2 Post – 21 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

I miss that thing where any time there was a difficult question, someone with real expertise would jump into the comments. And sometimes it was someone who literally wrote the book on the subject. Sometimes it was the person who invented the thing being talked about. It was crazy. It happened all the time. It seemed like everyone was on Reddit and you could really trust you were getting solid answers.

2 more...

The bag of Paqui chips are nothing like the single chip that is eaten during the challenge. It is a single chip that comes in its own package for like $10. It is drenched in reaper pepper powder and is literally thousands of times hotter than the bag of chips when measured on the Scoville scale. I've done it a few times and it puts grown men on the floor.

11 more...

Take their boner pills away.

What am I supposed to be seeing here?

Can you explain how to do this?

I've not thought of that. What kind of apps usually have management permissions for the calendar? According to the Permission Manager, only Google, Gmail, Calendar, Android Auto, and Wear OS have calendar access. I think all of those need to stay on but I'll try removing them if I can to see if makes a difference.

1 more...

I see what you did there.

Just like to challenge myself.

Thanks, but I've already done that.

This keeps getting better the longer you look at it. There should be a community for that.

Just to see if I could do it.

I'm trying Voyager but how do you switch to only subscribed communities?

I've tried that too. Something is really wrong and it's not just the widget. All appointments are gone during the last week of every month. But if I go to my Google calendar online, they are still there.

None of that worked. Which calendar widget do you use?

When is that supposed to happen?

The income percentile you were born into. So those at the lowest income levels have the highest probability of surpassing their parents. But all probabilities seem to be decreasing each generation.

Thanks but I tried this and the other calendar app works just fine. Only Google calendar app is missing the events.

That's been ruled out. All events are on one calendar.

Thanks but nope. I just have the one calendar with all events.

What app are all you former RIF users using here on Lemmy? I'm trying Connect and it's pretty good but I'm wondering if there is something better out there.

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