1 Post – 187 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I’m fucking ashamed of my country for supporting Israel. They seem like evil bastards at this point, just committing wholesale genocide and for what?

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A lot of empty stores, and then the big anchor stores are full of depressing doomer news articles

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The biggest scam ever perpetuated in gaming history. Well, unless you count Gacha games I guess.

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They probably should. FB and all those other apps suck just as much.

Saying “one of the most popular operating systems” when there’s only 3-4 serious, mainstream contenders doesn’t mean much.

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Landlords are leeches on society. Play the stockmarket if you want to make money, don’t (continue to) make housing a source of gross profit.

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…why would you be against Ukraine, exactly?

You can assume all you want, just don’t preorder based on that assumption.

Wait… you’re telling me emotional mirroring is an ADHD thing all this time?? I thought I just kind of had it. Didn’t know it was related to ADHD.

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The aztecs knew how to manage it properly. It was the dumbass Spaniards that fucked everything up and drained all the water away.

It feels like a bell curve of technological literacy… most boomers knew jack shit, gen x has a decent amount of tech literates, Millenials are the peak, and then it seems to have started dropping back down from there.

It’s not a manhole, it’s way too small. But yeah not sure why it’s square. Could be European, they do weird stuff like that all the time.

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What kind of math is this? They will get $20, but actually $45?

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Knowing THOSE idiots, they’d probably just be like “yeah, so what?”

A lot of these “auto-pilot” apps have thousands of people employed, I don’t get it. Like, what is there to work on once you have things working pretty well? If anything they just start ruining the product over time…

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It was like that for TV too… back in the day there weren’t ads on cable, and then they just started adding them one day.

He’s not the president, dude…

I don’t get people who say they “can’t cook”. Anyone can cook basic recipes…. No, the real issue is that they lack the willpower to cook. I say this as someone who dislikes cooking. I can do it if I need to (or rarely, if I feel inspired), and hell, I can do it well! But I detest the idea of spending like an hour cooking every day when I could just buy premade things like frozen meals or whatever and save myself the time. If my wife didn’t like cooking, that’s what I’d be doing for dinner each night (I already do it for lunch basically).

And you find an old comment you wrote, and it feels like someone else wrote it because surely you don’t talk like that!

There was nothing small about the original Xbox.

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Wait it’s the same person posting all these weird rage bait articles for every new big game?

They’re always weird too because they’ll talk about an issue everyone already discussed at length like 2-4 weeks ago, as if it’s a new topic.

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Yeah why would the managers feel easy if their workers are apparently continuing to work hard up until they quit?

I’m almost ready to block this domain. Bunch of Musk shit and bad news all around.

Yep, i’m pretty sure they programmed it that way on purpose just to make one of the powers you get later seem more useful.

… however after many hours in the game I started just using mod commands to make the wind go whatever direction I wanted, just like in Windwaker.

It’s a legitimately good game. My brother was shitting on it too til he played it.

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Except some people don’t get paid big time. A lot of people actually. Because they like to waste all the ante’d money on stuff like these stupid ads.

Did the judge state this while wearing designer sunglasses, a gold chain, a bunch of diamond rings, and a big bag of money sitting next to them?

They need to stop limiting these games to the PS5 and release them on PC as well, and not 2 years late.

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Exactly! Compared to what neurotypical people are capable of, I truly do feel disabled in some ways. However, as long as I can continue to support myself and my partner until we both die, I’ll be good without all the extra bullshit and responsibilities.

Well yeah they said every POSSIBLE version. If it’s not possible, it wouldn’t exist in the multiverse.

Well said. This guy is a selfish idiot.

But which character will Anya Taylor Joy play? 🤔

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I mean i’ve met a lot of millenials like that too. I’m not exactly sure where it stems from

Just another reason I’m glad I don’t care to drink alcohol… did not know this was even a thing 🤢

It wouldn’t make any sense in this case, their prices never started at 0.

You’re missing the point…

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So fucking stupid they try and pull that shit lol

That was actually pretty good for what it was

Still a wifebeater tho

Yeah I guess it’s more predatory than scammy. Still shitty though.