1 Post – 95 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Go outside. Not in a "go touch grass" way. Explore new places and fill your days with variety and sunlight if you can. If you can't make the time pass quickly you can at least make it more interesting. And sitting depressed in a park is a lot nicer than sitting depressed at home.

If you're already running, vary your route a bit, or spend some time in the middle of your run sitting outside for a bit.

I don't expect it to fix anything, I've heard enough of the "just try this and you'll feel better" bullshit. But I hope it would at least help mix up your days a little.

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You're completely right. Though depending on your area it may be possible to sit in a cafe (even a Starbucks or equivalent) occasionally to pass the time. Often without needing to purchase anything (or, if you have to, purchasing a simple black coffee for cheap).

But yes, unfortunately that isnt always possible. I hope you can find something to make your days more varied OP. something to break the routine of sitting at home waiting for time to pass.

Nope it all just worked, it really surprised me honestly. I expected to need to do some weird tethering to a raspi or something to make it work but I didn't need any of that. (Well, I had issues because it turned out lightning borked my router, but that was a different issue entirely.)

That's true, but with the Ethernet connection you can tether to a router directly. When my Internet was down I was able to tether my entire home for the time I needed to get some updates finished to get my docker environment back up and running. I had no idea that was possible before that.

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USB OTG on android phones is severely underrated.

  • I can plug in a USB drive and transfer files around, I've used this to manage my retro handheld SD cards before.
  • You can tether your hotspot over Ethernet to your computer with an Ethernet adapter.
  • You can plug Ethernet into your phone to get faster connections.
  • You can plug a mouse into your phone and get a cursor on screen. Not super useful tbh, but kinda cool.
  • You can use your phone as an external webcam for your computer.
  • It's a bit more annoying than it used to be but you can use your phone as a universal IR remote with a small adapter and free apps (I miss my built in IR blaster from my S3).
  • I haven't used it much, but I can plug in a RTL-SDR dongle and get aerial TV on my phone, or a radio spectrum analyzer. I used it to discover that my garage remote is about to die and that's why my car's garage button won't learn the signal.
  • USB (or Bluetooth) game controllers just work.

Definitely a relatively niche usecase but I have SSH clients, terminal apps, RDP remote access clients, and other networking tools as apps on my phone for quickly messing with things. Very helpful to not need to bring out the PC when I'm fixing my network.

The ability to VPN into my home network to access my NAS. Honestly being able to access my NAS in general is already great for backups or just so I don't have to think about what's physically on my phone.

With a cheap Bluetooth device I can connect to my car's diagnostic port (ODBII) and check engine codes. No more trips to the mechanic just to get it diagnosed.

WiFi direct cameras are a great addon too. I have a wifi endoscope (camera on a long bendy stick) for inspecting inside walls and my phone works as a screen for it.

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Dust will get in pretty much no matter what you do. I wouldn't worry about it. If you live in an already really dusty environment then get some sections of filter and attach them inside of these holes but honestly I wouldn't worry.

It's for water cooling loops if you want to mount the rad or pump or something outside of the case. I think it was more common in the early days of water cooling when things were less standardized.

Sorry I don't have any suggestions, but I'm very curious about your use case. What led you to needing this?

Are you doing web dev with just a phone? Impressive

Why thank you, Cunningham's Law in action yet again.

Amazon's gaming framework can't be used to thwart zombie apocalypses.

Edit: I was wrong, see comment below :)

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Cool. Now all of Google Drive is blocked because one guy hosted a movie there for a few days.

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And each type of communication needs it's own switch. Don't let them pull some BS trying to make you enable all the hardcore tracking via a cell network just because you want to connect to Bluetooth.

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It's also part of the reason why maintenance budgets exist. The condo board/government/etc should be responsible for factoring in the risk of vandalism repairs into their budget and spreading that cost over time. That's why they exist.

At the end of the day it's my dues/taxes that pay it either way, but I shouldn't get stuck with a surprise assessment unless it's a major unexpected repair.

At least in very dramatic extremes, yes there's at least a correlation between horrific animal abuse and psychopathy.

No idea if that extends to more run of the mill actions.

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But would this policy actually prevent that? A vandal in a community of 100 people would only be charged 1% of the repair fees (assuming they aren't caught), seems like a meaningless disincentive for them.

And forcing community members to self-police or be charged fees is asking for trouble.

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Don't salt your food before tasting it, it's insulting to the chef/cook since it looks like you don't trust their cooking.

There's a popular story of someone being taken to a restaurant for an interview with their potential boss and the candidate being rejected because they salted their food before tasting it. The interviewer took it to mean the candidate wasn't trusting, was opinionated, and didn't respect the food or the chef and they didn't get the job.

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It's probably too expensive for them to record and upload every call, but im sure the transcripts of calls are likely to leak soon after this.

3D Printing and homelab. I run a lot of services at home on my server (things like a personal streaming service, smarthome, security camera software, and more).

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I don't know if it's forgotten, but it's forgotten to me. There was this ant game where you had a colony of ants that would go collect food, or attack other colonies. There was this very pixelated top-down map view where you could see the brightly colored food disappear pixel by pixel as they ate.

I can't figure out what the game was but I loved it.

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They have different purposes.

Listening music is intended for a broad spectrum of "use cases", but gaming music often needs to drive a specific emotion at a very specific time, be repeated if a gamer takes too long to complete an area, drive world building for an area, etc.

And just because the tech has changed doesn't mean the social expectations have. We expect game music to have specific characteristics because it's what we're used to.

Oh my God! Finally! I genuinely couldn't track down what the game was for years. Thank you!

I rarely sit when waiting for a plane (at least not for maybe an hour before). I'm about to sit for hours, so I don't want to start now.

Some kind of scavenger hunt around gathering your favorite things. Then showing them to each other.

I've started to skip the mask for small groups for short time periods but I still mask up for the grocery store, and large gathering, and any time I'm in a smaller room with people for a long time.

I get sick so rarely now, it's great. And it's so much less socially exhausting to wear a mask and be able to hide my face. I dont have to take a smile or watch my expressions nearly as much.

And it helps support my friends who are immunocompromised by normalizing mask wearing.

I don't plan to stop for a long while. And I plan to always mask up if I'm sick, even just a cold, to avoid spreading it.

We had this challenge with my grandmother. I had some really memorable moments with her late in her life, but she looked a lot sicker and run down in any pictures from that time, but that's how I remember her (at least that's part of how I remember her). My mom didn't want to share as many pictures from that phase of her mom's life though because she remembered her younger and more active, so it made putting a memories collage together complicated. Especially since all the early pictures were still in albums spread across the country with her children.

Personally I want people to use pictures of me that let them remember me the best. Not the best of me, but the best of our relationship, even if that's me as an ugly old fart.

The Lemmy app we are using on our phones needs to download content from Lemmy so it can be displayed to us. Lemmy might just have one big file full of links, but that's annoying to have to write code to handle. Or it might have a folder full of files where each file is a post, but that's also a bit annoying to write code to manage.

It (probably) uses a local SQLite database to store all of the cached posts.

Conceptually, a database is just a place to store things, just like a big text file. The database just handles a lot of the grunt work for you and makes it easier to search, organize, and filter the data.

So anywhere there is data, there could be a database.

It's not even limited to smart cars though. Yes used does let you a oid it, but it's not like this is just people buying the fancy trims either. Shit like this is working it's way down to the run of the mill standard cars year after year.

Don't just summarize the content though, summarize the rationale or how things connect. I can read your diff myself to see what changed, I want to know the logical connections, the reason you did X and not Y, etc.

Or just say "stuff" and provide that context in the PR description separately, no need to overdo the commit log on a feature branch if you're using squash merges from your PR.

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Just be careful you don't get their "smarthome" line, at least for cameras. It doesn't require Internet to operate, but it requires Internet for configuration and management.

I'm not sure if that's the same with their doorbells, but it was true of their wifi cameras.

Them both being dead is both convenient and conveniently suspicious. Since Trump is guarded by secret service, conspiracies would arise saying they (under Bidens order, or a Harris power grab) killed him. It would be completely absurd given the circumstances and no reputable source would support it, but people would believe it anyway and Fox would push the story. Widely broadcast funerals for each of them.

Then nothing... The conspiracies would flow, but nothing much would change.

Separate from any discussion about surrogacy, that's fucked and our adoption system should be way more accepting of gay couples than it is. There's no reason it should be so hard.

Nope, the other commenter got it. It was Microsoft Ants. Sim Ant is what most people guess when I have brought this one up before though. I'll have to try it sometime.

Absolutely! And more to cover other expenses like maternity clothing, any comfort items to manage the pregnancy, additional dietary needs, and probably some more to help account for how traumatic a pregnancy can be and the body changes it causes.

I'm absolutely not advocating that a surrogate shouldn't get paid. Just that it's hard to separate payment from coercion in even the best situations.

I don't know how I feel about it overall (surrogacy, not gay people getting to have children, that's beautiful), but it's hard to be confident there's no coercion when money is involved. The money itself can be coercive especially if the surrogate is particularly in need of the money. I'm not sure it can always be "clear" it's not coerced.

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With most consumer wifi networks you can usually enable port forwarding. That would let you access services from anywhere.

Personally I would set up a Wireguard VPN server on the laptop and enable port forwarding only for the Wireguard port. This will let you access your laptop from anywhere, and it will protect you by limiting your attack surface (basically you only need to have a device Wireguard connection and you don't need to worry as much about securing every other service you want to run).

Then I'd set up dynamic DNS with any DNS provider so you don't need to keep track of a changing IP.

Then you can install whatever services you want on the laptop and you'll be able to access them from anywhere by connecting to the Wireguard VPN. It does mean you can't easily let a friend access a service on your laptop, but the tradeoff is you don't have to worry as much about security while you're learning.

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It's especially weird when the existing targeting can be so effective for much cheaper.

For tvs for example, they can see what you watch, when, what ads you mute and which you don't, what you display over HDMI (content ID), the other devices on your network, your location, your accounts for every streaming service, what you search for. Then if you install their companion app they learn the other apps on your phone, your location habits, the media you play on your phone (looking at you Bose connect app...), bluetooth and network devices you are near (connecting you to other profiles they know), and probably a lot more.

I've added a "Everyone except Bob Smith can use this software" a la "fuck Anish Kapoor" clauses for paint colors before.

Though honestly it would be hard to enforce.


Exactly. That shit has their personal photos, financial info, connections to everyone they know and all their private conversations, etc , etc, etc. Don't fuck with it.

Anything that requires you to open an app, view any pictures, etc is a breach of privacy.

"Sir or ma'am I assure you it's safe to send me your banking information. It's over Signal, so it's secure. I promise no one can steal it because its encrypted. That's why we're not using emails, emails are not secure. We need this information immediately, do not delay."

Yes. Then I'd hire a quantum physicist to study my timeline while I try to create a paradox and kill myself. I'm sure someone could learn some shit about how time works.