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Joined 1 years ago

Even assuming the passage is totally genuine, two fires had destroyed much in the way of official documents Tacitus had to work with and it is unlikely that he would sift through what he did have to find the record of an obscure crucifixion, which suggests that Tacitus was repeating an urban myth whose source was likely the Christians themselves,[3]:344 especially since Tacitus was writing at a time when at least the three synoptic gospels are thought to already have been in circulation.

According to Bart Ehrman, Josephus' passage about Jesus was altered by a Christian scribe, including the reference to Jesus as the Messiah

Scholars have differing opinions on the total or partial authenticity of the reference in the passage to the execution of Jesus by Pontius Pilate.[15][30] The general scholarly view is that while the Testimonium Flavianum is most likely not authentic.

Respected Christian scholar R. T. France, for example, does not believe that the Tacitus passage provides sufficient independent testimony for the existence of Jesus [Franc.EvJ, 23] and agrees with G. A. Wells that the citation is of little value

A. The first line of the Tacitus passage says Chrestians, not Christians.

Suetonius says Chrestus was personally starting trouble in Rome during the reign of Claudius.

Suetonius is writing years after Tacitus yet doesn't mention that Chrestus died.

So Chrestus can't be Jesus because it's the wrong decade, wrong continent and missing a death.

B. The second line in Tacitus that mentions Christ and his death was never noticed until after the mid-fourth century. So this second line is fake.

P.S. Even if the second line was somehow authentic, the information would have come from Christians. This would be the equivalent of deriving Abraham's biography by talking to Muslims.

This is why Bart Ehrman specifically dismisses Tacitus and Josephus. As do most other biblical scholars.

In the immortal words of Christopher Hitchens, if this is all you got, you are holding an empty bag.

His base simply doesn’t care

Lets face it, we could have a video of trump raping those kids himself and they still would vote for him. Facts are irrelevant to cults, they are immunized against reality

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I also predict he will COMPLAIN about this gift on truth social, saying they should have reduced it to Zero. Spitting right in the faces of those judges that just gave him the gift.

How is this not corruption?

Its naked corruption. Everyone involved should be disbarred and be immediately investigated.

More and more Im trusting the fact that ublock origin will correct these issues in short order. Youtube must really hate those guys...

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And yet I believe he still will not pay them a dime... just like if trump loses all his court cases in New York, I really believe he will just refuse to pay and force them to chase him around asking for that money for the rest of his life. Rich people never have to pay fines in the US, its all for show, they always find a way to get around everything.

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They had her anywhere between a 70-90% chance to win

And its important to note that these predictions were for the pop vote, which she did actually win, so they were actually right.

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Well ya super rich people designed the entire legal system in the US specifically to protect themselves from ever have to face any real consequences for their crimes. You dont have to look much further than Donald J Trump to see how thats working.

then we'll just do a sponsorblock type solution which skips over the ad

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Why is this "innocent" man constantly attacking the children of the court staff? Why the children??? Hes pretty consistent about it too which is also strange and extremely dangerous.

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Funny how we've never seen any pictures of Biden with Epstein, but we have dozens of Trump with Epstein and we know they were friends for over a decade, and you still think they are "both bad people"

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Who is buying anything at this point, I mean seriously? The only thing my wife and I buy now is food, and we hunt, literally hunt for the lowest possible prices on any item before we buy anything. These people who spend 1000 dollars on a concert or 500 dollars for running shoes actually blow my mind.

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I made a user script that will make a button on each video which jump you to piped, that way you can continue to use YT to manage your subscriptions and see your feed, but you never have to watch to video there

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Also Canadian here, our insane conservatives would do the exact same thing if we give them power... I suspect we are soon to find out

He’s still on the hook for the full amount if his appeal fails

You know how long appeals can take right? Considering he can now get someone else to pay the relatively small bond, he'll be dead from old age before he ever has to pay a dime of his own money.

The very fact that we cant throw these particular bank robbers in prison because they stole so much money that they are now too big to jail, is an indictment of our entire system

I made a user script that will make a button on each video which jump you to piped, that way you can continue to use YT to manage your subscriptions and see your feed, but you never have to watch to video there

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Apple is a LOT worse than Microsoft these days

he already did that, probably at least 1/3rd of the country got fully brainwashed by him lying to them constantly with his insane conspiracy BS, and the only way out of cults as we all know is the all the followers to finally drink the koolaide, which is still coming

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most of the content on YouTube, Facebook and Reddit is not generated by the companies themselves

Its their job to block that content before it reaches an audience, but since thats how they make their money, they dont or wont do that. The monetization of evil is the problem, those platforms are the biggest perpetrators.

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Its not our fault you sucked your own kids into your illegal business trumpy... families that crime together do time together

No matter what point you try to make with any magat, they inevitably jump to "but Biden took shower with his daughter!!", whataboutism at its finest. Problem is, its just another pathetic lie that they all believe without evidence and its time we pushed back on it.

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I wouldnt worry about that, you and I are likely to experience it ourselves

Now imagine if they were kissing each others buttholes.. its an infinite loop

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Watching shoe company gouge CHILDREN by marketing and selling them running shoes for 500 dollars kinda turned me off from ever wanting to give those companies money ever again.

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Firstly: of course he knew it was illegal.

Secondly: ignorance of the law does not give you immunity

Third: he assumed no one was taping him committing said crime, if they had not done that he would have simply denied it and his cult would have accepted that lie, as always

Its literally their go to response for everything now when you mention trump crimes to them

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And its looking like conservicrooks are gong to get back in soon which means all talk of this plan will die the second that happens

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And he'll never go away, ever. As long as he has munny he will be a thorn in everyones side, he cannot simply be voted out like a politician sadly

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with the genocides Biden keeps funneling money and military equipment into

Yaaaaa... so you can fight Putin in Ukraine or you can simply do nothing and wait till he attacks a nato country. Lots cheaper to do it while he is in Ukraine.

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ewwwwww.. 99% far right garbage, zero moderation there last time I took a look.

Crimes and hamburder wrappers

You just named the inevitable trump saga movie.

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The GOP is just fucking crazy and a danger to this country

They are simply a terrorist group at this point, and by extension so are the GOP voters who support all this

On android I find its also a good idea to have a system wide ad blocker solution because android and all their apps are so inundated by ads, so I recommend dns66 (which can be found on fdroid) which has multiple blocklists you can subscribe to. This will cover some ads thats are built directly into apps and almost all ads that would appear in websites on a browser. This helps a lot since some apps will open a browser window for -reasons- and they sometimes have their own internal browser or they will just use chrome by default, not respecting your default browser choice, and in those cases you cant have ublock installed to protect you and those pages are so ad-overloaded that finding what you are looking for is next to impossible.

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I think it also depends highly on the circumstances, if your child did something very very bad (hit bother with a hammer say) then youd actually be derelict in your duties as a parent not to yell at them (and ground them, etc) in that situation. Going too soft on them when they really go off the rails can be just as bad or worse than being too hard on them.

have ya met maga folks? they cray

not working for me anymore, I have firefox + ublock and updated the filter, they are blocking now after 3 videos

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I would also point out that any pro quackocracker post you see here is the one time they might have helped someone just out of random chance, those people are loud and tell everyone how great their quackocracker is. Its simple confirmation bias, they have a sample size of one, themselves, this is not how data works.

Its worse, now he can get someone else, some idiot sucker to post the bond for him, and he'll never pay a dime on this. He will tie the appeal up in courts for a decade and be long dead before ever paying anything.

Its likely in the works, but first go back to the court who gave you 83 million and ask them to shut him up first, hold him in custody till there is a hearing where the judge tells him, "shut up or else".