
2 Post – 29 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Omg, my previous company did the same. But you missed a part. If you accidentally left out a real email, thinking it's a scam, then the client will file a complaint.

They sold it after achieving success.

My advice is to make sure you have plenty of RAM. You won't just install Plex. You probably want your NAS to download and manage the videos and all those applications take up extra RAM.

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No need. Asian countries are not blocked from using Twitch. It's just Twitch won't have local business in Korea now.

Flox, MediaTracker and Movary. Didn't try any of those.

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You mean you don't have family, friends, colleagues, school mates or anyone you know personally who would benefit from this giveaway, so that you have to resort to a stranger? A nephew or niece is the perfect recipient for such a gift.

Instead of hiring brave and smart people to be the police, it seems people who are not brave, and dumb, are hired so they have access to guns to protect themselves again whatever scares them, including innocent humans. Sad.

Not recently, but yes.

Also, there's regulation to disclose the probability in getting rewards from opening "chests", which is actually gambling in nature.

My understanding is that Digital Foundry type of performance review is fine, but comments on how the control feels laggy or the game is a lower-tier copycat of Overwatch are not okay.

Between Tube Archivist (TA) and Pinchflat (PF), it seems TA is a better choice (because you want to delete the downloaded videos). TA has a built-in interface to watch and delete the video. But if you are like me, who watches the videos in Jellyfin and don't plan to delete them afterwards, then PF is a solid archival application.

So we have action in this ARPG. I wonder if they are confident enough to show RPG bits before launch. Judging purely by the trailer, the game feels nothing like DA.

Nice, this looks promising. I'll try it out.

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Sorry for a noobie question. But when people say using SSO for internal apps, does it mean we only need to log in once and then the various apps won't need us logging in again? And then the browser can stay connected for however long we want it to be?

Same. It's enough to team up with people at work so there's no desire to do the same at home. I also don't find grinding as much fun anymore. It used to be a fun way to spend time as a kid because we had too much time. Now, I don't even pick a game which doesn't have basic QoL features implemented.

This may sound pessimistic, but try to compare yourself with people who live worse than you.

I'm a newbie in self-hosting and Tailscale is super powerful for me. Everything at home is accessible on my phone, mainly music server and radarr/sonarr for watching show on the go. No need for subdomain or reverse proxy.

Thanks so much for the advice. Easy of use is a major concern for family members, however. My plan is to open the web page on a tablet and put it in the living room then the family doesn't need to use a phone. I'll look into both options.

Does PF have a browser extension? TA has it, which makes it simple to download videos on demand.

I suppose you are using the plugin at https://github.com/tubearchivist/tubearchivist-jf-plugin. Very rarely I had the same problem. But if I ignore it, the data sometimes fixes itself after another update. If not, you could try the manual trigger. Frankly I have no idea why it fails sometimes.

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Maybe you could try Pinchflat. I haven't yet tried it though I do plan to do it some time soon.

This is controversial for sure. But I dislike all kinds of games that focus on driving or racing or flying a plane. I don't know but driving a vehicle like you do in real life is kind of stupid for a game idea? I want to do things that I can't do IRL, like murdering a bunch of bad guys, or building a village, things like that. Also casting magic spells is better than shooting a gun, so I don't really get FPS games.

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TBH, this game is the only recent game with survival, base building and pet collection mechanics all mixed together. Some games require you to collect pet but then the pet doesn't affect your survival or base building. Some games require you to farm stuff for survival and base building, but pet had no part in it. The game has just okay-ish quality and lots of QoL features are needed. The game also doesn't have any ground breaking design. It simply mixes all elements coercively in a $30 package (even less with regional pricing). That's how it gets the big win. Well deserved of course and I really love playing the game.

(If it costs $60, it would fail right at the gate.)

Yeah, that's what I meant. I didn't define the new generation, but in my mind people since the 80s are the new generation to me (I'm old). And you're right, camping a store to buy something you never saw is of course the issue. And in my country, people buy a house before it's even built, and that's also an issue that is common in this 'new generation'. So, this new generation tends to accept that buying something without seeing it is alright, and the gaming industry reflects that.

Just tried this out but couldn't get it to work until downgrading mongo to 4.4.6 because my NAS doesn't ha``ve AVX support. But then, mongo stays unhealthy. No idea why.

It was either the dungeon crawl game "Eye of the Beholder" or a Japanese translated strategy game “Romance of the Three Kingdoms III” on a floppy, around 1991-1993 I think.

Yup, the arrs and transcoding also takes up a bit of RAM. I mentioned RAM because some entry level NAS isn't designed for anything other than file storage.

Thanks for the explanation. Had the same feeling but couldn't describe it. They definitely took the high fantasy route and even 'cartoonize' it further, which is kind of what DA is not about.

I purchased my first NAS a few months ago and I had zero knowledge of self hosting and zero knowledge of Linux. I did manage to install all of these applications but, as suggested by tutorials I read, also installed Portainer because using docker in a command line method was just way too difficult. I'm quite sure I wouldn't be able to set up anything without a GUI.

To be precise, the new generation is to blame, who constantly preorders a game, and spends a lot on mobile games. Companies realize that bad products sell, so why would they improve?

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