
0 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

JS !== Java

Try Javascript some day!

  • We have truthy and falsy! Empty string or null? Yeah, that's false!
  • Of course we can parse a string to number, but if it's not a number it's NaN!
  • null >= 0 is true!
  • Assign a variable with =, test type equality with == and test actual equality with ===. You will NEVER use the wrong amount of = anywhere, trust me!
  • Our default sort converts everything to string, then sorts by UTF-16 code. So yes, [1, 10, 3] is sorted and you are going to live with it.
  • True + true = 2. You know I'm right.

Try Javascript today!

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Well. Looks great.

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What a great post. Thank you for sharing it and all the best for you!

I'm a straight cis guy and I like the memes posted in this community. They are 99% wholesome and just asking for acceptance in meme format, which is nice.

Seems like feddit.de shows a lot of Blahaj stuff and that's good.

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It's super simple!

You click a square, it's either a bomb or not. If it's not, it will show a number telling you how many of the surrounding 8 squares contain a bomb. If a square has 0 bombs in surrounding squares it will just open, so you save unnecessary clicks. It's the goal to click every square that does not contain a bomb. If you click a bomb, you lose.

After understanding the rules you can beat the game super quick and easily.

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It's not. The default sorter does that, because that way it can sort pretty much anything without breaking at runtime. You can overwrite it easily, though. For the example above you could simply do it like this:

[3, 1, 10].sort((a, b) => a - b)

Returns: [1, 3, 10]

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This is due to the default sorter in JavaScript sorting by the string value. The reason for that is that this won't create errors at runtime. Since JavaScript does not have types, this is the safest way of sorting.

This works:

const unsorted = [1, 100000, 21, 30, 4]
const sorted = unsorted.sort((a, b) => a - b) 
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A racing game that has a very nice track builder and is very open to modding. Its focus is on the individual driver and the time they achieve on a track.

Flying for hundreds of meters, drifting under water, going at high speeds through multiple loopings, sliding on ice and so much more is totally possible with Trackmania.

Try it, the base game is free and their pricing for online services and cups is totally fine.

I have been adblocking on YouTube for as long as I remember. Personally I think it's unusable without an adblocker. What's the alternative? Because I am not suddenly going to pay for a platform that keeps getting worse all the time.

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So you are saying it's not streamable?

Pro tip: You don't need the allowance of a stupid old man to do be baptized. It also doesn't mean anything, so you can just not do it and care even less about the opinion of the stupid old man.

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Yes, 4 tons exactly.

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Not the original commenter, but the guy juggling 5 drinks deserves no tip. He deserves a fair pay and the stuff the customer buys should be priced in such a way it enables fair pay.

I am not from the US and delivery drivers here don't even expect a tip. I order my stuff, pay exactly what the menu said (and maybe a deliver fee, which is fine to me, you then usually have the option to come and pick it up without that fee) and get my food 30 minutes later.

Tipping is an extremely bad practice that makes the pay of people unpredictable and depending on their situation can make a day with bad tipping a problem for them.

Stop tipping.

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What alternative would you suggest if I just want to talk to my mates while gaming? I gave up on setting up TeamSpeak after like an hour and many crashes and errors. I was a TeamSpeak fan for many years when using windows, but on Linux I highly dislike it.

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If it happens, it happens, if it doesn't, it doesn't. We gain literally zero information from this article.

Being rich implies you are evil. If you were good, you would give back to the people who create your wealth.

A good person understands they are not entitled to that much money with so much bad things in the world nor need it in the first place to live a decent live.

I like to listen to podcasts in the gym and I will interrupt my set to skip sponsors and ads. The enshittification on Spotify is particularly bad as they now play ads in addition to sponsorings for premium listeners.

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(30,27): error TS7006: Parameter 'fuck' implicitly has an 'any' type.

Thanks for the tip, I will try that one out!

Of course it costs an astronomical amount of money! It's a space mission, what else would it cost?

But I love drugs.

Calling capitalism bad isn't equal to calling communism good.

I see this all the time. People think the opposite of capitalism is communism, which is plain wrong. They are completely different systems, but many parts are similar. If you say "I don't wanna do capitalism anymore" it's not like you are forced to be a communist now.

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You are right. It's a joke because there is absolutely no affordable housing to be found in Germany.

I don't know if that helps you, but a tip for your laptop:

Create a new partition and use VeraCrypt to encrypt it. Use a long, randomly generated password for it. It's nearly impossible (read: for your family absolutely impossible) to crack and you can install a browser there and chat tools and save images and stuff like that. This might give you some privacy and help you to explore yourself.

Sorry I can't help on the actual topic, I found this thread on my frontpage and I don't know how to deal with your actual situation, but I know things about computers and privacy.

Some tutorial on it: https://gist.github.com/ImaginativeShohag/6dca147f85c1ef4219b6be47e54fa287

There's tons of email providers out there. I bought a domain and rented a small VM for some learning about servers and the company provides a direct email service with the domain. Now I have unlimited mail-accounts with my own domain name and Google can fuck right off.

Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Hunt: Showdown?

The best extraction shooter out there.

It has zombies. It has wild west. It is balanced. It takes two shots to kill and two minutes to reload. Come to the Bayou!

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I have my own mailserver just for me and it wasn't that complicated to be honest. I set it up with Mailcow in Docker in under a day. So far it has been stable with regular backups and updates through Lighthouse.

Maintenance comes down to 5 minutes every three months because somehow Let's Encrypt and Mailcow don't like each other and I have to renew the certificate manually.

That was very interesting. Thanks!

I would like to ask a similar question:

I very much like the "the beauty and the beast" - styled metal. That's at least what I read online sometime what it's called.

The mix of a male voice growling and a female voice singing melodic kinda does it for me, but so far I had very little luck finding stuff that fits, actually just a few songs.

Any recommendations?

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I wasn't aware of what you are looking for specifically in a game.

I switched from Tarkov to Hunt a while ago and never looked back, so I like to recommend it to others.

That guy is such an incredibly talented programmer, designer and game creator. I will buy that game just because he is so professional about every single thing he does.

Maybe I can just post here and get a good explanation?

I have been using PopOS for a while now and I am super happy with it, but last time it tried to switch from Gnome to KDE I ended up with a black screen after boot and had to reinstall from scratch.

Does anyone have a good writeup on how to do it properly?

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That site lists my account as "Banned for Vote manipulation".

That's... Interesting.

If tipping was stopped all around this would force employers to be responsible for the pay of their employees.

This can only be achieved by holding the employers accountable. Buy from companies that pay fair wages. Don't buy from those that rely on tips. Vote with your money.

I disagree.

You should not look at the customer to make up extra payment so your wage becomes bearable. This way you are pointing in the wrong direction for a fair pay.

The customer is not the one responsible for you making enough money. Your employer is.

Employers are also the only people gaining anything from tipping. The laws in the US actually allow employers to pay less than minimum wage if the worker receives tips: https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/wages/wagestips Since tipping is not predictable the employer wins by having to pay the worker less. The worker loses.

Also you as the worker are responsible to track and pay taxes on the tips you received, not your employer: https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/tip-recordkeeping-and-reporting

I understand it sounds scary when I say "Stop tipping" because it sounds like less money to you, but don't look at me, the customer, for this. Look at the employer. Stop tipping.

Edit: I agree with your take to stop engaging with companies that rely on tipping to change this, though. I think that was not clear from my comment.

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Totally agree with this.

You've brought up very good points. As long as consumers support this it will stay the same.

What is the reason for such an addon? Simply bypassing the tracking of the shortener?