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Joined 11 months ago

I don't understand why anyone writing, reading or commenting on this think a bookshelf would not change the outcome? Like what do you people think these ml models are, human brains? Are we still not below even the first layer of understanding?

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It's incompetent plot by a company not even interested in what they are selling

It's not wrong

Yeah, the hysteria is definitely the problem. Can't say that I agree that the technology is underwhelming, though. It can generate, practically anything fast and with guidance and it's just interesting that nobody really understands how. It's a paradigm shift for creative work. Producing music or art will continue to change a lot from this. Using the technology to analyse personalities during job interviews is so fundamentally idiotic, because a generative system is a brainstorming tool, not analytical nor accurate. And just so wrong that it feels like it's actually the work of someone malicious.

You can calculate all possible moves in milliseconds on any silicone these dsys

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Yep, those are the moves that can all be easily calculated very quickly on modern hardware

How is it surprising or an open legal question when it has been thoroughly proved and stated in countless ways that he betrayed his position several times? Wtf? You have proof that he is dangerous and anti democratic? Wtf?

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If you get the Hitler comment enough, maybe look at yourself instead. I only see it popping up when someone is leaning faschist, which is very often

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I mean it's literally one of the good reasons to even have a society. I think whatever the fuck this is, it's more like a good damn competition or something like that. It's insane. Americans are insane for thinking that they are all temporarily inconvenienced millionaires in the making, and seemingly can't understand basic empathy for all those that would be non millionaires. I think money making global corporations are soulless complex machines of torture and warfare that are completely psychopathic entities that will destroy anything or anyone standing between it and profits, and instead of controlling that you keep complaining when those machines end up hurting you. These dark corrupted demonic beings of hatred are also just without any oversight abusing and murdering people in other countries making this a world wide problem. I think your dollar scam has ruined the economy of the entire world by being a particularly self centered grifting scheme that for decades has proven to be out of control and toxic to the entire human race.

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I am a FIRM believer in any automated kill without a human pulling the trigger is a war crime

Yes mines yes uavs yes yes yes

It is a crime against humanity


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But what about the poor CEOs? Did they get their Christmas bonus? Think of the children!!

Yeah that's how any law works

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I have voted PP since their conception, and I think we have them to thank for a lot. Will continue to do so, probably forever. I don't understand how these issues don't get more attention these days. Tech related privacy, anti monopoly, ai safety etc is just a part but they have excellent values in other areas as well.

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Not a single one of the Marvel movies are good. They just use dopaminergic techniques to teach brains to enjoy them.

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I could get the game for free, the mtx for free, and could want to play it, and would still never do it, because of how stupid this is. Sorry studio artists, your work is forever tainted for the choices of your owners. It will never shine through their dense immoral greed of your masters.

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No, actually it's not even tickling any resemblance of confusion

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The ooohs is mostly about how fucking far it has come so quickly. You must see how this technology is a pretty fucking big deal

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I feel like so many people talk about how it's not searchable or other concerns but for me I don't really care so much because there's an even bigger deal breaker which is their license agreement, where you sign away the property rights of anything you post, giving away your entire open source project.. This alone should disqualify it for any work of any creative sort. They own things you give them. I would never use it for development because of this.

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The most confusing about all these problems is

Why you didn't get taught to share when children in USA

Like what part of society has failed when almost nobody understands that if we work together and help each other, we succeed? Like, kindergarten knowledge?

What the actual, in the mother fucking fuck is bad about helping someone who hurt their leg or that was born with disability? Mind boggling shit honestly, you think you will feel better if you have more money but a worse shittier trustless cutthroat society? I really don't understand this. You all want to benefit only 0.01% that has money, the rest must suffer because someday you might be that 0.01%? But even those that are that rich feel like shit because they live in a country wtihot care or protection or community? Like wtf is honestly wrong with so many spanning almost an entire continent, that they can't share their billionaires profits but has to hide it in Panama?

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Him living rent free in his head is living rent free in your head broski. fuck that, you should pay him rent for his living rent free experience living in your head

Like.. Yes. Is it wrong to think about sex?

People assume it's that the parents buy good schools and bribe etc.

But I think it's actually mostly the powerful privilege confidence that you get from having that safety net.

They can try and fail so many times. Some have, too. Like Trump who failed mostly his entire life and is still a mogul.

It's the feeling these people have got that they have right to command and tell people what to do and not be afraid of consequences

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Nah but the dude has a point

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These are enormous classics, made by small studio is not the same as unknown game. Sold much more than many triple a games, this is a very dry weak take

Ah yes I want to watch the exact same thing I am watching but from another provider, definitely just take my money, hypercapitalist

Fuck yes, sexual repression what a banger idea that is modern and haven't even been considered for literally thousands of years and proven abusive to exactly every human being on the planet

No it's much more

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Is there really so few old men that can take his bloody place that it has to be this one dangerous unstable man? You really have no other possible idol in conservative land that is not mentally unstable?

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Not voting is not a statement that either or is okay. Not voting sends a clear signal that you don't want voting rights, you don't believe in people having voices in how they are ruled.

Can someone translate from freedom into logical

Man is it just me or is lemmy actually popping off lately?

Spewing bs about how they can't guarantee the safety and other outrageous shit pouring out their mouths as they provide clearly practiced lawyerspeak to squeeze money from public service into their owners pockets which will then be invested probably in war and killing children for profit.

But let's discuss ethics and shit! Fuck faces need to be brought to moral justice for the evil they commit every day of their brainwashed miserable hateful lives where they pretend to not harm people because they don't do it themselves but via money grabbing schemes. One day all of this shit will seem to be as stupid as hitting kids are these days

Was the same with every platform. Enshittification does not care about you

That's disgusting

I wouldn't call pirating stealing either so

Dude there are wars eat your fucking heart out man

Oh I don't know maybe you want to actually game portable and not just enjoy fake portability?

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Unity fucked everything up and will no longer be the den facto engine. But they can upgrade to sell on switch and still gain more money than they pay, it's not required that they upgrade every version of the game. However, it will be a lot of annoying paperwork and they'd have to maintain two branches so I guess that may be why they chose not to.

So not true man there were way more explosion diagrams and shit back then, this hasn't changed it's just different artists work differently

I don't understand, you think we can build miniature nuclear plants for every single house in weeks?

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