
3 Post – 179 Comments
Joined 4 months ago




You know what?

The only use those types of thoughts have in anyone's life, is to remind you of something you value completing.

Thats it. Once you've had the thought, let the next thought follow just be - Yup.

Maybe you do it, maybe not. But putting that pressure on yourself isn't serving the purpose of doing that thing, in fact, it almost always does the opposite.

So yes, Ideally, we'd have no motivation other than feeling the need to do a thing simply because its what need to do.

But its not like that, for anyone. Stop being so expectant of yourself, and instead just expect that kind of thought to come up, and then wave at it, and let it pass on by.

For those mornings when you can't seem to get rid of all that lube, try the new Cactass!

Because how else are we going to have at least some models out there for people who can't fucking afford these ridiculous phone prices without doing payment plans?

Just like health insurance that's like tied into your mobile plan. We all thought we hated when we paid for minutes, and then for when we were paying for minutes and data, how naive were we.

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No I'm saying yeah that is the thing that exists right now, and for some people that's the only way that they can have / use a phone.

Between planned obsolescence and how careless and demanding in resources even phone apps are becoming now, cheap phones are as bad as really old phonesn

All I know is that maybe instead of putting a law like this in we're going to just add the price somewhere else I say we just shut all these companies down and run this cell phone towers ourselves since all of our tax money has been going to these companies for them to build all these things that they don't ever build or they build the bare minimum to get away with nobody taking the money back and it's fucked up

Because most of these companies have some of the best lobbyists out there how else could they possibly get away with continuously taking money from our taxes and handing it over to them to build all these cell towers and infrastructure that they've only Built less than 5% of

I don't pretend to know the full and total solution, but I do know what need to happen... but I know the historical flashpoints tsld to at has so often forced these issues? Th

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Sometimes I just wonder, what did.we do... y' kno?

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There's the kicker. Cause I firmly believe that, with more education (not indoctrination) by itself, conservativism would be made up entirely of the lowest 10% of intelligence, and those in the upper 0.5% of wealth (well, those who aren't already included from the former).

Cause no way in hell do this many regular average people care that greatly about the latest week's GOP bullshit. Not a chance. Its fear that motivates them to seek a solution, but lack of education that makes it so effective at falling for.

We gotta live with them, so we better figure out how to teach adults who don't have to be in school for years. Or learn how to live with needing to kill or exile them.

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Not just Bismuth, but bisbutt, bisnutz, and bisnass too!

It is currently, but education of the current voting populace began, and began to fail, long before 2025.

Believe me, i'm accutely aware of 2025. I'm preparing as best as my homeless trans ass can atm, in case me and my chosen peeps feel it best leave in a hurry.

And, while it spells out lots of shitty policy for the trumpers, I very seriously doubt that the concept isn't much more than an assembly of 1. Stating the obvious, and taking the reigns / credit for, the exploitations started by men who are long dead. 2. A group of groups/shakey collective, and their ideas on how to "take over" the government in a very "you won't believed this loophole" sort of way.

Is it possible they even mostly succeed? Abso-fucking-lutely, and I worry that its very very likely.

If the left, and those hurt by their own right leaders, cannot manage to stop this, within or outside of the government... and considering how so many opportunities to do that between now and then... then we deserve it. And i'll gtfo this place, or die trying if it comes to that.

But, given how trump post-election, no longer holds that weighty 2nd term value to the media and politicians alike, I suspect all that trump loyalty dramatically decease before midterms.

If you had trouble like I did

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I'd vote for a convicted felon. Fuck, I almost was one.

Now, a pedophilic misogynistic cheeto? Nah, I'll take the sleepy dude.

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Oh, fuuuuck yes. I love everything this has unexpectedy scratched in my soul. Damn, NASA, why do we treat you so?

We gotta stop these freaks

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Yeah, such as anyone trying to unscramble your... "thoughts"

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Most underrated animated show of our time. So pissed Netflix owns it, cause it will never receive the love it deserves.

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It would be good to know how this works on a larger scale. Like, everyone in a city or county having UBI and watching to see what society and the local economy as a whole does in response.

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Ok, Imma need some context

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A brief reading actually surprises me to some extent. It would seem they actually brought on people who really know about security issues from strangers and rogue employees both. It looks as though the least amount of data needed to transmit the location is all that is handled off phone, and all of it is E2E.

It was bound to happen, and frankly I'd rather have access to these kinds of things and choose if/where to use them than to not. Provided stalker-detection remains the priority it appears to be currently.

May they go to a place as lovely as they were brave.

Ugh, I spent entirely too much time arguing this when I was still in school, ironically the most time we spent arguing with men that were more than twice my age and felt way too strongly about this.

This is the right answer and I will not be taking any questions: 🙃

  • If it comes as a set with matching bottoms(or a gold chain) = Tracksuit/Sweatsuit

  • Light single layer + hood = hoodie

  • Light (single layer) + zipper/buttons + no hood = Jacket

  • Light (single layer) + knitted = sweater or sweater jacket if it opens

  • The other lighter layers with no hardware are just pullover

  • Heavier outterwear = Coat

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk

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Bad news girlfriend, it is useful. The more you have to work with, the better.

I too am pissed.

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Nah, the voters at best are uneducated and bandwagoners led by cheap group emotional manipulation (which is much easier to do to someone lacking an education)

Remember everyone, we've gotta live with these people after Trump and Biden go to live on the farm. We don't have the numbers to simplistically oppress them (wouldn't work for long if we did), or the desire to wipe them out (which, why would we want to become them). So we better start prepping ourselves for continuing life as equal citizens with people who voted for Trump.

(Especially if we're ever gonna get enough people on board with turning against actual ruiling class UwU)

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Look up "Lemino - Cicada" on youtube. Hands down the best under 1 hr description of the entire ordeal.

No thank you. I prefer to read.

It helps with my dyslexia, you hush now

Also, I'd venture to guess that a higher concentration of neurospicy individuals exist here than other forums, which may make markup of nonverbal communication more regular.

Just a hunch though.

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Given the older population's proclivity to vote against the best interests of the next generations in hopes of finally lucking into that American Dream....

Sure, but lets just set a cap not dependent on housing situation.

Meet up, climbing gym, running clubs, church.

Be careful with that last one. There are some that would welcome you... but do some recon before attending.

Actually, be careful with those last 3, they all sound dangerous 😁

I see 3 outcomes, in order of least to most in likelihood and excitement:

  1. Julius see's the error in his ways and establishes what essentially is an entirely new politcal system that is so good and just that It would stand today.

  2. Same scenario as above except his grandson grows up to one day claim his rule and reverses everything.

  3. He is killed, and for the exact same reasons as current lore. Either because his arrogance causes him to deny what will happen, or because regardless of any attempt to avoid such an outcome those who sought the power he had would still seek out that same power. Both lessons are fairly important but I think the latter one is often missed in the countless retellings. Power both corrupts and it's one sexy hot bitch.

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Given enough time to think about it, Everyone has a price to do some gay shit. It might be absurdly high but it exists.

And thats why everyone is a little bisexual.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk

As I anticipated, I've yet to find a replacement for most of the things I enjoyed from Tom.

My source of uniquely emoted monologues of the British persuasion is often somewhat filled by "Lost in the Pond".

My engineering/hardware fix is a mix of many channels, a "newer" channel some may not yet know would be "Inheritance Machinery"

Funky Art projects/style has lately been Ali Spangola, she's a real hoot

Unique Items of a vaguely educational nature would be Objectivity as well as Steve Mould

And Gameshows and the like from DropoutTv, thoughve I've yet to find anything like CitationNeeded.

Tom's a hard guy to replace, but thats not really something I've tried to do anyways. I just get my fixes from many youtubers who also provide unique and wonderful content too.

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I live in my car rn, and have been for over 300 days. And not because I wanted to.


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Its better than being on the streets or back in texas with all the transphobia there. I hate not having a bathroom that's mine, and I really hate all the eco-sinks every bathroom has.

Since living in my car, my sense of white guilt has skyrocketed. I have so many interactions with police because they just wanna check on me, but I haven't had a single "bad" experience yet and I know thats because I'm white.

Its not going to be forever, but it was the best way to start living as my true self and despite all the struggles I don't think I'd do it any differently.

If you are in a position to do so, I have more of my story on my gofundme that I recently set up.

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I wish I knew money enough to actually understand your comment, but here we are, both hating Elon and wanting him dealt with. Its beautiful really.

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And those after market LED headlights without aftermarket reflection cones make for a fun time driving blind.

Jokes on you BP, I'm getting mine removed anyways!

In all seriousness though, this is concerning.

The man takes the least popular of a group of people that absolutely adore talking about themselves generally and makes them interesting enough that not only will I actually watch any of it, I'll watch the whole thing having never heard of the person.

I'll take him interviewing a nobody over any late night host interview any celeb I'm supposed to know.

So long as he doesn't catch whatever TV host disease that gives them hosts that worse-than-sitcom-laugh... I'd rather listen to an orgy of deaf zoo animals.

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I hate the idea that someone's sexuality can even cost them an election....

Buuuuut, couldn't happen to a nicer guy if you ask me.