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Joined 1 years ago

I actually have a SATA cable and power plug discreetly tucked in a spot in my PC case and have just taken the side off and plugged in a drive on occasion. It's normal purpose is troubleshooting other hard drives, but it works for that too

When you're 90% of the market you get away with telling everyone else to suck your dick.

A track record of beating trump?

Something about the statistical validity of a sample size of one.

Nah this is perfect

I'm just trying to pay for housing with my meager allotment of 80 hash browns per week

Every time I look at Matt Gaetz, all I can see is if Butthead (from Beavis and Butthead) were a real person and grew up rich.

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This is how you get people to start rooting their TVs

"Please pay this monthly access fee to maintain access to your account."

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Prior to collapsing, Rome achieved a sustained population in excess of a million people.

This did not occur again anywhere else until the mid 1800s.

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I say it all the time: He isn't actually a person, he has no real human emotions. He's just a sucking black hole of narcissism, and lashes out at his enemies accordingly.

Yep, so they're all going to continue to merge until there's 1-3 mega streamers, then they'll all add advertising, and we'll have come full circle.

Then there will be some new service which streams content directly to your brain and we'll begin again and continue until we have advertisements in our dreams.

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As we get closer to Microsoft forcefully shoving windows 11 down our throats, more and more I consider switching to Linux as my daily driver for home.

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The executive branch should play hardball with this and order the immediate reassignment of every soldier at the FIVE ACTIVE MILITARY BASES in Alabama, to other bases and make it clear that the collapse of the local economy is Tubervilles fault.

I'm pretty sure that's within the wide latitude granted to the executive in terms of military control.

Make Alabama hurt and I bet this bullshit stops.

Lead paint and leaded gasoline did a number on this country

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Familiarize yourself or stop making bad faith arguments.

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Mark my words - if the GOP manages to gain a 2/3 majority in the house and Senate through any form of shenanigans they will pass an amendment to relegalize slavery.

I'm convinced every "bigfoot" sighting is actually "bear with mange walking on its hind legs"

Make sure you save all those letters, lest you resolve the error and get a letter several years later saying you owe $x + interest due to an error that you've already resolved. Because they don't have those records digitally, apparently, and if you don't have paper copies of every document involved you might just get to pay that penalty whether it was ever due in the first place, or even if you've already paid the penalty. Or get a lawyer.

Which is what happened to me the year before last.

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Firefox will let you use both

Real life chance card!

Agreed. We should (in the US) pay really high salaries to government officials, especially executive office/legislators/judges. Provide huge benefits like paid education and lifetime medical coverage for children and spouses (even if you retire), and a one time home purchase up to a certain amount in any location on retirement. It's yours and if you sell it, the income is yours too. Pension equivalent to salary, which is raised whenever it's increased for active government officials, and continues for your spouse after you die.

But in return, you and your spouse must fully divest yourself of any investments of any kind. You must sell any properties you own beyond a home in your constituent state. A home in DC will be provided, if applicable. Your spouse also may not have investments or own properties. Your adult children may have investments if they're managed by a blind trust.

After you retire, or "age out" at the current full social security age, or at the end of your assigned term after reaching that age, you may not ever hold another job ever again. You may not receive income in any form other than what is paid to you by the pension fund. You (and your spouse) may not own investments of any kind.

Don't like it? Cool, don't run for office.

It's my preferred mobile browser because you can install ublock origin and other privacy extensions which is pretty unique



It just means you're accepting that there are different codes of law for different social strata, which is both unjust and contrary to the propaganda you were taught in school.

Your average cities skylines map

I feel bad enough when I'm letting the tap run during dishes when it's taking me a second to scrub something lol

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This really reads like, "wrap it up quickly."

Alright so this was a subreddit I'd never heard of until I came over here and this but is pretty intriguing.

But can someone tell me why the fuck y'all put "rule" after all your post titles? Not hating just... confused.

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Delayed onset mental deterioration caused by a decade or two of exposure to leaded gasoline.

I've literally seen cats with more complex reasoning capabilities than Trump.

You could write an incredibly simple algorithm to accurately predict every single thing he does. He is not an actual person. He is not a human being. He's just a sucking black hole of narcissism. He's a creature of pure Id.

I'm honestly surprised that they haven't followed up by just allowing the city to gradually eat the park.

A constitutional amendment will never occur again, because it is an incredibly high bar to overcome even when the legislative process in the country isn't as dysfunctional.

One party would need a super majority in both houses of Congress, where the bar is 2/3 but you're probably going to need at least ten more than that to prevent the amendment from being scrapped by a contingent of Joe Liebermans.

Then that same party will need a majority in the state legislatures of 38 states to ratify the amendment.

It's just not going to happen.

My parents live in butt fuck nowhere and are in a fiber co-op paying like $70/month for unlimited 1gbps up/down.

Meanwhile I live in the (extremely left) Capitol City of my state and pay Comcast $165/month for like 175mbps capped at 1TB, with some absurd overage fee like $10/5GB over until I hit $100 over and then it's "unlimited" but seems throttled.

New Year's Festival. Mandatory day off for everyone except emergency services

Imagine you own a couch you can sit on for forty hours a week, and it's decoratively on display in your living room, but generally completely unused.

You're not going to want to pay the same amount to be able to sit on it less, even if you never do.

The analogy here is that management basically sees you as furniture they literally own. They don't want to give up ownership of that time for any reason.

Exactly this.

Non violent mass protests work because the implicit threat is, "make the changes we're demanding or we'll drag you out here and beat you to death."

MLK was only effective because of the alternative of dealing with Malcolm X.

I was recently able to achieve the Pinnacle of my movie going career with a little planning ahead. Went and bought tickets to Evil Dead Rise, then it ended with enough time that if we waited for the credits to roll most of the way through, we could walk right into the Mario movie, and then did the same into John Wick 4.

And because the theater will let you choose your seats, all you have to do is check before you go how full they are and if you really want to know, check maybe thirty minutes before the next movie starts, and see what seats are available. They're usually static web pages, so you can just have a tab open and refresh it. Then there's no conflicts... you just walk in and sit down in seats you know are empty.

Theater employees don't give a fuck, they're too underpaid to care.

I'm convinced conservatives would vote for a potato if you put it in a Nazi arm band at this point.

Saw a video from Denmark I think where everyone is biking everywhere and the metro station has an enormous numbered rack for depositing bicycles for storage. The entire thing is spotless, well maintained, and has zero graffiti.

All I could think is that in the US the fabric of our society and the integrity of the social contract is so degraded that even if we somehow had the political capital to build it - it would be destroyed by individual anti-social behaviors. And we'd certainly never have the wherewithal to maintain or repair it.

At the very least we can be sure the iPhone he's undoubtedly using is the secured one provided by the government. Unlike the walking info hazard that was his predecessor.