
2 Post – 102 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Frostpunk - seems fun. Played a few hours.

Armored core 6 - um I died like 4 times in the tutorial. I was shamed and put it down.

But ya - it’s been Elden ring pretty much 90% of the time.

There hasn’t been “bitter cold” in the northeast for a decade. Climate change is a bitch. We barely get snow anymore - 2015 was a banger, but it’s been dustings since.

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You really can’t get bluer than mass ri conn and vt

Southern nh and southern me are basically Boston suburbs. As you go north it gets more red. But not like sc (I have family in sc and outside of the blue cities - ya they are pretty maga stupid). They are more “leave me alone red” as opposed to “my pastor said abortion is bad and I like to make fun of the gays”

I mean there’s maga idiots everywhere-but honestly things might even tip a little too blue in southern New England.

This crap is the new norm. Companies compile your data, don’t secure it, and the whole world becomes victims of identity theft. Then they get free credit monitoring from the companies that screwed then.

Use a strong password manager with unique complicated passwords.

Freeze your credit.

Assume someone is trying to impersonate you and open credit cards in your name at all times.

Sad state of affairs today.

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Social media. Both personal (instatwitface) and business (LinkedIn). Lemmy is as close as I get, and to me this is just a modern forum.

In my opinion social media has done nothing but make people stupider, and I want nothing to do with it. (It’s probably just a sign I’m old now - “get off my lawn!”)


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Sigh, my condolences. I’m shouting right beside you. I first learned about linux in 1993 in college. I got it working on a shiny new 486 with super vga graphics. We were allowed access to the college’s aix mainframes and thus the internet via a slip connection - but only through Unix like systems. Linux was amazing, I couldn’t believe we had x going, and loading up cad, matlab, maple, ftp, fsp, irc, nettrek, and everything else possible in the computer centers - but over a telephone line from our apartment.


Funny how it really only became my daily driver three ish years ago - despite using it forever. Cuz games - glad that’s changed finally.

I’m older, and remember the days when the internet was “hard” (pre web). And because you had to work a little bit to find information, you tended to stick with, and contribute to the groups you found. Better engagement, better discussion, more inside jokes, better community. Reddit has just turned into an echo chamber of the lowest common denominator. Lemmy feels a bit more like the old days - a community with actual content.

I vote: do whatever you want with it (kill it, hand it over, whatever). Let’s leave it behind and concentrate on making this place awesome.

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Not ruined, but pretty fucking annoying. In laws came for a few weeks to visit for the holidays. We don’t see them as much as we’d like, and its nice. But MIL wants to include her sister too - the deadbeat aunt-in-law boomer who still can’t get her shit together for over 70 years. Whatever - we tolerate it.

Except she fucking shows up sicker than a dog and is hacking non stop. You know the kind of coughs where you can hear gallons of snot being coughed up - ya that. Wtf - I give it one week and we’ll all be miserable with that exact cold/flu/covid whatever the fuck it is. Fucking loser boomer bitch who thinks of nothing but herself. Sigh.

Glad they have time to call out everyone else’s problems, yet Microsoft still can’t fix their broken jan win 10 update.

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More money More crap nobody wants like audio books Still haven’t seen cd quality streaming yet

I used to happy with Spotify before the enshitificatuon happened…

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None. They are called trees. We should stop wrecking things.

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I worked at a college bar for beer money. Her friends came in all the time, she did not. Then one night she did, and I was literally struck dumb - just like the stories. There was a few months of seeing her here and there, a few conversations - I had never met a woman so amazing. I was a bug, and she a goddess in every way. Imagine my shock when she handed me a napkin with her phone number on it and said “call me sometime.”

You bet your ass I called her the very next day. That was 28 years ago. The crazy part is things got steadily better over the years. Nothing got “boring” it got more exciting. Looks fade, but she’s more beautiful to me today than ever. Kids didn’t drag us down, they made things more fun. Bills and chores and life’s troubles became something we worked through together - teaching us that we can overcome just about anything and be successful. I’d argue all of our success is because we’re a team.

We truly hit the love lottery when both of us were “done” and didn’t believe something like what we have is possible. Put away your baggage, and keep an open mind - your napkin could be handed to you today.


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Ok I’ll play, I got a good one with a dose of revenge for fun.

Me, my young daughter(4) at the time, and my pregnant wife were standing in a very long line line to buy movie tickets to the latest Disney flick (I think it was Nemo). There was only one teenage girl working, there were clearly some staffing issues going on, she was mega flustered, and the wait was truly long and unbearable. But whatever-stuff happens, not the poor girls fault. So we wait as patiently as we can.

We are next in line. There’s like 50 people behind us. Some cow of a Karen just strolls up and cuts the entire line right in front of us. She looks back over her shoulder, smiling, and says that she cannot wait in this long line because she needs good seats. I’m kind of a jerk, and I would have enjoyed giving her a piece of my mind, but… small daughter, pregnant wife, etc. I behaved. People behind start flipping out.

I’m thinking this entitled bitch needs a slap, and just as she turns around with her successfully purchased tickets from cutting an entire line, she whirls around flinging her excessively large designer bag over her shoulder. The strap breaks, and stuff goes EVERYWHERE. Tampons rolling around, lipstick cases under arcade machines, stuff all under people’s feet under the ropes, etc. Truly glorious.

So now she’s horrified and has to pick everything up, and here’s the best part - nobody lifted a finger. All these people in line just ignored her, and her pathetic “excuse me”, “could you”, etc. she went from entitled Karen, queen of importance, to a cockroach scuttling around on a dirty movie theater floor, and everyone just silently looked down upon her.

Petty? yes. I’m sure she’s still a mega bitch still. But karma was served that day.

Surprised there’s no reef tank people here. Imagine spending $5000 on a 20 gallon fish tank - BEFORE spending any money on corals.

Ya it CAN be done for $50, but nobody does that.

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Meeting my wife. She’s the best and I’m better off because of her.

This is honestly such a pile of shit from Microsoft. Right…. Grandma is going to resize her partitions with those ridiculously cryptic instructions. She’s totally going to figure out which partition we’re talking about, she’s totally going to open a command line interface as admin, heck she totally even knows to find those instructions. Its hard enough for people to distinguish between “ya that’s windows update, click that button” vs “no that’s a phishing attack, never click that button”

Now the rest of us who know what we’re doing have to fix everyone’s PCs in the family. Keep pushing everyone to iPads and Linux Microsoft…

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Too late. I deleted windows from every pc in my house today. Even my computer challenged wife is using linux now.

The problem is Microsoft continues to show their cards and where they are taking things. Thanks but no thanks.

My daughter has a learning disability. Dyslexia and some weird kind of error with certain fine motor skills. The diagnosis from everyone? ADHD-put her on drugs. What drugs would you like? If one drugs doesn’t fix her, we’ll try two drugs.

Thank god my wife and I resisted. Nobody could explain what was going on and how drugs would fix it. I ain’t gonna lie, her elementary school days were rough. But now, straight A college student in her junior year.

I’m sure there are people looking for it, but my experience was default diagnosis by doctors and schools pushing adhd onto kids where it wasn’t appropriate.

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They do! I checked all of them. I couldn’t believe it!

I got it for “free” with my new cpu purchase. I played about 5 hours. It was a total slog. Put it down and have zero regrets. Bethesda has been making some very boring games lately imo.

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If I knew who you were and what company you worked for, I’D report that to HR. If that ever happened at my office I’d fire the guy without even consulting HR. I’d confiscate his stuff and walk him out the door, HR can clean up the mess.

If there was one hint of retaliation by another employee, I’d fire them on the spot. If there is any hr or manager retaliation to you, you call a lawyer. You’ll be paid extremely well.

The situation you described is so black and white in your favor - your management and hr department should be quaking in their boots that you don’t sue.

Agree 100%

I’m sure it was presented to the band like this “hey will you do a private show for a dump truck of money?” Of course the answer is yes. As if he has any way of knowing what’s going on inside a company, who’s specifically on the invite list - come on…. He’s a rock star - he plays shows for money, bitches, and blow. That’s all there is to it - he ain’t the villain here.

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I know they funded moderna - they basically built Moderna’s new plants including their cmo’s plant so that they could produce at scale. Govt built and funded the plants at risk - prior to fda approval - so that it massively sped up the process to getting the drug in people’s hands. Those plants are now used for other drugs.

I think - but not 100% sure - Pfizer did it on their own.

Still - 10,000% is shameful.

I can twitch my eyeballs left and right really fast, and not just a little bit - but most of the way.

Completely grosses people out when I do it.

Edit: I can even do circles, but not as fast as left and right.

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I was rocking an iPhone 6. Yes, a 6. My wife had an xs max - two weeks ago she dropped it and it smashed. We went and bought a pair of iPhone 15 pro max phones, fully loaded.

  1. they are ridiculously expensive - over 2k a piece. Most people can’t afford that. What happened to sub $1000 phones?
  2. yes there’s a lot of improvements over the 6. But the 6 still functioned perfectly - albeit a bit slowly
  3. the only improvement I can tell as a user over the xs max is the cameras. They are arguably better. Otherwise it’s the same phone.
  4. the software is nearly identical on all three versions. There’s not many “ooo this one does xyz like this, and that’s an improvement”

Bottom line: there just isn’t a reason to upgrade a phone anymore, unless they break. Sales HAS to go down if the price point stays the same or goes up.

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HA! True. Remember when Google was always right and always exactly what you were looking for?

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

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It’s too bad that the year of the linux desktop has been so long in the coming. Because now, it really is far superior to windows. Bluetooth, printers, and games even “just work” these days.


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Do it. Get a second hard drive and distro hop. Eventually you’ll find what you like and use windows less and less. Doesn’t have to be all or nothing at one point in time.

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It’s 10 with some extra BS. It runs. But I wouldn’t call it decent. Definitely a controversial take ;)

Take my upvote not because I agree, but because you are brave! ;)

Tears of the kingdom - little late to the party but it’s a fun game.

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For my 75 year old mother who doesn’t do anything besides Facebook. Ya an iPad is perfect! ;)

She thinks it’s a full blown computer and it’s impossible to break or install a virus on it. iPads can be surprisingly good for that purpose…

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Arch isn’t inherently unstable. It’s just that most users don’t maintain it properly. Tips:

  1. learn to backup for real: rsync, borg, etc. you broke something? Just back up to that image you made right before you updated ;)
  2. use flatpaks. It’s kind of hard to run into AUR or dependency issues if you’re as close to a base arch install as possible.
  3. read the maintenance page and understand it. You can’t just “yay” every week and be done with it. You need to know how to handle pacnew, read the wiki for manual interventions, look for errors and warnings in the pacman log, etc. it’s not hard at all once you figure it out, but it takes a little learning.
  4. you don’t need to update every day. If it’s working - you can just let it ride. If you don’t update forever, then just update your keyring first and you’ll be good to go.

Use what you like - it’s all stable enough.

Agreed. The problem is people mistake “zero planning and structure” to mean “agile”. Of course it fails.

Agile to me was always mini waterfall. You always know who’s doing what, why, and what success looks like on a 2 week sprint horizon. When you see people on a sprint without a clear understanding of what they are doing over the next couple of weeks - then you know your project is in trouble for sure.

I agree. I’m the guy who picks, buys, assembles, and installs the OS and programs for like everyone around me. I enjoy doing it, they enjoy getting awesome PCs for good prices.

My next build for them will absolutely not be Microsoft. The average person can get away with an iPad running iOS for their computing needs. So it’ll be a user friendly Linux distro going forward.

It kind of was what I meant. My first Linux experience was in 93 - I wanted to run X on my 486 so I could use maple and other Unix programs from the mainframe in college. Thank god for my comp sci roommate-I don’t think I could have figured it out on my own back then.

Flash forward through the decades and here I am running all the games I want through steam and bottles. Win10 updates are crapping on themselves requiring a reload - I try linux on it expecting it to mostly work, but having a few annoying issues that will be a bear to solve. Nope, it just worked.

It’s impressive to me. A bunch of nerds on the internet mostly volunteered their way into a better OS than the big boys have made.

Ugh, I was just about to buy this game too. Not anymore.

Hundreds of commands is just not true with many distros. Everything is gui based these days. The command line is worth getting familiar with, but it’s not necessary.

The same thing I’ve always done - booted another OS that works with that software. No need to artificially limit yourself.

Once upon a time I remember running Dos, windows, os2 warp, and linux on one hard drive. Those were the days…. Ya ya, I’m going back to my retirement home bedroom…

I literally did this on a new pc two weekends ago. Downloaded win11 iso, installed, typed in the key off my win 7 cd rom retail packaging that’s god knows how old, done.

I’ve long since moved to linux and just dual boot win11 for games that don’t run well in linux. I won’t buy a key at this point just for that.

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