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Joined 1 years ago

I still haven’t touched Reddit since Apollo shut down. Feels good to stand up for what you believe in

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FFS this is the most ignorant comment I’ve ever read. YOU all are the ones holding us back.

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I have an OLED model and cringed when I saw it will have LCD. It will honestly probably feel like a downgrade for me.

I already mostly play in handheld just because the visuals look so much better compared to my TV

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Lmao you’re 100% right that’s funny. I’d do the same thing

A, because the portal has the momentum not the people on the tracks?

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Too bulky for me

It’s funny because most republicans recognize that all politicians are corrupt and shitty people, and so they want to pull a “Hunger Games” or Game of Thrones” and sort of break the wheel and destroy these rich power dynasties.

The media recognizes this and pushes propaganda to paint them as fascist nazis.

The left eats up the propaganda and therefore is stuck in the “us vs them” mentality, thereby ensuring nobody actually stands up to the power dynasties.

This is why a lot of republicans still and will always support Donald Trump. Regardless of the person he is or may be, the power dynasties DO NOT WANT HIM AS PRESIDENT. There must be a reason why. So they will continue to vote for him and support him.

It’s both why Republicans will turn a blind eye to things Trump has said or done, and why the power dynasties spend extra time focusing and picking apart things Trump has said or done, while protecting and not reporting on other corrupt politicians.

Really it boils down to, Republicans have taken the “red pill” and are ready to take down the system and powers. Democrats got a taste of the Red Pill with Bernie, but quickly swallowed the blue pill when the DNC stole the nomination and gave it to Hillary. They got sucked back into the game but were so close to breaking free.

The RNC is trying to suck republicans back into the game now with DeSantis.

Now, some people say Trump has always been “part of the game”. I personally think this is not the case because Trump has shed light on a lot of corruption and even admitted to using tax loopholes that existing politicians enabled him to use. He’s revealed what’s going on behind the curtain that most politicians want to hide from the public.

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Kill your ego and eliminate your fear of being wrong. It opens up a whole new world of possibilities


Sooo…. You would rather he keep it to himself? How is that better? How could you possibly spin this into a negative

I don’t think I’m smart and I have nothing but self reflection, constantly doubting myself and observing myself from a third person perspective.

No it’s not satire, so yes it’s golden

So in theory so long as you don’t microwave too long you should be fine? I’ve never left a plastic container in long enough for it to warp or melt

The issue is both sides think the other is the intolerant one

The issue with the word fascism is that it only pertains to right leaning ideologies according to the dictionary definition. This provides liberal extremists a safe haven from negative labels as they feel free to force their views and silence opposition, which ironically seems to be what the definition of fascism SHOULD be, regardless of party

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Has this happened?

In what ways were they right wing? I guess you don’t need to answer that, I can do my own research. Just seems like taking away guns and using propaganda to put everyone against a particular group seems like what the left is wanting to do in America today.

Modern day leftists are very “if you’re not with us, you’re against us”, and “anyone who is against us is anti-human and a stain on society”.

All it takes is more time for the division to escalate and I could see Republican views being considered terrorism and grounds for going into a prison camp

It isn’t a waste of time, it’s small growth one interaction at a time.

I do it because I’d like to potentially further a career in politics, and would like to attempt to create unity.

Just have to figure out how people’s minds work

This was proven false

Wouldn’t necessarily be a negative but there shouldn’t be multimillionaire politicians

Fair enough in those instances

I think most republican voters would agree to allow abortion in cases of rape or death of the mother. It’s the republican politicians who go to the extreme to outright ban it

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I was just thinking about this the other day. Everyone who does something others might consider evil, finds a way to justify their actions so that they aren’t evil. Once you realize this, it’s hard to get mad at people when they’re only being themselves.

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But it isn’t random, there’s many patterns to go off of

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people are predictable

Looking at this, is there a way to join different servers at the same time? Or an easy way to switch between them?

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Just because people are voting for them doesn’t necessarily mean they want them there. It just means they’d rather have a Republican there than a Democrat.

Sorry the word most should’ve been in front of republicans I suppose

This sounds like fascist speak

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I care about the emotional wellbeing of people who care so much about what their online username is

I mean why would it have to be some random person? That’s why we have elections supposedly

I don’t support many republicans but I like that they don’t let emotion control their decisions

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Go to a conservative echo chamber and try and survive, it’s fun

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Most people feel this way because they spend their time in echo chambers and think everyone they disagree with is a nazi

Apple and Android developers go about creating their experiences in different ways. Android developers look at specs on a piece of paper. They want the highest and best specs and customization, so that, on paper, when compared side by side, there devices appear to be objectively better than iPhone.

Apple on the other hand, looks more into the psychology of how or why people do what they do, and how they interact with their devices. They take the “thought” out of it, so anyone can pick it up and figure it out.

I think Apples way speaks to people on a subconscious level, where it’s just a fluid pleasant experience all around, but people have difficulty figuring out WHY they prefer iPhones.

This makes people believe that the only reason people might buy an iPhone is because they want to appear “cool” and are victims of good marketing



People were saying this is probably why some states stay red is because of this study. That’s what my comment was directed to.

Insulting someone is a sign of unintelligence so thanks for the peek into your brain function

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It’s because they love life and want to protect the baby inside the woman

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This is exactly what I’m saying, but this is not a place of logic or reason

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You just explained everyone on Lemmy and Reddit lol