1 Post – 14 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You mean like tax cuts for the rich to fix every problem? Because that's all they have.

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Are they being advised by Nathan Fielder?

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I only see one guy against divorce and they're heavily down voted.

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You mean every Republican president. Democrats have not chased trickle down economics.

Complex characters are outdated? It also refers to special characters but I guess that's what I was thinking of. So special characters are in, so what is a complex character then?

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He was so bad everyone was going to go with him to Microsoft?

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We'll just go 12 feet under

Yeah a lurk but I don't post unless maybe it's for work or something like that. I do feel like the quality has dropped pretty sharply. The home feed is absolute trash. Constant feed of random shit like r/decks, the ads were pretty bad before I discovered RedReader but overall it doesn't capture my attention the way it used to. Even the comments feel dumber but that could be my imagination.

This is great. I used to tape this every week to find new bands.

which has the potential each and everyday to ruin it all for them (which is a compulsive intrusive thought in my mind). But I hang on, I try to.>

Are you fighting the urge to off yourself or the urge to off your family? In either case I hope you're finding adequate support/therapy, if not ask for help here. Hopefully your state or country has resources available.

I guess there wasn't really question there so, how do I fix that?

Is this a cock block joke?

It's kind of an extreme stance, are people going to stop listening to the Beatles, Pink Floyd... all these great bands that had shitty people? Can you discard Hitchcock films because he was a piece of shit? So many pieces of art were made by bad people.

As always, it's best to separate the art from the artist. Just don't give them your money.

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