KnilAdlez [none/use name]

@KnilAdlez [none/use name]
0 Post – 6 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

It's a term used to racially exclude people by calling Asian car enthusiasts tacky posers. Is that really the energy we want to bring (or rather keep) to the Linux community?

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I'm curious if we have a detailed historic analysis of the origin of the term.

If you want to do the research be my guest, but I'm telling you right now, I've only ever heard the term used to mock an Asian person's car mods.

If an x86-64 enthusiast made fun of an ARM chip by saying it was "manufactured on a crumpet substrate" would that be an insult against the British

made fun

There's you answer. It is disrespect based on ethnicity.

I never really saw the term widely used to describe a desktop configuration before here

Then you should be fine with not using the term, right? Why are you working so hard to defend a word you claim you don't see much? You have put all this effort into justifying using a word you have been told several times is racist that apparently other people don't use according to you.

Can you be sure of that? And if it did matter to the public image of the Linux community, would agree to stop using that term, or is using a word that to this day has racist connotations more important to you than ensuring that all members of the Linux community feel welcome?

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Ricing is a racist term. I am telling you right now that it is a racist term referring to a type of car modding that Asians are stereotyped as doing. It is explicitly used to deride and exclude Asians from the car enthusiast community. Anyone who's into cars or around people who are has heard this term, but you can Google it if you want.

What does it say about you that you'll deny basic, well known facts to defend using such an exclusionary term in a tiny community with a large amount of Asians in it?

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I'm not making fun of anybody.

If you want me to express myself then I will: I don't like you, and if I knew you irl, I would think less of you after this conversation.

Oh really? Do the whites you hang out with use the term refer to any car mod you don't like? Have you asked them where the term comes from?

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