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Joined 1 years ago

One of their mods literally was a 20 hour work week dog walker who wanted to work less.

…and they said Vista was better than XP.. Win 8 was better than 7.. Win 11 is better than Win 10. I’m not sure Microsoft is the best at compare/contrast.

i want to call complete BS on them making it out like the Redditors protesting would physically assault the staff. Guess that’s probably a reasonable thing now though. People are whacked in the head.

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I’m not giving up. 11 year account deleted. I might read stuff on Reddit from time to time, but it will be without an account, in a private tab, through a vpn, with an ad blocker on.

I suspected the site was a demo of what the software LOOKED like, then I got to the part where y’all say it’s functional. That’s a REALLY cool way to do an intro!

I wear a pride band on my Apple Watch nearly every day, and I am cis/het. it, like the “you’re safe with me” button on the back of my wheelchair, are signifiers that I’m a safe person if someone needs it. Also, the watchband is f’ing gorgeous and hopefully helps normalize pride wear in my small, not progressive area. It pisses of my bigoted FIL also.

I know that some people might get mad a a cis/het man wearing pride stuff, and I get it, but hopefully I’m doing a net positive action. It, as well as sometimes painting my fingernails, and having a lavender phone case, help me fight back against my internal misogyny. My internal reaction of “that’s a girly thing and I’m a man, so I can’t do it” has already reduced a significant amount.

Im also not entirely sure my sexuality is as set in stone as I used to think. But I’m old and happily married, so it’s not like I’m going to explore that part of me, but if I was young and single with this newer view on life, I could definitely see my sexuality being more fluid than it was when I was searching for a life partner.

Hopefully that all makes sense and isn’t offensive. I’ve got 30+ years of bigotry fighting against 7ish years of being a decent human being. Sometimes I don’t get the idea across without sounding bad.

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Not to mention the scams. I have tinnitus, and google knows that, so I get snake oil tinnitus ads all the time.

Seriously, if someone cures that, they won’t need to be advertising on YouTube.

I don’t like Apple because of their anti-user, anti-third party policies, but their quality, interoperability, and privacy make me pick it over google for my phone, tablet, and watch.

Granted, it I could replace those things with FOSS alternatives that worked as well as Apple products do, I would in a heart beat.

Yep. That was the point I became what he calls a ”whiny “ person and deleted my account.

They THINK they had to work hard. Most of them are from a time where a one income family of 5 could actually be financially solvent.

Is that why KBin never works for me, but multiple Lemmy instances do? Lol

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Lol. Love this place. I make a joke, but get an actual explanation in return. Thanks!

I’d be willing to bet that the vast majority of Americans don’t budget at all. I don’t. I should, but I’d probably walk into traffic if I had to look at the numbers.

I made an account there once and immediately got racist and homophobic results, so I quit using it.

Yeah, chuck in on the pile of “battery innovations” that get announced but never come out. It’s a large pile.

Hydrogen is the future.

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It’s summer here, and El Niño is coming, so I’m in a constant state of climate induced despair and panic. It’s my big trigger. I see one bad news story and my brain runs down all the possible avenues about how we are all going to die and how my son’s life is going to be terrible and I’m horrible for having brought him into this world and everything is falling apart and it all sucks now.

But I just started playing destiny 2, so that’s fun.

I think the venn diagram of people who think free speech is the #1 inalienable right that was granted by the cosmos/god and can never be infringed and people who just want to be able to say whatever they want and people can’t get mad at them for it is a circle.

I enjoy free speech. I think it’s important. I’m still going to distance myself from an those with no control over their mouth. That’s not ignoring their free speech, it’s invoking my right to not hear it.

I like that they put “could” in there. A lot of articles claim improvements “are” coming to solar or battery, then it never happens.

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That was easy for me. Apollo was Reddit for me. I deleted my account, removed that app, and now the barrier to entry of reaching Reddit would be going to the mobile site, so… I’d rather have all my teeth pulled with a rusty pair of pliers. Addition cured.

I use Debian for my docker servers. I try to use it on the desktop. Was using pop-os, games kept crashing, replace with arch? Archinstall wouldn’t work. Back to windows I guess. Maybe I should try Debian on the desktop since it’s the only one I ever get working properly.

I use DuckDuckGo. Including using their browser on iOS and windows.

My ironic thing concerning appointments was that I almost missed one BECAUSE of my meds. My anxiety about appointments give my paralysis before the event, so I end up doing nothing and arriving really early. I took my meds before my appointment once and I got so fixated on doing something that I was almost late to the appt.

huh. Maybe that’s why watching this on mobile safari with vinegar installed has been really flaky lately.

In a world where people regularly poop in yards doesn’t mean I wouldn’t want to stop them pooping in mine.

This is what the devs are doing. Anyone who doesn’t like that is free to use another instance.

Unfortunately our entire economic system relies on that.

I’m interested in why you think android has any privacy benefits. If you are talking full-google android, I don’t see how running an OS made by a company whose business model is finding out every bit of info they can about you is privacy positive.

Now if you are talking lineage and/or grapheneOS
Without gapps, sure.

I like Apple because my phone just works. Sure the customization isn’t there, but I’d waste time on it if it was. Also stay on Apple because last time I checked, the Apple Watch was the only wearable that tracked wheelchair activity properly.

iOS has gotten far buggier since Steve’s departure though. The “paint the back of the fence” mindset got ruined by Tim Apple and capitalism.

I don’t see the point. Sure, smartphones can be bad, but I have adhd and an addictive personality and I can limit myself if I set up boundaries. Remove apps that waste time, set app time limits, but still have a gps/camera/computer in my pocket if I need it.

I’m interested to see what responses you get though.

Ditto. I saw that, I deleted all my posts/comments and then my 11+ year old account.

As much as i hate the idea of a community relying on one company, I saw someone suggest that Apple buy Apollo and get into social. It’s not a TERRIBLE idea. I feel icky wishing for it though.