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Joined 1 years ago

Proud to be here with you all on this historic night. Hope it's RICO and hope Lindsey Graham is included.

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As someone who can never remember anyone's name this is hilarious and somewhat triggering lol. That clip from the end felt like what I was doing last night at a bar with my wife's coworkers. Just gotta deflect and dodge until somebody else says their name first.

Thanks for sharing.

Exactly. And it's driving me crazy how many mods are caving. Like, I get that you care about the community and want it to continue on, but will it even be the same now that you know how little control you actually have? Will it survive the next insane, profit driven decision Reddit makes and refuses to negotiate on? Just rip the band-aid off now like /r/interestingasfuck and others did and let them remove you. We've seen that they can't actually replace what was lost, so let them try.

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I ran into this as well and honestly just can't believe it. Like, this is something my grandparent would think might happen and I'd laugh at how silly it is. Yet here we are.

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Hangouts was so close to perfect before they blew it all up.

Now I'm using a mix of Chat and Voice and it's terrible for everyone. Voice doesn't even support RCS from what I can tell, and all my messages with iPhone users are full of reactions. It's so annoying. I've had the same Google Voice number for over a decade, why is this so frustrating?

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If you watch the behind the scenes stuff it honestly is pretty impressive how competent the movies ended up being. Yes, they are terrible, but they could have been a lot worse. Peter Jackson made them watchable, at least.

Seeing a lot of comments about them "abandoning the community" and it makes my blood boil. These people have worked for free for years and all they've gotten for it is more and more headaches. Reddit has shown what the future looks like for everyone on the platform. It's authoritarian control from the dumbest motherfuckers you can imagine. Why keep investing time in that? They didn't abandon the community,Reddit did. Moving on is the only option.

Btw, meetings are work. If you spend a lot of time in meetings that does count as actual work.

This is so important. I know so many people that complain about people being "in meetings all day instead of working" or manager expectations are to be doing a bunch of stuff, but your calendar is absolutely packed with dumb meetings. Meetings are work, so if other work needs to be done then I need to be allowed to take that time.

And no, multitasking isn't real. If I'm doing other stuff during the meeting then I'm not actually paying full attention to either the meeting or the other work.

Lots of new, unique communities and the occasional titty? I'm sold.

Florida? Been here most of my life and I just assume they're in any body of water. They're that common.

Ignorant comments from people who didn't read the article...Man, this place really is like Reddit!

I get that, and respect it very much. You care about others and the community you've helped create. But Reddit is now actively exploiting that care for their own profit. Reddit draws value from your community and the advice it offers others. If that advice is poor then yes, people will suffer, but that's on Reddit for allowing this all to happen how it has, not you.

Agreed. All of the comments against the protests on Reddit kind of give it away in how little they seem to actually understand how Reddit works and what made it great for so long. They see it as just another feed for them to browse and not a community to foster and participate in. Lemmy feels so great in comparison.

The Fediverse is wild man, wild.

"When you look annoyed all the time, people think that you're busy."

  • George Costanza

I've lived by this advice my whole career and it's never failed me.

Reporter: To sum up, this expert representing the major Meteorological associations says it is currently raining. And this expert from the "Crack Pot Society" says it isn't. I have a window right next to me and....both sides make good points so you'll have to decide for yourself.

I feel like I've seen enough to say that this is likely real and you are probably correct. I'm struggling to figure out how to prepare for this though. Are there companies or industries that we should be investing in or something?

The developer originally said he could sustain a $3 a month subscription, but after checking the numbers for higher usage account he saw that it couldn't really work.

From /u/DBrady

I'm still looking into it, gathering data etc. Unfortunately the average call rates when broken down to the top 2, 5, 10% etc of users is painting a much different picture. This is the cohort of users I would expect to possibly convert to a subscription model and the average rates for those users can be 3,4,5 even 600 hundred calls per day just by the shear amount they use the app. Some of the top users are well over 1000 per day and sometimes over 2000.

So I'm not sure yet. It would probably have to be a usage based subscription model if it was going to be anything and I'm not sure that's worth doing. I am still looking into it but unfortunately I don't think my earlier price points will work.

This place is feeling more and more like Reddit every day lol

And yet, extremely common.

The solution is right there in the article and in front of (fuck) /u/spez...make it a part of Reddit Premium. I was on Reddit almost every single day for a decade and not only did I never even think about subbing, most of the time I forgot it even existed. The ridiculously low number of subscribers is Reddit's fault entirely. They could have killed two birds with one stone by saying "members will get an ad-free experience in our app and can try these other apps as well". Win for Reddit (actually gaining subs for their Premium service), for the apps (they stay working), and the users (more options).

But I guess just destroying everything you spent your life building is a tempting option as well.

Which, and I've said this before, is awesome. The Fediverse is wild.

Posted on Jerboa for Lemmy :)

For real though. I hope the former Reddit 3rd party app devs know how much the community supports them. They deserve it too, after how they've been treated. Just be open with any pricing concerns and my wallet is ready.

I joined a hotel company a couple of years ago where they offered stock options, which is good and I appreciated it. But there were a lot of people that had worked there for decades just because they felt invested in the company. Meanwhile, working conditions were absolutely awful and the culture was the worst I've ever experienced. And I kept thinking how crazy it must have been during COVID as the stock tanked and everyone was staring down the barrel of layoffs. Like, if your employer is your entire retirement plan then you could be in huge trouble all at once.

This is fantastic news. A much needed and very missed feature. But man, once it's added I may never have to go back to...what was that old website again?