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Joined 11 months ago

“We use the services of a third party wheelchair assistance specialist

I wonder what that corporate bullshit speak title actually stands for.

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Welp, this post might have just saved my life. I had no idea, and a heart condition.

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I can't remember the last time I saw a local pharmacy. The chains ran them out of business around here a long, long time ago. Best we had was one particular Realo, but then they got the local TriCare contract and wow, they got in over their heads. All their long-time employees quit and the quality of the place is abysmal now.

Good for them. I made tacos for the first time in ages a couple of days ago, and I could not believe the size of the shells now. I would have called them child-sized, they were so small. It's disgusting.

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Maybe get rid of the fake-ass TSA.

I heard on the radio this morning that.. Philadelphia's airport, I believe, is now allowing passengers to have people wait at the gate with them again. We haven't seen that in decades, it gives me hope the TSA will one day be a thing of the past.

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Not assisting, just hanging out with them until they leave.

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You've gotta be pretty fucked up to drown in a hot tub

If you've got low blood pressure, could be naturally that way or medication can cause it, you can pass out fast in a hot tub. I can't go in them for that reason.

That is exactly why I use it. I need to access pages for work, our internet security is ridiculously overdone and so many sites don't load... but the cached versions do. Fml

I had a blast playing solo. It's not a game I would have ever, ever picked up if it hadn't been free with PS+, because it didn't appeal to me in the least. Got bored enough one day to give it a shot and I've got 100s of hours in it. Put it aside finally for BG3... for now.

You don't have to say anything specific to get banned in that sub, you just have to catch a mod on a bad day, which is basically every day. I got banned for a reply to a comment on that sub - not even the OP, just a very buried comment, because they said I was off topic of the OP. My comment was very much on topic and involved how to report an abused child. One of the mods lost their fucking minds that day and banned dozens of people in that post. It wasn't even a controversial post with a lot of contentious comments and rule breaking, most of us were just discussing child abuse resources, which directly related to the OP. Those mods are power- mad fucking nutters.

This guy looks like the dollar store version of Tom Hiddleston's Loki. He needs to take all that money he's spending on the search for immortality and invest it into a therapist whose concentration is body dysmorphia.

I have thyroid issues, and when one of my hormones is out of wack, it feels like microscopic bugs are crawling all over me, especially in my eyelashes. That was A TON of fun to deal with until I realized what was going on.

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That is a rough 37. Whew.

This would 100% be my setup if I could use more than two monitors. I am incapable of having just one project at at time open, and this would just work so well for me.

So long as you pay something on a bill, you generally don't have too much of an issue. I can't tell you the number of people I know that are making $5 a month payments on $$$ medical bills. One of my coworkers and his wife had separate major health emergencies that put them in the hospital within 3 days of each other. She was in for months, he was in for weeks. Their combined bills after insurance is just over $500,000. $5 a month.

I have a feeling I'm going to be having surgery sometime in the near future, and I'll be joining that $5 crowd, because I'm still getting bills from a host of tests run at the beginning of the year that I'm paying on. I'm pretty much tapped out at this point.

What is neutral good called when the user keeps a large space between the monitors? That's pretty much all of my coworkers, and it drives me nuts.

I had to clink on the link just to see why the asteroid in the image was shaped like boxer briefs. Lol.