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Joined 1 years ago

I think Pence would actually do better if he went full Chris Christie and attacked Trump. Pence stopped a coup attempt by certifying the vote. If the guy would stand up, denounce Trump, and paint himself a hero then he's probably doing a lot better than he is currently. Instead he's sitting on the fence like a massive turd.

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What do you mean, this bad boy is probably powering a semi-critical government system somewhere, definitely not obsolete.

Edit: not even joking or shitting on it, there's probably a proprietary software system out there somewhere that a contractor was paid to build ages ago. The contractor is out of business or doesn't support it anymore, but it works perfectly in its one little spot. Also an update is gonna cost a quarter of a million dollars.

I've seen disk chart meters at facilities that are 40+ years old and need a new disk chart every so often. You could replace it with a digital meter, but that won't integrate with the rest of the control panel and a third party took over production of the disks 15 years ago. The system works great and it's unlikely to be updated unless they stop making the disk charts.

Edit 2: the correct term is circular chart recorder

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If you're on desktop and open several videos at once (such as getting home from work/school and opening all the new videos on your subscriptions tab) you really don't notice.

What I do notice are the ads at the beginning, quarters, middle, and end of a video

McHenry is a piece of shit. Also he was running campaign ads on YouTube back in June, fucking 11 months before the primary.

Let's be honest, Forbes has been a trashhole for a while.

While this is a cool development I would recommend tempering expectations. The cost of tap water is exceptionally cheap and the claims made here likely take these estimates to the extremes. The economics of scale likely don't match up.

For example, tap water in my city costs ~$0.04 per gallon, at 5 liters per hour, 0.264 gallons per liter, 24 hours per day, for 5 years is $2,312. So saying they can make it for less than the cost of tap water doesn't mean it's affordable.

EDIT: Forgot to convert from liters to gallons

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From what I've heard the BBB is as much a BS organization as HP, companies can pay to have the complaints removed.

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I'd really like for the Democrats to stop trying to make Biden appear young. Yeah, I would like a younger president, yeah I like that Biden can ride a bike or go for a walk, but these don't make him look younger to me and I didn't vote for him because I thought he was younger and super fit.

I wish the Biden team would lean into the memes, I feel like that's when he's been most popular. Appropriating the Let's go Brandon memes, appropriating the "I did that stickers/meme," leaning into the Dark/Dank Brandon memes, and back when he was VP leaning into the Uncle Joe vibe.

Fucking embrace that the dude is old and make him America's great grandpa. Have him walk out onto a Mr. Rogers lookalike set in a red cardigan to talk about policy. Have him do a fireside address with a blanket and a coffee. Have him throw on the sunglasses and crack the goofy smile before going to get ice cream with a podcaster.

Hell, get the people who made this video to help on Biden's public image.

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Aren't young Democrats the lowest turnout group in nearly every state in every election? I'll double check the numbers when I get home, but from memory that was the case.

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Most farming is subsidized, the debate then is which one is subsidized more. A bit of a specious argument at the end of the day.

In my mind Early Access is for games that are so close to completion that they can ask for money and withstand criticism.

It should go:

  • Alpha (closed or open)
  • Beta (closed and/or open)
  • Early Access
  • Full Release

If your game suffers in Early Access then it likely means your game wasn't ready for Early Access. Too often a game that should still be in Closed Alpha or Closed Beta is thrown up on Steam as Early Access. If you're gonna do that then you have to take the criticism as well.

It's also used for dramatic pause, suspense, or as a setup for a punchline, which may be the case for the title. Other punctuation is probably more appropriate, but oftentimes doesn't convey the desired level of pause.

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side. Why did the chicken cross the road..... To get to the other side.

David Carradine was found dead in Thailand from auto erotic asphyxiation.

David Carradine was found dead in Thailand.... From auto erotic asphyxiation

Once upon a time Quora had reasonably accessible information. Now I find it nearly unusable and only go there as a last desperate effort which is generally fruitless. Pinterest is annoying, but generally you can still view some content. What's annoying is trying to download, copy, or isolate content there. If all you want to do is view an image, Google can typically still pull the image out and make it viewable from the search. The problem only arises if you try to go in and see the original.

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It's as real as Kids requesting litter boxes in school because they identify as a furry, it's just meme BS that a specific political group has latched on to and bitch about. It's definitely not real.

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Yeah, it's truly disappointing. By the numbers Pence should be an excellent candidate for the right, he's been married (first marriage) to the same person since 1985, he's so religious he has documented life events that he's made decisions based on faith, he's a seasoned politician (Congressman, Governor, and Vice President), and while his politics are terrible I don't think he himself is a bad person.

For that last part, it's a pretty low bar. It's the sort of thought, "If he had the opportunity to kill someone without being caught, and it made him money, I don't think he'd do it." This is the same idea for many of our past presidents and candidates. If my (fictional) teenage daughter passed out for some reason and I had to run to get help, I wouldn't have any concerns leaving Mike Pence (Obama, Biden, George Bush, or Romney) with her for a while so I could get help. Guy might cheat on his taxes or tell a white lie or justified lie, but he seems like a passably nice guy (in the I'll cancel your right to an abortion, but if I get you pregnant I'll own up and take responsibility for you and the child kind of way).

I might be reading more into his character than I should, but add that to mine and your past statement and I totally agree he would be a more popular candidate.

when better candidates are clearly available for both demopublican parties has to some other reasoning

You're absolutely right, but if it comes down to Biden vs Trump at the general election, who are you going to vote for?

I have Windows 10, so things may be different for 11 or whatever version you're on, but can't you just uninstall OneDrive without specifically closing it? I feel like that's what I did when it was default installed.

I'd really like to know what the level of input creators have over the ads that appear in their videos is. It feels like some videos are just whatever Google throws out there while some videos seem to have no ads and finally some seem to have very limited ads.

Is there some sort of dial that the creator has behind the scenes that determines how shitty the ads for their video are?

Ads on YouTube used to not be so bad, a 5 second ad that was so unintrusive that I'd just let it play, a 15 second with a 3 second skip, and it also didn't feel like the same quantity of ads.

Before an ad would roll at the beginning of the video and I'd likely quickly skip it. If the video was fairly long there might be an extra ad in the middle. Sometimes the creator might also have an embedded ad, but I generally don't mind those.

Now it's a double 15 second ad at the beginning, only the first one is skippable. Then there is another double ad every 15 minutes, plus the embedded creator ad, and if you make it to the end of the video there is an end of video double ad before it auto plays to the start of the next video and next set of double ads.

Make the ads short and unintrusive or make them long, skippable, but rare. I hate having to constantly tab out to go click the skip button every few minutes.

When the YouTube ad blocker ban started I was on chrome with uBlock and it seemed to be refreshing the block even with uBlock. I thought to myself, "Hey let's try it with the ads, I'll whitelist YouTube and support the content creators." After about 3 days I said fuck it, dropped Chrome and updated uBlock again; I haven't seen an ad since.

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No, that's not a thing

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People seem to forget that the way Henry Ford was so successful was that he paid more than double the normal rate of that time. He of course didn't do it out of the goodness of his black heart, but it's undoubtedly one of the reasons for his success.

Unfortunately Genocide Joe is probably not watching the same news we all are.

This is a weird comment as it implies that Joe Biden has less information about what is going on in Gaza than the average person who watches the news.

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Because it is! Looking online it looks like prices in this area are around €250k for a 400-600 sqft apartment. It looks like land just outside of this area goes for ~€200k for 0.2 acres, houses go for around €500k - 1.5mil, and townhomes go for around €200k. Rents in the area are fairly affordable at ~€475 per month (one bedroom city center) but the average salary is only ~€950 per month. Also the population is only ~15k.

The person who made the post in the image is comparing apples to oranges. My small-ish US town has a population of 10k and you can get 3 acres of land and a 2000 sq ft house for $250k. Gas station and grocery store are 10 min down the road by car. The average monthly wage is $3400 in this town.

Basically, the average person in the pictured town would need 22 years of their full salary to pay for a townhome while the average person in my town only needs 6 years of their full salary. The American mind may not be able to comprehend this picture, but it's not like most Croatians can live there either.

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I remember at the beginning of COVID my car insurance sent out a refund check because the majority of drivers weren't driving and so they had more money than they needed. Felt really nice and bought a lot of good will with me. Since then they've gone up significantly due to inflation, but because they sent out those checks I haven't looked elsewhere yet. Who knows, if they keep going up I probably will, but for now I'm ok.

It's not how I would want to be all the time, but Chaotic Neutral is really great for reviewing documents in a PDF.

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Become ungovernable

January 6th occurred, Trump has been relatively unscathed, and Trump is running again. That's what has changed since 2019.

If Trump had been fully prosecuted, or had decided not to run Biden likely wouldn't be running.

In all honesty a little bit of eugenics probably wouldn't be a bad idea, the problem is that once you have government mandated eugenics you begin a slippery slope that should never be approached.

While not strictly eugenics, similar outcomes have occurred naturally in places where genetic testing and access to abortion are more available. For example Iceland has almost no Down Syndrome persons. (

Frankly, now that we can test for these things, there are several genetic disorders which a reasonable society would self select to remove from the gene pool. Things like Huntington's Disease shouldn't keep propagating. Basically there shouldn't be a government mandated program, but if you know you have some horrible genetic disorder you shouldn't pass it on.

The only thing that seems expensive is the veggie patties in my opinion. For $4.99 I would have expected a 4 pack.

The buns are a bit pricey, but we're talking a dollar and some change then.

Looks to me like you have most of 4 lunches and 4 breakfasts for $18.

Barak replied "It's already been known for many years that they have a bunker that originally was built by Israeli constructors underneath Shifa," which was used as a "command post" for Hamas and as a "junction of several tunnels"

"I don't know to say to what extent it is a 'major.' It's probably not the only...command post. Several others are under hospitals or in other sensitive places."


Barak, who was Israel's prime minister from 1999 to 2001, responded, "decades ago, we were running the place, so we helped them." The Gaza Strip has been controlled by Hamas since 2007.

"It was many decades ago...that we helped them build these bunkers in order to enable more space for the operation of the hospital within the very limited size of these compounds."

Yeah, I remember an article from 2016, they were interviewing a college kid and asked who he supported, he said he supported Bernie Sanders. When asked how he felt about Bernie losing the primary he said he felt guilty because he had forgotten to vote.

The situation is much more nuanced than that. PFAS chemicals are in (almost literally) everything. Your nonslip shoes, your water proof jacket, your stain resistant table cloth, and your fire retardant mattress. On top of that the list of PFAS chemicals that the EPA is looking at is around 70 compounds long and only scratches the surface of all the compounds. The test to detect PFAS is in its 4th draft and can't reliably detect low enough to reach the levels of concern, except in nearly pristine waters, so you can't even detect if you have it in most water. The levels of concern that are being discussed are in the single digit PPT for individual compounds or 70 PPT total PFAS for some health advisory levels. Detection levels on normal waste water are generally somewhere between 50 and 4000 because the test is so sensitive other compounds fry the machine and it has to be diluted.

Another problem is that the thresholds are so low that it's hard to draw any conclusions definitively. It's associated with so many things you could write a novel: altered immune and thyroid function, liver disease, lipid and insulin dysregulation, kidney disease, adverse reproductive and developmental outcomes, cancer, decreased birth weight for infants, infertility, and more. The thing is that the only way to make a more conclusive connection is observing high exposure areas where people were drinking it at thousand times higher than the risk levels, so interpolating down smaller values has a lot of theoretical connections, but few smoking guns.

In general industries are trying to move away from PFAS, but the areas where they can't include things like AFFF foam used for fighting jet fires. Some areas, particularly the military, are unlikely to make concessions as they want the best option available even if a close substitute is available. Your average PFAS using company; however, is moving away from PFAS in general.

EDIT: also the quantity of PFAS in most items is so small that it actually is below the threshold on an SDS for requiring it be reported, so trying to find out if a product you use has PFAS means you have to call the manufacturer. Maybe they can tell you, maybe they don't want to tell you, or maybe they don't know because it's not listed on the SDS for the raw ingredients they use. In the industry it's gotten into a near legal situation where companies are telling their suppliers and vendors to look for PFAS and certify that their products don't have it, only for the vendor to turn around and do the same for their vendors and suppliers. The portion at the end of the article captures this well, an example would be, "Well we don't use PFAS, but our machine has gaskets which probably have PFAS. This doesn't touch the final product so are we able to use it?"

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Sometimes it's just an inconvenience. This gas station is located in a rural town in the foothills of Tennessee which is at the convergence of two major highways. This appears to be the only truck stop within 20-30 min in any direction. The drivers could pull into a normal gas station or just pull off the road, but the roads and parking lots in this area aren't really designed for vehicles of this size.

Some aspect of it is certainly over demanding bosses and workaholic drivers, but another part of it is just not wanting to bother with finding a place to pull over without going out of the way. Also, it never seems to be as simple as just pulling over to use the restroom. You have to pull off the highway, go down the ramp, if you're lucky the gas station is right there at the exit, but if not you might have a short couple min driving. By the time you've gotten off the road, found a place to go, got your truck parked in a normal parking lot, and went in to actually use the restroom a lot of time passes. Probably 15-30 min per stop.

I wish people would talk about this, but Elon really isn't that smart and he certainly isn't a genius. I learned a long time ago that smart is relative and really shouldn't be foisted onto people. Elon has a BA in Physics from a school known for business degrees. He also got a BS in Business, but UPenn and Wharton are known more for how hard it is to get in than how hard the classes are.

The website CollegeVine says UPenn is known as the "Social Ivy" and "UPenn’s admissions is highly-selective, but students applying to the UPenn College of Arts & Science (CAS) will find it less academically competitive than schools like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford (although exceptional academics are still a must)."

By the way, he started college in 1990, transfered to UPenn in 1992, and states he graduated in 1995, but UPenn refutes that saying he graduated in 1997. This is a school where 96% of those who are accepted graduate within 150% of the degree time (4 year degree within 6 years) (

Musk of course says he completed the courses in 1995, but there was some sort of mixup with an English and History credit that delayed the degree by 2 years.

The left was so successful that this is Little Rock Arkansas.

Big thing that helps is switching off of Chrome. I've been seeing a lot of people say that we should stop using Chrome and I just hadn't gotten around to it. Once the YouTube adblocker started picking up Ublock Origin even after clearing the cache I hard switched to Fire Fox and installed Ublock Origin.

I have not cleared my cache once and I haven't seen a single ad.

This has been my guess from the beginning, the only logical final objective solution was annexation. If you're gonna drive everyone living there out and level the landscape it's obvious you don't intend for the original people to come back. I said this back in the beginning of November, come 2025 Gaza will just be a normal annexed portion of Israel.

But furthers the point I'm making. If your water costs more than mine then the potential price of this machine is even higher and the base price is already expensive as is. If this was truly a cheap and affordable alternative for people's in need then it likely would have made that price point a major point of the article.

Just because it's cheaper than an alternative doesn't make it affordable.

EDIT: Also the article says

"the team estimates that the overall cost of running the system would be cheaper than what it costs to produce tap water in the United States."

I just Googled and the 2024 Telluride has an MSRP of ~$55,000 in my area, used 2023 models are about ~$45,000.

Looking at an auto loan calculator, that's between $700 and $900 per month with a 96 month 9% auto loan.

Point is, if you can afford the car you're probably not worrying about the subscription except on principle. If you can afford the car and have principle concerns you'd probably buy a different car.

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Oh I totally agree. I guess the rest of my comment was about how they're trying to make it an age thing and it's the worst marketing for him.

Purportedly one of the hostages was being held in the house of an Al-Jazeera journalist/writer/editor and several members of his family were killed while trying to prevent the hostage from being rescued.

EDIT: Turns out he wasn't an employee of Al-Jazeera, but he wrote opinion pieces for them.

EDIT 2: New article - It seems that the female hostage was not the one being held at this location, but rather the three men were. The location is an apartment building and the hostages were being held on the 3rd floor while the journalist was living on the first floor. The claim that the journalist and his family were killed comes from a European based Hamas affiliate.

EDIT 3: Another article - - I don't read Hebrew, but it looks like IDF is confirming that the journalist and his family were the ones holding the hostages, not just someone in the same building.

EDIT 4: Looks like the US media has gotten hold of the story finally, but it's mostly NY Post and Fox news. Looks like they're behind the times because they're just running the Al-Jazeera angle.

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