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Joined 1 years ago

Guy is hundred percent right. Lemmy is a echo chamber for a certain demographic as vast majority of users are in it.

We either have tech, or politics. Literally every topic ends up in either. We also don't have the differing opinions aspect as just about every debater talks like they're just the different shade of the same color.

Even spicy news that would make any other site a warzone of opinions just echo chambered here. Literally everyone agrees on one conclusion and random two comments that disagree with that having at least -15 points.

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Absolutely! Using open source software is much cheaper, as well. Hiring developers to work on open source software/OSs would cost less than buying software annually. Governments pay stupid amounts of money for easily replaceable software.

I wonder why.

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If she's coming from Windows, Mint is a much better choice with Cinnamon

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Best solution: Stop using Chrome.

It's not the fastest nor the most feature rich anymore, not even the simplest.

What? These things are not related to each other by a good margin. In fact, since the FOSS is completely orderless, it goes against communism; which requires some sort of order just to be able to function. But either way, the parallel is not there or questionable at best, not to mention irrelevant.

Can we NOT drag useless politics into FOSS?

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Social(ist) policies are extremely removed from socialism. The countries people list here, aka Canada, Danmark and Ireland among others are extremely capitalist still. This thread is therefore useless.

Go play Half Life Alyx, a "real" game on Source 2.

Venn diagram of people who understand this specific technicality and people who don't want to deal with the shitty TV software is almost a circle though.

I'd rather get a Android box at the very least.., or just HTPC.

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It's not even available in my own country to begin with lmao.

Still, the seamlessness should be there, I don't care how they mask it, but it should be there somewhat, again, this is 2023. It doesn't even do simple fade to blacks, but full blown loading screens everywhere.

Also, travelling with the ship mechanic is incredibly, frustratingly cumbersome. For example, let's say you wanted to jump to Sol for the first time, in Starfield, you'd do:

  • Select and mark your destination through map screen.

  • Somehow exit the map screen (either mash B or hold B and tap B again to exit the menu, cumbersome)

  • Highlight your weapons with the D-Pad and mash down button.

  • Highlight GRAV and mash the up button.

  • Enjoy game stripping controls away from you.

  • Go back into map screen to mark surface spot you want to go to.

  • Hold X.

  • Voilà, you're there, insantly.

Why have an entire space mechanic, if you're just gonna make it frustrating to interact with? Game is okay with teleporting you around at times, but not others as well. It literally disrespects your time, but not in a good way. Speaking of a game that disrespects your time well, it's Elite, which the flow of events would be:

  • Open Galaxy Map with Y+Left D-Pad and select a destination.

  • Exit with tapping B, once.

  • Align your ship with the destination and throttle up.

  • Tap Y to initiate jump.

  • Enjoy being able to look around or (albeit barely) interact with your screens.

  • Open System Map with Y+Right D-Pad and select your destination.

  • Align the ship with destination.

  • Open Navigation Panel via X+Left D-Pad, select your target and enable Supercruise Assist.

  • Enjoy ship taking you there, feel free to interact with panels, photo mode, chat, etc.

Sure, it's a lot more complicated as it is a sim, but see that you don't really do redundant actions and you're in control most of the time. Also, no loading screens as the jumping effect will mask the system change, and the "dropping from Supercruise" screen will mask the second loading screen. Funnily enough, you'll wait more but feel like it took less.

I don't want Starfield to be be Elite or Star Citizen, but it doesn't even have the rudimentary systems in place. For example, I thought you were able to fly anywhere with your ship in the atmosphere and outside it. Just not seamlessly transition between those. That'd be "possible" to have as the game already does this technically. It just isn't there for whatever reason.

Also this basically breaks exploration as the wast majority of travelling you'll do is via the menus and loading screens due to the exact same issues. I remind you this game was marketed as an exploration game with 1000 and whatnot.

This is also the case for game play as well. There are just way too many loading screens. Especially weird when they already have airlocks which would mask vast majority of those perfectly.

This was the pipe dream for many many years now. Not the first time MS is talking about it either.

It's a thing in the Linux world and it's just too costly to support and therefore most user facing distros outright don't support it.

As an alternative, you could consider KDE Connect. It does a lot more than just keyboard and touchpad. You can even send files both ways extremely quickly.

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Connect is by far the most polished but the bar isn't that high unfortunately. I'm waiting for Sync, it was the best Reddit client in my opinion. At least when it came to UX, it was really good. I have high expectations for Sync for Lemmy.

back-to-back lying to the public


sexual harassment debacles

... that none of which ended up in the court let alone confirmed. That's an allegation, not something proven.

They've been sleazy for years, taking money from companies they claim to review impartially, and twisting everything into a meme factory instead of putting the tiniest amount of effort into quality reviews and tech journalism.

Straight up one of the points GN made. Which they really did improve upon. They don't pump out as much content now, as well as generally higher quality content again.

salvage his reputation after covering up toxic and predatory workplace behaviour


coming out the other side a multimillionaire.

Guy created and ran a YouTube channel, expanded it to be a media company. Hosts a forum, sells high quality merchandise (you can look up the coverage of their bag or screwdrivers from places like project farm). Also runs a premium video hosting and live streaming service for creators. That's what we call "earned it."

This comment just reeks of toxicity, rather than criticism.

Fedora uses dracut as opposed to initramfs, so that's also a major difference.

The point is; he wants a Framework-like approach to modularity and feature set. That means a phone that's good enough to actually holds its own without retreating to being "ethical" or "modular."

Fairphone is just the worst deal you can get even if you consider the ethical side of it. This is because rescuing an old phone gives you a much better experience for less than half the cost and keeping tech from the landfill is a lot more ecologically friendly as the work and sourcing was already done regardless of you purchasing the device.

Unfortunately not a feasible solution. If the vast majority of websites support this, any sort of OSS solution is dead to the average user.

Yup Play attestation is dead, even the new and shiny "secure" one is bypassed. It's now just a hinderence.

There are basically no ads if you buy Samsung S series without a carrier.

I doubt they care about such things.

Star Trek memes are the only things keeping me on platform lmao

So I tested both FireFox and Edge real quick and it's true.

Although, I enabled every security and privacy setting on both (just about the same set of extentions also). But even then, even with a lower score, Edge still feels much smoother to use. Also, every time test refreshed, FF flashed white for a split second as opposed to Edge's black. Since I use dark mode and Dark Reader, it's extremely annoying on FF's part.

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Yes. KDE is in fact much lighter and faster than GNOME. Apart from lower RAM usage, it taxes your CPU and GPU less.

I have the first hand experience that not voting for smaller parties is much worse. What ends up happening is people just don't vote instead, or vote for who's set to win (which would be Trump in this case).

In Türkiye, main opposition bullied everyone else like this (to a point where a candidate withdrew). I know a lot of people who got bullied in real life for not supporting the major candidate. What ended up happening is they didn't vote or vote for Erdoğan out of spite.

Who do you think benefitted from this entire ordeal? Erdoğan. Trump will do the same and possibly gonna sweep the elections. Also he's probably gonna call for more people to vote because the position he's in can be capitalized upon as "Biden is trying to eliminate the main opposition" which actually will drive more people to vote. Erdoğan did the same exact thing as well.

Good luck.

The last paragraph has a Mechanicus ring to it lmao

Oh I couldn't express myself very well. I'm not complaining about the great tools; but the extremely easy installation of mods. Developers are great either way imo.

I find it naive to think GNOME would suddenly start caring about compatibility as moving to a standard doesn't guarantee such.

Then the distro doesn't matter that much. You shouk go for either Snaps or Flatpaks for applications as they won't break the system even if something catastrophic happens.

Personally I'd go for distros with great deal of support (Pop, Fedora and Mint) and put Flathub as the main source in the respective app stores. Smaller distros tend to have more issues that requires some troubleshooting at times.

Check how does she uses Ubuntu first though, if she's using the Canonical's additions to Gnome a lot, she'll have a horrible time with vanilla Gnome as it's pretty barebones, that'll rule out any distro with vanilla Gnome such as Fedora. Trust me, you don't want to be babysitting your partners computer.

I wonder why.

A lot worse. Was tired of the [removed] trope whenever mods did something incredibly stupid.

Also, the frame drops. Oh the frame drops. Searching and app and scrolling down always drops frames since Google switched away from Android Market. I can't imagine how does it still happen to this day lmao.

I tend to disagree. I'm trying to integrate Blender to my work flow and I find very difficult to do so. Simply because 95% of it is accessed through arbitrary button combinations and has no GUI counterpart. This in turn makes the learning curve a cliff, which I really don't consider a pleasant experience.

Also you can't track viewport with a camera easily. Something that literally every other 3D app I've ever used allows you to do.

Only the bugs are gone. Weird design decisions and some horrendous mechanics are still here. It's still isn't an incredible game, but not a bad game either.

Landing or taking off isn't interrupted with a loading screen in either game. You also have freedom of pointing ship to a direction and go there.

Those two things combine to make you feel like you are moving around the game world as opposed to game world moving around you.

It's because Fediverse is very complicated right now. E-Mail wasn't, that's why everyone adopted it pretty quickly.

I honestly don't see a future where Lemmy topling Reddit or Mastodon topling Twitter.

Federation's greatest strength is also it's weakness imo.

4km any direction if I'm not mistaken. Takes me around 30 minutes to each it.

It's very, very small actually.

Very different games and very different expectations of effort spent. I've space trucked a lot in Elite, spending hours going back and fort. But it was never dull, more of a relaxing experience.

That comment stems from games failure to live up to its promises.

This game was marketed as an explorers game with 1000 planets to see, for example.

None of those planets have even the half of the content Skyrim/Fallout has. None of those planets are barren as Elite's planets, either. You can't traverse them more than 30 minutes, so it doesn't even scratch NMS itch. People that liked the exploration of any of those four games would dislike this games exploration very much.

The person above was probably expecting a more lively game, like any other Bethesda game and got whatever this is instead. It's completely justified to be disappointed.

Seriously. I just can't escape. I think it's nice to have people who support xism while also having people that support yism and zism, as it creates a healthy environment where we can discuss things throughly; since each member will see, recognize, and interpret what they see differently and possibly contribute more.

Vast majority of Lemmy users are in the same demographic which barely provides differing opinions so there's basically nothing to discuss (apart from things do not sit well with said demographic).

I really do hope this platform somehow attracts users from every ideology much like Tildes.

That unfortunately what happens when a game with mod supports gets a bit older. There's a sweet spot in modding, easier than that; dumbfucks arrive, harder than that; nobody mods and scene dies out incredibly quickly.

Minecraft sits right on the spot for example. Not too easy that any idiot can do it, and it isn't hard enough to require a CS degree to mod.

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