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Joined 12 months ago

Thanks for the 4 years tuition though!

I could see them barring them from walking for their degree, but to hold it completely is messed up. Bullshit that ‘the corporation’ overruled the faculty vote.

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Dude fired seven times, and three hit the car. What a menace, should have been charged with attempted murder.

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The answer won’t surprise you!

Unfortunately, that’s not how this works. By resigning, the officer terminated the investigation. Is probably already working the next closest PD because they have no red flags ( because the previous investigation was unable to conclude). Quite the system.

They’ll just ban them from being imported. Far cheaper to pay off some politicians than it is to compete or whatever. Kinda like the tariffs on the solar panels ‘flooding the market’ they just announced.

I hiked that trail a while ago, anything they could have taken from that spot was of no value to them at all. Just being shitty people.

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Not me personally, but back in high school (in the late 20th century lol) a group of kids I went to school with got inspired by Dead Presidents to rob a bunch of banks. They got caught.

The Democrats have the senate majority so would be able to, but they probably wouldn't anyways following the precedent of Dems not getting a Justice during an election year.

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I really don’t understand the logic here. Like yeah, Trump clearly wants to rig the election. But if that’s the plan, why hire a bunch of people who both failed and got caught trying rig the last election. I can understand some level of rewarding loyalty, but this not only tips your hand, it also promotes incompetence. Unless its all meant as a ‘screw you’ to everyone else, in which case its cutting off the nose to spite the face.

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Not exactly a bold prediction to say Trump is gonna be racist at the debate. Kind of a free space on the bingo card at this point.

My read on the article was that this was the corporation tipping their hand on how that process was going to play out, but I could certainly be wrong. read to me like the faculty voted for them to graduate, but this was the board vetoing that and affirming that they were still to be dealt with, and that the consequences were going to be grim. Hopefully that’s not the case.

Movie is definitely top tier, I also love the novella. Different Seasons is what I point to when people dismiss stephen king. Shawshank Redemption, Stand By Me, and (while not on the level as the other two) Apt Pupil all in the same collection. But to each their own; pretty sure the final story is trash though haha.

Wonder if this will finally get me to put down the original or if I just play both from now on lol.

Yep, and after looking into this a little, affinity health providers is the culprit. They bought the hospital in 2021. ‘Streamlining’ is one of their key phrases on their website.

Haha, that’s soot buildup from campfires.

He’s on my ‘who? Oh yeah, that asshole’ list.

Yikes. I don’t know a better way to phrase it, but I sure as hell wish someone had said that to me 10 years ago; before my dog who was my safety net got a brain tumor out of nowhere and had to be put down. What do you do when the only thing that’s keeping you afloat becomes an anchor? Animals are absolutely great and I’m not saying they shouldn’t have them or even use them to help mental health. But having a living thing that is the only thing stopping you from self-harm is dangerous.

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Forming coherent sentences puts it above large sections of the population. Eventually they’re going to have to dumb down the speech output, ala Dubya during his presidency. Add to that all the conditioning to trust authoritative sources and this is going to turn into a real problem sooner rather than later. I think one of the first things to come out that will really cause damage is replacing teachers with ai. If all those teachers out there would quit asking to make more money than a 12 year old in a meat packing plant, maybe this wouldn’t happen, but I digress.. (Kudos to all the teachers out there, obviously.)

I believe that is they point they are also making.

While it may not guarantee how ethical a company is, getting B Corporation status seems as good of an indicator as anything I’ve come across. I figure if Patagonia is willing to certify with them, maybe its legit? Here’s a link to their search page.

Commenting in both of these comments so y'all both see it, but be careful with having a living thing as your safety net. It’s tough to think about, but at some thine they will pass and the ground will fall out from under you. Speaking from experience here.

Edit: Sorry, not trying to darken an already dark topic.

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Obviously I’m voting for Biden. That being said, it really is something to live here in the ‘land of the free’ and read sentences stating that voting for someone who doesn't support genocide isn’t an option this cycle. Pragmatic and true, but goddamn does it burn.

Ok, have a good one.

I could see the Florida judge going along with this, just because every other ruling she’s made so far has been the wrong one. Would force it and the other ruling to the supreme court for being competing judgements I believe.

Same as the old norm

Read an article the other day about some of the graffiti that was done. Couldn’t find that one (lol), but this article seems pretty good as well.

Commenting in both of these comments so y'all both see it, but be careful with having a living thing as your safety net. It’s tough to think about, but at some thine they will pass and the ground will fall out from under you. Speaking from experience here.

Edit: Sorry if that’s dark, not trying to drop the mood on an already moody topic.

Right on, best of luck and be safe out there. I was on the fence of whether to post anything or not. Mainly was afraid I’d get the response that I did from the other commenter. If I learned anything from that experience, and closer to what I originally wanted to convey but don’t think I did, is that it’s important to not rely on one thing to keep you going. Having a pet to help keep you going is great, but my mistake was having my dog be ‘the only thing’, so losing him also lost the last thing that was keeping me going.

Anyways, have a good one and give your puppers a hug.