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Joined 1 years ago

I’m so tired of the cattle industry in Colorado. From their extreme water usage in a water strapped state, to their entitlement to using federal land to graze, to their insistence on killing the wolves that the state voted to introduce, to their election of Lauren Boebert. It is selfish bullshit after selfish bullshit and enough is enough

Reminder that Reid Hastings the Netflix founder is a prolific anti union and anti public school pact funder. He is a piece of shit outside of giving chappelle a platform

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And then the crime rate fell

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Love how much OP is shilling for UAE. I doubt OP would be so okay with the jail sentence if it were them who had to serve it.

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Fucking do it already. We’ve been hearing “impending recession” for the last decade.

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You’re right, yelling at someone is super vile behavior. It should definitely be punished. I assume you also believe that freely expressing options about politics, or religion is also super vile and should be punished.

The west has its own issues, and the way people interact with each other is one of them, but the UAE is not in a position to pass judgement. The forced civility between civilians while the government carries out mass executions by beheading of dissidents is a thin vail over the same vile behavior you are decrying in your comments.

I’ve read all of your comments in this thread, you are 1000% shilling for UAE

If you are in the US, diabetes is covered by the Americans with disabilities act and there are laws governing what kind of accommodations your employer is legally obligated to make for you.

Diabetes comes with needing extra or extended sick time and is not likely an unreasonable accommodation for your employer to make.

Know your rights before your talk to them


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Why do we give a fuck what Mary trump has to say?

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He is a state house rep, no a national house rep

Next step you won’t be allowed to get divorced or to get your own credit card.

We aren’t far from the recent post where this was how it worked. Women have gained immensely in the last century and are at risk of losing it all.

It’s not supposed to make money. It’s supposed to be a way for wealthy republican donors to transfer massive amounts of wealth to trump. Publicly and legally.

If you don’t come into work today you are going to put undue burden on all of your coworkers. It’s certainly not my fault for staffing to the absolute bare minimum so that there is no room for people to be sick or take days off, it’s your fault for being a lazy worker

That’s where I’m at. They left the fediverse when they took the approach of aggressive defederation with everyone else. Them fully leaving is insignificant now

Also lower % iso is usually better, 70-90 is more better than 99

No Ken Buck holds the seat and is retiring

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That’s not how domains work.

YeH, maybe color coded jars? I just use clear jars and put the initials of the strain on the lid with sharpie. Use alcohol to clean it off when I’m cleaning everything else

Especially because lauren boebert is in a very competitive down ballot primary race that trump not getting out the voters for will hurt. Her opponents are more centrist, standard Coloradan republicans

I think it’s only collusion if they all talk about doing it. Reading that your competitor raised prices and then raising your own isn’t the same as using back channels with your competitor in order to agree to both raise prices

But how did it endanger democracy? Every president ever has willingly released the documents he leaked. How were his actions dangerous?

Yeah, it also almost never gunks up or has issues. It’s been my go to for three years

I wonder how many of those are active users vs spam / bots

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I have experienced much more mild CHS than what you’ve described. Mainly nausea and occasional vomiting spells, but usually just happens in the morning and I’m fine in the afternoon.

I’ve been self regulating for about 2 years by limiting my intake and switching strains often (and just avoiding certain ones). I did take a solid 6 months off after diagnosis and started introducing it back slowly.

I’ve found that I can still smoke daily, but not all day. I can smoke up to an ounce of a single strain before that specific strain starts to trigger symptoms and switching to a “different enough” strain will avoid further symptoms. Some strains just hit me wrong and will cause symptoms (ghost train haze) but others seem to be pretty safe and are a go to (member berry).

When symptoms come on quickly I just take a few days - a week off smoking and am usually good to start again with a different strain. I start to get heart burn / mild nausea in the morning and that’s when I know I need to change strains.

I haven’t tried the same strain from different dispensaries to see if there is a different factor like pesticides or nutrient solution that is actually the problem. I doubt the same strain from two dispensaries would be scientifically close enough to make it a worthwhile test. What confuses me is that while I am experiencing symptoms from a strain my body has turned on, I can fire up a bowl from a safe strain and it does a pretty good job of stopping the symptoms, which to me says either pot is a great anti nausea or that the level of THC in my system isn’t the issue but instead the level of a certain cannabinoid or terpene.