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Joined 1 years ago

Without knowing more about your life, this kinda sounds like burnout to me. It is very common is tech fields especially. I would recommend trying to dial back on work if it's killing your soul like this.

I worked at a high-paying dev job right out of college that consumed my life and put me in a very bad place mentally. I could not sustainably output what I needed to, and evetually I got fired. But walking out of the meeting I could not stop smiling from the tremendous relief I felt (this was when Covid was big so I had a mask on fortunately). It was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I was unemployed for a few months afterwards which is probably the happiest I've ever been. I didn't travel or do anything noteworthy besides starting a small passion project. Finances weren't an issue since I had a lot saved up and low expenses covered by unemployment.

After applying to places in no rush whatsoever and stressing my newfound appreciation for work-life balance in interviews, I ended up getting a job at a nonprofit government-adjacent company with full work-from-home and basically no time tracking. I make less but I can go through things at a pace I can handle and it makes a world of difference.

So if you have felt this way for a while I would recommend taking a break before committing to abandoning civilization. People with tech jobs like us tend to have options so don't feel like it has to be misery or the wilderness. Because I can promise you there are places that will allow you to live as a human being. And it may just reignite your passion too. If you still feel like it after stepping away for a time, you can always escape society more dramatically later instead.

Also, I don't want to diagnose you or anything when I don't even know you but there could be some overlap with depression here when you lose passion for life and just generally become jaded at the world like this. Make sure you are communicating how you feel with people you feel comfortable around. Remember that things can always get better, although it sounds like you have been thinking about how to achieve that plenty already. But if things aren't getting better, you might need to be the instigator for that change so I wouldn't be afraid to go for it after exploring easier stuff first. Maybe just give camping a shot while you figure this out.

I didn't mean for this to get so long, but your post resonated with me a lot I guess!

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That's true, but the information age allows us to be more keenly aware of problems that aren't just local. Our new ability to be online has contributed to an uptick in mental health issues.

Fortunately, being able to shine a spotlight on problems in the world also puts pressure on us to improve. We do have issues like financial inequality and global warming that have recently gotten worse, but if you look at trends like violent crime, illiteracy, global hunger, extreme poverty, child mortality, or deaths to many longstanding diseases, it is hard not to realize that we're actually collectively doing a good job of making the world better.

Deterence is not a great strategy for preventing crime. Criminals don't actually do much cost benefit analysis before committing a crime; they will consider the chances they have of getting caught, but not the severity of the punishment. Rehabilitation programs are worth considering over punitive justice so long as they are more effective at preventing recidivism, which is certainly an interest for a state.

My brother had a gun pulled on him while delivering a pizza. I don't blame delivery people for arming themselves with the unfamiliar situations they have to put themselves in regularly. So long as the strangers they interact with may be armed it's just an arms race.

Also, in this specific situation where someone comes up behind you and gets in your face something like a knife would be just as deadly.

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For these types of threads, I usually upvote things that are actually hot takes with some justification or unique insight. People that post an extremely popular decision or just insult something that a lot of people see value in get downvoted. Mostly it's moderately common takes or unusual opinions with no elaboration, so I don't vote on those.

But an upvote doesn't mean "I like this". It means you judge the post/comment to be high quality. There's a correlation for sure, but quality is a holistic judgement based on context. It measured by the same spectrums as downvoting: to what extent is the post/comment relevant, original, funny, entertaining, informative, rule-abiding, respectful, etc. We don't need separate buttons for all of these, the voting buttons just wear many hats. You're generally going to think more highly of stuff you agree with or that makes you happy, but accurate bad news and unpopular opinions can still succeed score-wise despite these disadvantages.

If you have Outlook, it will use a popup with a sound before meetings. The default is 15 minutes before and at the the start time, but it should be customizable. It's very helpful for me.

For anyone else curious but unfamiliar, this is from "The Second Coming", a poem by W. B. Yeats written shortly after WWI.


I like most of these changes. Several jokers that immediately justified building around got toned back.

Magician giving two lucky cards instead of one makes lucky cat a lot stronger, and it's getting buffed independently already. Steel joker nerf and glass joker buffs seem good too. Campfire nerf is harsh, but justified.

I'm surprised hologram isn't getting nerfed. It quickly pays off with already good stuff like DNA or even certificate, and even without much synergy just buying standard packs makes it strong.

The vampire and midas mask nerfs seem overly harsh though. It was a powerful combo, but it required two specific uncommon jokers and time to scale. With both parts being harder to proc, and the payoff being cut in half, I can't think of a situation where you would really want vampire. I guess if you have face card synergy you could run midas mask for a while until you have most of your deck golden, but even then I would be tempted to swap to something else pretty quickly. Golden cards just don't have much payoff. I would have buffed the devil tarot to target two before the magician for the same reason.

This could probqbly an alias for "user error".

I haven't been in the workforce all that long but I did experience burnout at my previous job. I sacrificed my mental health so much that I couldn't concentrate well, meaning I spent longer on work which made me more on edge and things just kept spiraling like that. I had a couple of months to reset with unemployment that did wonders for me.

I found for me the problem wasn't the work itself but the amount and requirements for it. I am now at a different company doing much of the same tasks but with a less demanding schedule and can work from home. If I can't focus, I can just walk away and come back to a task instead of feeling like I'm going to explode being trapped in front of work I just cannot pay attention to. And when I am working, I usually have Youtube, an audiobook, music, or a podcast playing to capture overflowing attention. There are still times when it gets bad but it's uncommon and much more manageable.

I would focus on finding a company that has an emphasis on work-life balance, and is able to retain employees. Flexible schedules and work from home can be dangerous for people with ADHD but I honestly feel like it's almost necessary. I am not sure I could go back even if it doubled my salary.

No, the opposite really. If you are delivering things alone to strangers, it makes sense to arm yourself. You are putting yourself in vulnerable position frequently and can't expect others to be unarmed. Otherwise you'd be the loser in the prisoner's dilemma a society of guns creates. Things might be different if guns weren't widespread, but that genie's out of the bottle.

I don't own a gun, but I might if I didn't feel safe in my day-to-day life.

Other people have pointed out more types of information that has good reason to be confidential, but we should also acknowledge it would be a huge investment of effort to do something like this. Organizing, storing, updating, and sifting through all this information when it would so rarely be useful is already too much effort for the benefit even disregarding other concerns.

Thanks for the unpopular opinion though, it is an interesting change to consider as a thought experiment.

I wouldn't stress over it. Employers look for someone in an umbrella of majors, because every school is going to have its own names and standards for their class templates. If I saw someone list community development as a major, I would think it would overlap a great deal with urban development, with maybe a bit more focus into civil engineering or sustainability. You'll want to explain how your background is relevant to a position in the interview anyway. I wouldn't expect it to get you eliminated before then.

Also, it's a cool opportunity to stand out with how it differs from a more traditional major. People like hearing how you chose to include something that you felt was lacking from the default path because you thought it was important. Choosing to specialize demonstrates thoughtfulness, passion, and mastery. You'll be fine.

Piracy leaves creators worse off when it deprives them of a sale, as in you would have paid for something but instead just pirated it because not paying was an option. So I pirate stuff I think is worth my time, but not my money. I then consider it victimless. Maybe that movie is interesting enough to watch but not enough to rent/buy, so I would pirate it. I'm now at a point where money isn't as scarce as it used to be, so the prices of entertainment seem reasonable and I am much more willing to pay.

There are a couple of exceptions to the above. I pirated almost every textbook I could since the fact that a student requires one specific product puts the customer in an exploitable position that allows the seller to charge unreasonable amounts (and used books have none of their proceeds go back to the creator anyway). Also, there is no issue with pirating content no longer being sold, since the creators aren't being deprived of anything. This is mostly relevant for me with old video games on emulators.

I was able to get a prescription just from a family doctor: no referral needed. In fact, it was my first appointment with them since I had moved a few years ago and hadn't needed a doctor since. They went through a questionnaire about how frequently I experienced certain manifestations of symptoms in regular interactions with people, and the score was enough for them to move forward with medication.

From what I have seen, it is typically a much more involved process. If it matters, the prescription was for Straterra, which is not a controlled substance, so that might have meant we needed to go through fewer hoops. My doctor seemed willing to try other medications though. I also went to a smaller practice rather than a big hospital, so maybe that makes it easier to advance things.

I chose to get evaluated in the exact same process as you, even first thinking about the idea after seeing a lot of relatable neurodivergent memes. Over a couple months, I made a list of odd behaviors I seemed to do unusually frequently, and what prompted them. I realized it was very likely more than just unrelated personality quirks that were disrupting my life and making it harder for me to do basic things that others seemed to not struggle with. I also had a decent amount of my list be best explained by autism, but honestly I was more scared of that label and didn't bring it up with my doctor. I wanted to see if ADHD treatment would help with the others first.

So far, the benefit I've had with Straterra has been pretty minor compared to the side effects, but I saw other people saying it took time to adapt to it, and anyway I can try others too. My doctor originally recommended it because it was working for some of her other patients. I'm going to probably finish the supply I have and try something else.

Anyway, that's my ADHD diagnosis story so far. I can answer questions if you think of any.

Audiobookbay and smart audiobook player is my setup too. I probably got it from a similar thread. My only annoyance is using audiobookbay's search can be annoying sometimes, but altogether I love both.

Strictly speaking, incel refers to someone involuntarily celibate, regardless of gender. Femcel is the common 4chan term for female incels. It's been used to describe the often misandrist subculture of r/FemaleDatingStrategy as an example.

Emojis are used very widely, including places meant specifically for young kids. These places would already censor words, but requiring emoji censorship as well is adding complexity to a problem that is already difficult to handle. Companies not on the ball with the release of sexual organ emojis would let kids see that until it's added to their filter list. Kids wouldn't know what it means, but it can lead to them googling for context or encourage a conversation with the predator using it if they ask about it.

Honestly, I just don't think it's worth the headache. Eggplants and peaches and cats are already pretty easy to understand in context, and if you need more than the emojis we already have, we do have our old fashioned words.

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It wasn't my decision, but getting fired from an exhausting job was amazing for me. I wasn't going to pull the trigger myself, but walking out of my boss's office I couldn't keep a huge grin off my face. I was in no rush to find a new job so the months of uneployment that followed were some of the happiest of my life. And I have a better job now that pays less but is so much less stressful.

Corporate personhood is mostly for convenience. Otherwise a company would need an individual to buy and sell corporate property, and they would have to rearrange stuff like that whenever that person dies, retires, or does something else that restricts property use. And it means an individual wouldn't be able to be a tyrant for everyone else working at the company just because everything is in their name.

Importantly, it makes it much easier for customers to sue, since they only need to show the company wronged them in some way rather than an individual being personally responsible. Usually they would have no way of knowing who makes which decisions and has which responsibilities, and by suing the company as a whole. they don't have to. The same applies for governments, police departments, school boards, etc.

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I'm on it now but will probably try something else when I run out. It helped me concentrate a bit, but the side effects were strong for me. The biggest was drowsiness. It was very hard to keep my eyes open. In some ways it was nice being able to go to sleep easily and having it feel restful. It hurt productivity though. I also made my head feel a bit dizzy and reduced my appetite noticeably. Its effects were basically immediate. I have heard it work really well for others though, so don't let that discourage you.

Is that saying meant to cover baseless assertions about someone's actions? Hillary Clinton was involved in enough shady shit to not need to make stuff up. If someone says that she donated to her opposition's campaign they should have evidence to back that up. Otherwise they just give ammunition to people convincing others to ignore real, substantive criticisms against Trump.

That article mostly describes her campaign focussing on criticizing stronger and more likely candidates early on when the Republican nomination was still up for grabs. That just makes tactical sense. Otherwise you might as well also accuse her of being involved in a conspiracy to get Vermin Supreme in power too.

You can say the fact that Hillary is a woman contributed to her loss. You can even argue that it was enough to make the difference in Trump winning. But the main reason she lost is because she was still otherwise a weak candidate overall.

I think you'll be hard pressed to find someone progressive enough for lemmy to like that will also be interesting to a Joe Rogan fan. I would recommend Destiny though. I wouldn't say he's like Joe Rogan, but he frequently does debates with commentators of all politcal positions including those with similar beliefs to Joe. He has an aggressive, confrontational style that would be your best bet at trying to demonstrate the weaknesses of the views Joe would advocate for.

If you're not familiar with his views, Destiny could probably be described as a left-leaning liberal institutionalist moderate. His community can attract a variety of viewpoints and is relatively accepting of criticism for Destiny so your brother would have an easier time interacting with them than someone like Hasan.

It's nice you are trying to look out for your brother like this. Good luck!

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That sounds great, where do you get it?

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A lot of people got the game with the assumption it was coming.

Do you mean they bought Overwatch 1, with the anticipation that at some point after the release of Overwatch 2, they would add PvE? Because Overwatch 2 was free to play from the start. The only thing that you could "pre-order" was a pack that gave some cosemtics, some premium currency, and the first battlepass. At that point PvE was something they were still planning to add at some point but still had no date, so you could only use those bonuses for the PvP.

Ideally, an audience would pick up on the bad-faith side not addressing arguments, engaging in personal attacks, making unjustified claims, etc. and be unimpressed. The interrupting especially should prompt some intervention by a moderator, but usually they don't have a means of preventing it from happening other than chastising after the fact so it still relies on some degree of human decency.

I'd still call it a debate, just a poor quality one.

I only played Stellaris off and on, but I went years without buying an expansion and always thought the new systems were complete and better than what they replaced when I returned. Breaking current saves is frustrating, so I guess you would need to delay an update if you had one you planned on returning to.

If you didn't know, you can roll back to older versions of steam games with some work. A few games have a built-in system, but most of the tile you have to manually replace files after redownloading the old versions.

Another list I got from a similar post on r/RedditAlternatives. I personally used Slide for reddit, so I'm excited about getting something similar for Lemmy. For now, I got Jerboa from the play store and am enjoying it.


Congratulations on escaping a bad situation! Stories like this have become all too common, but I think sharing how it gets better does some good. I honestly haven't given much thought about where I want to spend my golden years, but financial independence is a big goal of mine.

And as for that last part, we'll have eternity to appreciate the simplicity of death. I wouldn't be too eager to be done with the world of the living when there's a lot of cool stuff out there to explore and not much time to do it.

This is relevant to a lot of the points people are making: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RequiredSecondaryPowers

Also, this thread reminded me of a video from many years ago: https://youtube.com/watch?v=-vQ2RVqJCNM

Cool, thanks!

Yes, it seems to be both to help the laid off folks add to their portfolio and a hope that its popularity will draw attention from a publisher. Seems like the best strategy available to them in the circumstances and I hope it works out for them.

For free speech, that would be similar. A company can have a social media account or make broadcasts or advertisements, and having to have an individual as a proxy would just be cumbersome. And yes, that includes things like lobbying. Otherwise, you could have a company pay for private individuals for the service of lobbying on their behalf and essentially have no cap or regulation. Formalizing what they are allowed to do also allows you to go after them for things they aren't, again without needing to prove individual culpability. And if we decide they have too much influence in politics, it gives us a lever to pull to reign them in.

Just feed them seeds instead.

It's hard to choose "one piece" of knowledge, so I would try to persuade whoever is writing the book to include the time traveler's cheat sheet. https://i.imgur.com/O6vSrvq.jpg

I didn't make it, but includes a lot of information that didn't have an intuitive path to discovery, but a lot of practical benefits for humanity. If I were to add to it I would try to include at least descriptions of a few other things:

  • batteries
  • engines
  • simple computers (although this may be more involved than the earlier parts combined, so perhaps just simple logic gate diagrams)
  • genes
  • a guttenberg press
  • lenscrafting
  • a world map
  • calculus
  • special and general relativity (also complicated certainly, but could be useful later)
  • and basically as many physics equations as I can think of

I went through a month's supply of strattera before switching to adderall. I also only took it on "need to be productive" days, which may have been the wrong approach. I was reluctant to take it otherwise because of the side effects. I felt like it did help me focus on tasks, but the benefit was essentially offset by the drowsiness it caused making it something of a wash for my productivity. I work at home so I would end up needing to take a nap most days I took it. Sleeping became very refreshing though, which was a silver lining.

Other symptoms were a pounding head, a decrease in appetite, and an increase in anxious thoughts. None of the symptoms were intense except drowsiness, and all of them mellowed out after a few weeks.

Adderall works a lot better for me now and has fewer side effects. But I've seen others in the community really appreciate what straterra has done for them, so it seems to vary a lot from person to person. Despite my disappointment with it, it may be worth trying if stimulants aren't working well for you. My doctor recommended it initially because it was working well for some of her other patients.

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I still can't find anything about him being a pedophile. If you have something you can link about it I would genuinely like to know.

He was never given a reason for his permanent ban, but it is thought to be for for his view on trans athletes. He was temporarily banned earlier for saying "the rioting needs to fucking stop, and if that means like white redneck fucking militia dudes out there mowing down dipshit protesters that think that they can torch buildings at ten p.m., then at this point they have my fucking blessing..." in regards to a BLM protest, which was considered inciting violence. Not saying that's a great statement but it's pretty clear he's talking about rioters specifically.

But neither of these thing make him a nazi. That label shouldn't just be thrown around casually.

I was using it almost daily from the start and felt worse for it, so I started dreading taking it and quickly preferred no medication. I eventually finished it off and instead of getting a refill, I switched to something that worked great from the start and was cheaper.

I'm not saying it's not a good medication, I even recommend it, but if it requires a strict schedule and that much of a miserable buildup just to still be worse than an alternative it's simply not the right one for me.