wonder were else in history this was prevelent.

You support Israel because you oppose the genocidal.This is one of the most batshit insane things i have read on this site,you really cannot have typed that with a straight face.

Idiot,its because the earth is flat its making the lines look unparallel.You conspiracy fools are insane

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Morally sound/Israel.Now thats an oxymoron.

Was this written before Israel slaughtered 28000 people.

What if i told you that when today the idf slaughtered civilians today at a refuge centre,which they admited they did,a warning wasnt given.

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Well here is the UN saying that Israel are in clear breech of international law.But maybe the UN chief is a member of hamas as well.https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-middle-east-67201465

Heres a link from the bbc,i dont think they are members of hamas

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Let me guess,eveywhere the IDF slaughter civillians Israel are going to say they targeted hamas.Even though the bodies of children are piling up by the thousands.

Ive got 99 problems but a bitch aint one.Jay z/Ice- t

Thanks for all your hard work Ernest.

Can someome post a meme of this dickwipe musk strangling a bird

But Richie went into the witness protection programme.

The goddess bunny,or the guy spliting his penis on efuct.

You do know that there is thousands of innocent people dead,thousands.So in any right minded human being thats genocide