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Definitely I would check out Grim Dawn and Last Epoch.

Grim Dawn is an insanely sprawling game with tons of class combinations and builds, made by the people who made titan quest. The graphics are dated as hell but it never stopped me from loving it. I also find the lore very fun.

Then there is Last Epoch, which is coming out on the 21st. I've been playing it for 3 years, even done some testing for them. Personally some of the more casual friendly things that you can't find (like the crafting actually being amazing, seasons giving content to non-season characters, etc) just are unmatched and give the game a very good flow. It will be out in 1.0 in ~ a week and I definitely think it's worth a glance because I find it is a great middle ground between diablo's dumbed-downness and Path of Exile's sweatiness.

Honestly since the original artist(s) left, I wasn't interested in a follow-up anyway. A second disco Elysium without the same art and story direction would have little to no relation to the game that came before.

Then you have games that do space travel so well that I'm beyond scared shitless in them, like Outer Wilds. So many games have already managed to convey some of these feelings.

Another vote for Firefox. Just switched over from chromium based, and i could easily port over all my info and bookmarks and shit, and it feels great to not support a monopoly

I think the big issue with a personal preference of realism vs. Fantasy is that Starfield has no commitment to realism in its execution (I say this with 12 hours played before I gave up). It is very much made to cater to lowest common denominator in other space travel things. The ship movement is very primitive and simplified. Travelling to new solar systems, landing on a planet, etc. Is done through fast travelling on the map to connect the different cells. It does not feel immersive in the slightest to me, and I have really enjoyed the "realism" of games like Elite Dangerous in the past.

Most damning is the lack of environmental planet differences. The only affect of a planets negative traits is suit protection reduction. There is no life support, your oxygen is just a stamina system. There is no vehicles. You are just running across barren, boring, procedural planets with none of the pomp and circumstance of games that have done effective space exploration.

Maybe in 2 years of mods you might have a more realistic experience out of starfield.

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I wanna love this game so much. Have tried multiple times. But every time I am stopped by my horrendous Thalassophobia on Giant's Deep and Dark Bramble. And honestly just everywhere. such a shame, it seems so good.

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First game is still good. 2 is mostly an upgrade (a bit more RPG-y, with more varied maps and content). Both give a similar experience though, I would say.

I've played 40 hours or so of 2, and have beaten what I understand as a majority of content. It does kinda run like shit on many PCs. I can run many modern games on at least high/medium 60FPS usually on my older PC, but this one is low/medium and I'm lucky if I get 30 FPS in intense combat situations.

Remnant 1 may be a good call while they polish up and fix performance/gameplay issues with 2.

Tbh, me and at least 2 other people I know bounced off it hard, even after giving it multiple chances in 10+ hours of playing. Some people just aren't jelling with it even with playtime.

Thank you for the link! Always had only a vague understand of NFC communication.

If you can, make sure you open your blinds at night, especially if you usually keep them closed. Even just a modicum of extra light can help you wake up quicker.

Tbh, the only REAL tip I have is go to bed at like, 10 PM ish. I know that sucks ass but then you wake up to the sun in your window naturally and it's a whole different experience.

So this is a AA Studio that has been working on this game for a few years. They have some investments from outside companies (including tencent) so do with that what you will.

There IS a micro transaction store, with a bunch of cosmetic only items. I haven't really glanced at these yet and we won't know them all til release but I'm happy with the in-game drip currently.

I really enjoy the game and have been playing the early access for years. They aren't selling quality of life like stash and space etc. like Path of Exile does. They also seem like a small but dedicated group of people who have always wanted to make this kind of game and have implemented/will implement many awesome ideas (great crafting, crazily customizeable skills, cool class designs).

They are a smaller studio so despite their prep, I would expect server failures on release day. They DO have an offline mode, but not for the current 'Cycle' (their seasons ala Diablo, PoE) so that will be playable on release even if servers are a mess and will have all cycle content as it releases (for now).

Really big fan of this game. If you want to give money to a studio for an ARPG, I would definitely recommend this one, or Grim Dawn.

The original Mount & Blade at an office max, I think? 5 dollar bargain bin game. I remember being blown away by the army combat in that game. The first one was so barebones but I still love that janky mess.

Really excited to see this patch. Lots of little things to dissect too, and possibly some big hidden things not mentioned.

Epilogues are what this game needed to feel complete.

Did you end up playing the unity remake or the original?

I don't have much experience with either but I know the game decently well, I know there are a lot of mods being spun up for the unity version and I wonder if any of those would clean that issue up for you.

Interested to hear how you felt about it overall since I was considering it myself since the 1.0 unity release. I suspect I will have a very similar experience to you, though.

Super-excited to play Runemaster on release. Been playing for years and still so much endgame stuff I haven't touched. Here's hoping the servers survive on Wednesday!

Absolutely Hi-Fi Rush. I loved many games this year, but Hi-Fi Rush was so fun, so wholesome, so loveable that the music it used carried me through some insanely hard times. It is very obviously a passion project made by incredible creators, and I legitimately cannot find a single issue with it (which I can't say of any other game this year).

I still feel swells of emotion listening to the music from that game. Absolutely incredible.

If you like ARPGs, I remember enjoying Untold Legends a lot as a kid. Was a PSP launch title, and had a very dark themeing. I don't know if my kid memory can be trusted on the quality but I've seen a few other people recommend it on here so I doubt it's bad.

Agreed, this is well written. It seems even more see obvious trump is a symptom because so many other trump-esque politicians are rising up and finding success across the globe in many other countries. Right-wing recessionism is really popular right now, but it's mostly because the systems themselves seem largely without hope, and broken.

Sorry for the bad take! I didn't play many JRPGs or JRPG inspired games this year, as I usually find those more story led and have less room for roleplay. Does sea of stars actually have much roleplay? Or is it mostly combat/ability focused choice-making?

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I wanna play it but my severe thalassophobia renders me helpless to finish it. Great game though!

It's my favorite game ever made. The writing is beyond good, and it actually has some fantastic messages while also addressing the political realities of life.

No other game has affected how I think and act more than disco Elysium.

Respect for WOTR, its still one of the most replayable CRPGs ever. So many cool choices to make!

Makes sense! Yeah I have kind of slowed my roll on things that are JRPG or JRPG adjacent, probably from less time to play stuff mostly. I keep hearing how awesome Sea of Stars is though!

Yo, I got a PSP as a kid and this game came with it. Very dark, an absolute trip of a game.

Didn't they just change the game with the last patch (still being updated, my God the devs are GOATed) so they you can play to 100 in any difficulty? I still imagine you get pasted in elite and ultimate if that's your issue though.

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Yeah I'm hoping so as well, haven't played since that patch. I got really burnt out spamming the story over and over too.

Of the games I played that came out this year, I would only classify BG3 and Rogue Trader as RPGs. I have a LOT of issues with the roleplay in BG3 (though I love it). I don't feel like JRPGs that have little to no roleplaying aspect whatsoever should count within Role-Playing-Games, since I think some facilitation of roleplay should be provided. BG3's class/race reactivity or Rogue Trader's Dogmatic/Iconoclast/Heretic convictions fit this very well.

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I still think DOS2 is one of the best games I have ever played, and I played it on release when 80% of the 4th act just broke for me. It gives a ton of freedom, interestingly written characters, and once you get the hang of the combat system it's easy to dominate even with weird builds.

I understand why people aren't it's biggest fans, but giving this one a chance is worth it. Overall, I would say BG3 (played a ton in early access) might be the more accessible game. It's less weird, more cinematic etc. Though, I would expect it to be exceedingly buggy on release so keep that in mind.