6 Post – 557 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They could just make Qualcomm drivers part of the mainline kernel

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I’ve been using Linux between 2018-2020 and on and off between 2020-2023 and regained daily status on November last year. It’s been great, but some things like lacking a proper office replacement (Only Office (FOSS), FreeOffice (Free as in beer), and WPS Office (Free as in beer) are all getting closer) are a bit limiting. Some stuff like lacking VRR and HDR were annoying (getting fixed now) and gaming has been improving. Game compatibility sometimes is a bit of a sore spot, but it’s been getting ever easier and honestly, haven’t had issues with NVIDIA drivers under wayland

Fedora isn’t all that easy for a complete noob to install NVIDIA proprietary drivers

The proof not to trust anyone with personal information

Breaking news: right wing parties now against war and pro peace

Left panels are regarding Black mirror, where the guy becomes famous by ranting about the system and threatning to kill himself if his life didn’t get meaning. Ended up becoming the meaningless entertainment himself in exchange for more money and better living

Buy brother laser. It’s more expensive, but it’s worth it long term. They last a real long time and the cartridges last bananas and they don’t care about “official” ink

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“never interfere with the enemy while he is in the process of making a mistake.”- Napoleon allegedly

Only adequate response from Anthony blinken is:

If you are so smart and independent, I guess you don’t need our weapons and cash

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I mean, you posted it publicly. It would be equivalent to screaming it once randomly in the streets, always a chance that a policeman hears


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Democracy is the worst form of governance, apart from all others

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Why would someone recommend an OS that sucks

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It wouldn’t matter against jamming though. You just need a jammer that screams louder

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Dutch be like “amateurs”

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Sure X isn’t a hot mess unlike wayland… sure…

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A tit is a bird though

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But 58 million Americans emit as much as shell

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Wait, it’s still alive???

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Omg omg omg. I wanna ask it what it thinks of Winnie the Pooh

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The thing is, would we even realise we were being exploited, if the alien race was that much more intelligent

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I think you just accidentally created conventional money again

I would rather have a “all users must have root access to their devices” or all software must be user replaceable integrated into the law. We let Apple do their own thing, but adventurous users could try installing android and such on the iPhone (similar to how the asahi project is making Linux on M series macs a reality)

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As a way to show that the theory is absurd, right? Right?

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I mean, if people expect the bus to be late, they’ll get flabbergasted when it arrives on time for once

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Yes, but it doesn't last for long. It just takes a few bad apples on top for the system to quickly go corrupt, which is why the powers on top need to constantly fear being changed by the people

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My problem is that there ain’t enough content yet, so I browse all

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Before anyone who freaks out without reading the article, no, they’re not removing citizen status for Muslims already in India. They are however making it a lot easier for every religion except Islam to come to India and get nationality

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Maybe try Amazon’s mechanical Turk? Not sure what the payout is like, but might be enough

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As a Christian, no. Education is great! We need more of it

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That’s sacrilege. Temple os is the best os

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Fedora 40 (April) should have it I think

Wait, do you mean that the majority stakeholder in a company would try to control it? Pickachu face

Yes, i am aware that the actual problem is that it is being done covertly and that the manoeuvring might have been to take control of the Non Profit

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Pleeeease tell me it’s a bunch of monkeys typing on the inside

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This was a triumph

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It’s like when South Park made a whole episode changing the meaning of the f word that was used against da gays to be against inconsiderate Harley drivers

China: gets Britain addicted to tea

Britain: gets China addicted to opium

China: **surprised pickachu face **

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The great problem is that, as it turns out, as always when it comes to mass media distribution services (ie: YouTube, twitch, etc), bandwidth is expensive, having servers around the world to have proper content delivery is expensive

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Didnt he do it to his wife tho

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