1 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

That quote is so wrong and misleading its hillarious.

Performance? Not really no. I believe C is slightly faster with Rust and C++ competing for second place. The benefit is safer code as Rust is built with performance and safety in mind. It highlights what potential errors can be found where making human error way less common. Instead of potential null errors types are wrapped in an option enumerator which ensures you know there can be a lack of a value. Expections are also enumerators done similarly with a result object so you know which functions may fail. Instead of using memory and potentially forgetting to free it we have the ownership system.

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I actually have the same image saved on my drive.

May I suggest ublock origin?

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Biking is based. The benefits far outweight the cons compared to the other private transport we have today. I thought the hate was almost exclusive to cars from what I've seen which is understandable. At least in comparison to bikes.

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Capitalist = Exploiter /j

You freeze and walk away slowly for your life being as loud as possible.

To be more mainstream granted it isn't because of a shitty locked down distro incompatible with the others.

What I love most abou Linux is its freedom. It doesn't try screwing me over for their own benefit, gives me full control of the system and is broken down into components. Having the underlying system foss for many is great to provide and make it easier to adopt more ethical software for computing.

Sounds like a decent approach. Private by default but without taking away the freedom to interact with threads if so desired. At worst an inconvenience


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Jerboa. Came up when I was searching on F-Droid

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I think he's saying most EV's are modern cars with this malicious tech. Personally just gonna avoid buying a car as long as I can

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Maybe an idea to make one? I've never heard of it before but the community existing is a start

Firefox does now have built-in page translation that runs offline. While it's not the best one out there it only needs to connect to the internet once to download the translation data.

I've had it happen on Windows 11 so its not gone there

Will it collect data about my sexual activity?

Among other projects I belive is beneficial to the world. It's Libre software and provides free (CC-by-SA) knowledge without making you a product. I only made a one time 3$ donation but I might donate more in the future.

I hope they win. I mean TikTok is not the only one. Not even close. But I hate platforms like these and would like to see some backlash.

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You can add sites as exceptions. Even that is so much better than saving everything.

You can suck on IQ tests and still be smart you know.

Check out It helps a little

Frogs are cute

The YouTuber would be better of if you donated 1 cent instead of watching an ad.

Yes for all except youtube. I use frontends there. LBRY when feasible and there's not a lot of content creators on PeerTube at least we got "The Linux Experiment". PeerTube needs a monetization model imo (benefiting content creators and instance hosters). I wouldn't mind paying a low fee for watching content for instance.

Personally, I believe a worker is entitled to all they create. I'm not going to deny the initial investment of the company is a risk taken and getting a bussiness on its feet requires active effort. But this opportunity is not amongst the many and most business starters are already quite well off and appeals to investors for growth which requires favorability of yet more well off people. Not to mention more well of bussinesses are less affected by law with breaking the law becoming an investment eventually making anticompetitive practices prevalent.

While I do of course support personal property. Personally, I do not believe private property is justified as I believe it creates a wealth disparity and hierarchial power (Socialist here and relevant to workers being entitled to their labour). When working for a private bussiness. The owners of this bussiness get the surplus labour value of what you produce on the grounds of owning thus private property. I do not believe the existing ownership of this property is a justified income as it is a passive income independent of whether you do work or not.

I'd recommend trying running a llm locally. Mistral OpenOrca is pretty good (saw it on GPT4All)

But only at the expense of others...

Well If it did I don't think LibreCMC would be much of a thing. (Linux-Libre OpenWRT to sum it up). But the officially supported hardware seems to be ThinkPenguin, and old APs which isn't a very rich selection. Unfortunate but thats why I wondered if the Banana Pi would work since firmware is closely tied to hardware.

Looks quite good. Wouldn't mind this as the logo

They are sentient of course

Tbh, in the digital world Lemmy is actually a nice step imo. But more steps can always be taken (as long they're reasonable). Whether its physical or digital.

As if they generated that income from their own labour and fairly nontheless. Yeah they profited from hard work. All the hard work of people working for them

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You could try dual booting to make the migration a little less extreme. I started that around the time Windows 11 came out and realized about a year later I don't use Windows for personal stuff anymore. Windows is now gone and I do not really miss it.

Best you're gonna get is shared-source. Open-source requires you can redistribute said program with modifications. Therefore, you need a license explicitly granting those rights.