1 Post – 58 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah pedos tend to be shit people, whoda thunk it?

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Ah fantastic to hear from the boss, thanks for all the hard work, loving kbin so far!!

lol you are delusional if you think Nazi ideology is dead.

Yeah the fact that was not on by default was weird, it's kinda needed for good interaction between people.

What ever do you mean, I am told by plenty of people here that China is just a misunderstood communist society that is great, why would Hong Kong NOT want to be with China /s

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They must have one of the chips installed already and it's already misfunctioning, Makes the most sense to me.

I mean the person that made the original post has responded to that post saying "im not a pedo 🫤🤷‍♂️ I thought loli meant for teen people like 18-25."

Which to me does not track at all with what was said the first post, where they acknowledge that it's drawings that appears to be of people underage. how do you talk about underage then say " I thought they meant 18 year old" does not really strike me as an "oopsi, I did not know"

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That seems very one sided, and like it's easy to get fake rep by just posting to a boost mag and having everyone boost you. Most people besides content creators seems like they well end up in the red, I mean are many people boosting comments? probably not, more boost are going to go to content creator which rewarding content creators is good, but in theory if they are making good content that should be rewarded with interaction and new views, not by making it so it's hard for people that are more commenters (which you also need for a functioning website) to be seen as positive.

also guess that means for now I am gonna focus on boosting content I like.

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The Pedos sure want to come out in full force don't they, pure scum. No surprise 90% have anime pfps.

See stuff like this is why I don't really like anime, the community ruins it and a lot of the things that seem to be popular for anime also tend to have those weird pedophilic ideals. I am sure there are some anime I like, but I continue to not touch the medium with a 10 foot pole because of the user base.

I saw him on a bunch post today with shit takes, he's a troll or an idiot, same difference.

OMFG this is why I hate the "you can't kink shame bullshit" I have no fucking problem shaming pedos, necros and rapist, they deserve the utmost shame for the trash they are.

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Shut the fuck up, you are insane and no one care about your shit ass opinions. There, hope you learned something, tho that seems near impossible for you.

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The butt is flat, and serves as a plug

So... a butt plug?

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that eating disorder hotline that did the same thing.

Excuse me..... what???

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also funny that you only bring up horseshit things as your dodge with witches, werewolves and Satan, you know all not real, but Nazis and bigots are real so it seem a weird comparison

You are dumb as shit and that is being cruel to shit.

As someone willing to admit it is a skill issue, how the fuck do you learn to talk to people?? I have no fuckin clue man.

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idk you seem like the delusional one with the idea that someone is gonna go " please mister Putin, please stop war?" and that he would listen

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Yes, it does have to do with pedos, you are just unwilling to admit you are a pedo.

also I am not proving your point, obviously I am just fine with "kink shaming" that is the reason you are mad at me right now.

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ok so what DO you mean, I mean you are the one putting words in peoples mouths saying they are glad Russia invaded, so what exactly do you mean by it, that Ukraine should just let them take what they want?

You just say random bullshit don't you? How many times do you have to be dropped as a child to end up like this? This is not a rhetorical question either, I actually do wonder how many head injuries you sustained to end like this.

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What are you saying??? I have not had a job that did not need me to have one in some regard, think you are a little behind the times tbh.

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What??? I hear Americans hating her for "trying to get attention and stopping people from doing their jobs" all the time

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we get it you love oil execs

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Yeah but do you really think they are a troll? Seems more like an actually insane person, I think they believe the bullshit they are selling.

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Holy shit, they said fuck and even censored it on the internet, the world is falling apart, asteroids are hitting the planet, and demons are overrunning the world....... Oh, wait, nope everything is fine, weird.

some people use those words for emphases and are not even remotely mad, maybe that's what they were doing?

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nah not angry just think you are braindead, and I like pissing off dipshits.

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At least we all now know, if you agree with a comment or post and want to show support boosting shows far more support then upvoting so a good rule of thumb now is if you upvote it, you should also boost it, at least for now. I hope this will be changed.

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Oh, of course, and tbh I kinda agree with a lot of what vegans have to say but I also know that tbh most people are not going to go vegan.

I know you probably think I am sitting here eating a steak now and that I only want to eat meat at this point but not really, I am actively trying to reduce meat in general in my diet and replace it with more veggies both for health and moral reasons. I can also think that (most) farms should absolutely treat animals better before slaughter. I can also agree that there are some animal products that are just unethical imo like veal or any baby animal used for food, or say a Foie gras.

But I also know that I am unlikely to cut ALL meat out of my diet, and I can also find the slaughter of far older animals to be less morally unjust, I mean I am ok with people taking what ever body part from me when I die, it's why I am an organ donor, I would like to still be useful somehow after death.

I don't know, I feel like this article I read a while ago that talks about ad hominem and coincidently being a creep that pertains to the situation and says how I feel about the idea. I did not write it, I just think it's accurate.

are you over 18? and is the man over 18? then that's fine, no shit?

are we just asking dumb questions now?

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I mean I can keep shit talking you, yeah. I mean you can act like you like being called out but you know deep down you hate that everyone thinks you are a braindead buffoon and that your opinions are worthless.

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No people in person also disregard your opinions, I can guarantee it.

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lol have you read any of the shit you said where you accuse fucking everyone of random bullshit?????

True, guess they are. I am gonna continue to laugh at them repeatedly.

Yes, swearing means that person is very mad and that only, you can not use it for emphasis or comedic effect at all and if you swear at all that means you hate everyone and want the world to end.

glad I could learn so much today.

if the idea of seeing someone swear scares you that much I am not sure an open federated instance were any legal type of community can be made and shared between each other is the place you would want to be, cus sorry to break it to ya, people on the internet are going to swear. We are not on a playground in pre-school.

You don't need to rape or murder to live, you need food to survive, kinda two different things.

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clearly you have lost track of time old man.

how much house and oil rig burning ya doing may I ask? cus I feel the answer is none