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That is a firearms issue.

Untrained, irresponsible people are getting access to guns.

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Because we know how well Trump talked about and regarded the troops.

Are these fools too stupid to look at the latest bills supporting vets and how republicans voted?

It’s mind blowing how republicans are able to convince people to vote against their own self interests so voraciously.

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It exists and kids have a gender identity whether you hide it from them or not.

It’s the same broken logic that somehow sex education is somehow causing kids to have sex. Most guys don’t even realize how women pee, sex education has been so broken.

Republicans fucking love an ignorant populace.

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Freedom of speech absolutist lol

For me the difference is in refusing to serve someone because how they were born vs the choices they make.

Totally ok with the later, but the laws are supposed to prevent the former. Just like it being illegal to discriminate against someone just because they are black or white or Asian or whatever.

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If a religion said black people are a sin and should be avoided… and then started a school with rules banning any contact with black folks, would you treat it the same? Religious grounds, private school, just don’t go there?

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They should, but they wouldn’t.

We can’t even get fair treatment for humans.

Not to mention, people can’t even see past cultural veils… pigs are smarter than dogs, and people who would never eat a dog have no second thoughts eating pigs and mocking vegetarians/vegans.

Something something drain the swamp. Trump drained the swamp by appointing his kids and his friends kids White House positions and forcing everyone to use his hotels.

Don’t even get me started how Fauci is corrupt!


There is no logic in the Republican Party

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I’m fine with ads. It costs money to run servers and build out the platform.

I’m not fine with the absolutely sleezy way spez handled the api changes and the ridiculous price. Utterly disrespectful to the mods, third party app devs, and Reddit users.

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Seeing it altogether- the naming is really quite ridiculous.

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I’m surprised no one has mentioned Home Alone.

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I’m blown away that people believe trump somehow is cleaning the swamp. Like yes, the convicted fraudster who appointed his kids White House positions where they made hundreds of millions and the guy who forced the White House to use his own hotels and resorts… that’s the guy who is above corruption and will end corruption politics.

Can you even explain what is gender identity? Since you are so against it. What is it and why shouldn’t kids learn about it?

Correct. The point is sexual orientation should be protected like race.

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Interestingly silent on trumps kids who were appointed White House positions and made hundreds of millions of dollars in those positions…

The West and the Woke living rent free in dictator, and tyrannical supporter’s dreams.

lol of course he thinks the companies are “blackmailing him” and not that the companies don’t want to advertise in the cesspool he has turned twitter into.

Even if you didn’t like twitter before, it’s much worse now than Elon has worked his magic. Why would companies want to pay money to have their brands side by side with nazi posts.

lol you mean the California that is the 4th largest economy compared to countries?

The California that pays most to the federal government, essentially subsidizing poor red states. Talk about taking hand outs, those red states really are lazy and need to pick themselves up by their bootstraps.

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And they’d be wrong. Being gay is a choice as much as being straight is.

I’m always quick to point out if someone believes being gay is a choice, they are admitting THEY actively are choosing not to be gay everyday… that they actually could find the same sex attractive but choose not to.

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In many ways this is the tip of the spear for changing the laws.

The same was done for any equal rights battle- blacks, women, etc. “illegal” acts had to be done.

Maybe reasonably but people are very irrational. Wish they had a cheat sheet on how to disarm the natural stubbornness and inability to admit mistake or fault. That’s usually far tougher than actually reasoning.

Exactly. We figured it that wasn’t right then in the same way this isn’t right now.

Take everything Nazis believe. Now just say it’s a religion. Now they start a school to spread their beliefs.

According to you, that’s totally ok… hence the statement.

The paradox of tolerance to a T

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I’m curious if the “climate change is a hoax” stuff is as prominent in China as the US. I’ve run into so many people who hate EVs solely because they think climate change is a hoax and EVs are just another way to scam them out of money for a lower quality vehicle… despite any evidence of EVs being better quality

Again I draw the line on discrimination based on how a person was born vs their decisions.

Bakers can say no to nazis, democrats, republicans, tattoos, whatever.

But bakers being able to say no just because how you are born: white, black, male, female, gay, straight… that’s horse shit.

Why would argue that’s ok or morally correct or fair?

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Musk didn’t allow it. Full stop. It’s not so,e government sanction thing.

Even quotes you reference are from Musk, himself, sharing why he decided so. Musk said he chose not to activate it because he’d be apart of escalating the war…

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You list assets and debt. Nothing about revenue. Nothing about the surplus California just had. Nothing about expected income. Nothing about the balance books of other states (guess what, every country and state runs with debt financing).

If California is in trouble because of its economy, then every state is bigger trouble.

You are completely delusional and brainwashed. California is literally carrying the country.

It has the 4th largest economy in the world. That means it’s the best economy of any state by a large margin.

California has the 5th largest economy in the world (compared to other countries), produces a third of the country’s fruits and vegetables, and basically subsidizes all the poor, primarily red states…

California has kept the US at the forefront of the world stage in tech with Silicon Valley, in entertainment with Hollywood, and dare I say cars with Tesla (as much as Elon hates CA these days because COVID and taxes, Tesla would have never survived without California subsidies and green policies).

But go on living in your Fox News world and ignoring reality.

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That’s great and all, but I personally don’t think that is right for fair.

Imagine a baker saying they don’t want to bake a wedding cake because of an interracial couple or for black people. I get the law is different, I’m saying personally I don’t agree with that law and think that’s a load of shit.

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What is the difference between discriminating against blacks or Jews or women vs discriminating against gay people?

Being gay is not a choice. Someone liking people of the same sex is no more controllable than you liking members of the opposite sex. Do you actively choose to like women and dislike men (or vice versa if you’re a women)? Are you saying someone could tell you something and somehow convince you to find men attractive?

This isn’t censoring an opinion, this is basic human rights.

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It’s because they hide behind “freedom of religion” when what they mean is they want a Christian theocracy.

When you have a system that values profits over everything, it tends to (either by accident or design) exploit workers and destroy the middle class.

With capitalism, you’ll pay the absolute minimum needed to get workers, regardless of the value they create for the business and regardless of how much profit your business is making. You’ll collude with other businesses to keep wages down, because again that’s a way to increase profit. You WONT support any worker rights laws like weekends, PTO, benefits, minimum wage, etc.

You can argue that the free market takes care of itself, but we’ve seen that isn’t true. Companies constantly exploit customers and workers. They will raise prices and lower wages in ways that a pure “free market” theoretically wouldn’t allow.

Now this isn’t to say capitalism is all bad. I do think smart people and hard working people should be rewarded. But any sufficiently large system is going to have some corruption. I’d like to have a reasonable minimum standard of living for everyone before we run off and let capitalism give us multi-billionaires. If everyone was guaranteed enough for a decent standard of living, I’d be fine with the rest being as capitalistic as anyone wants. But we dont have that. Minimum wage is $7. Healthcare is shit and tied to employment. Etc. etc.

That’s how Twitter was and is today too. It’s not supposed to only be people you follow.

What against US policy? Escalating the war? We already are sending tons of military equipment, some used in counter offensives.

Post the link and full article you got that from, I’d like to read but many of the links are pay walled.

Here’s what I read from one of the links you referenced, I would think Musk would say it’s against US policy if that’s the reason he chose not to activate Starlink

“There was an emergency request from government authorities to activate Starlink all the way to Sevastopol,” Musk wrote on X, the platform previously known as Twitter.

“The obvious intent being to sink most of the Russian fleet at anchor. If I had agreed to their request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation,” Musk wrote.

An excerpt about the raid from American author and journalist Walter Isaacson’s upcoming biography on Musk, titled “Elon Musk,” was published by CNN. Ukrainian submarine drones loaded with explosives were approaching a Russian naval fleet in the Crimean city of Sevastopol when they lost connection and “washed ashore harmlessly,” according to Isaacson.

Musk was concerned about Russia responding to the naval attack with a nuclear weapon, Isaacson wrote in the book, according to CNN. Ukrainian officials

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It’s easy to get a following by fostering fear and hate. Literally just blame and vilify a group and blame them for all the problems your target audience has.

I do agree males are disproportionately impacted by certain things… look at prison, suicide, etc. but I also think feminism would correct that. I’m a truly equal society, men wouldn’t bare the brute of the stress of financial support, for example. I also think in a truly equal society, the notion that men chase women goes away. People are just out there trying to find love and/or happiness.

If you have that, a lot of the symptoms you mentioned, where men are disproportionately affected go away.

So the only one saying Musk didn’t activate Starlink was because of US sanctions is you, and not even Musk himself.

There’s not article, just you deducing from the US sanctions list.

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And there in lies the paradox of tolerance… which ultimately leads to the intolerant taking over.

You brought up accreditation. I just asked if it should be allowed.

Here’s the theoretical: someone makes a religion based on Nazi values and makes a new school that teaches those values and enforces it too (so no Jews, Christians, gays, etc. and students and faculty cannot associate with said people).

Should that be allowed? I’m not asking if it should be accredited or not. Just should it be allowed. ie you are made ruler of the world and you get to decide if that should be accepted practices the the culture, values, and practices of the world you rule.

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Anyone coming from Apollo, I highly recommend wefwef. It’s impressively close given how short it’s been in development.

Also fuck spez

It is a little incredulous that somehow only you have figured out the real reason Musk didn’t activate Starlink.

With so many articles coming out, no officials making a statement, hell even a biographer shadowing Musk at the time. Even Musk gives alternate reasons and doesn’t say it, even if it would save him from a lot of bad press.