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4th times the charm, right?

Thanks for the reminder!

Yes, because it's so difficult to get a gun in America any other way /s

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No. Threads federation should be treated the same way as a wolf joining a "sheep's right to not be eaten" meeting. Deeply unsettling, highly suspicious, and troubling. Facebook does NOT want the fediverse to succeed, and any claim to the contrary is fucking sus.

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I think you have enough people saying that this isn't normal, but...

You're in your mid 20's and you cannot bend over to tie your shoes!? How old is your GP? Sounds like they need to think about retirement... or a career change.

Also just want to second what someone else in here said: Get tested for celiacs disease

Personally, Tabasco in the bin. Hot sauce on cold pizza the morning after? Breakfast of champions

The fediverse is too new and niche to say that with certainty.

The legality is likely untested and certainly not enforced by pubspec yet.

I don't know enough to speak to the technicalities with certainty, but my surface level understanding is that that is exactly how it works, and it is one of the known flaws of the fediverse as it currently exists.

You might be making a statement, but server B is just a node and, frankly, doesn't care. If you federate with them, you federate with everyone they federate with as well.

It's uncomfortably like an STD in that regard.

Developer bailed on it, and it got dumped on someone without the resources to carry on with it, so they've put it into maintenance mode until February next year IIRC? Then it will be gone.

Honestly I'm just glad they're actually doing the maintenance thing instead of just vanishing overnight, or just leaving everything in limbo, which seems to be a problem in this space.

None of that is correct. I was thinking of Firefish

I've been using a DS5 for PC gaming over an Xbox controller for a few months now, and it's the fucking best! I'm genuinely not going back. The touch pad acts like a track pad for when you absolutely need mouse control (ui navigation mostly), and you can use gyro to fine aim ala the switch. It's sick! I'm considering picking an edge up exclusively for PC gaming, I'm that sold. I just want someone to confirm the back pedals work. I do wish they had hall effect sticks though.

This effect is to get [Ross] to stop downloading and disclosing stolen criminal records to protect public safety.

Why him specifically? That's a lot of effort to stop one guy doing what literally anybody with some time and willpower could do? Surely they have bigger problems right now? Fucking pathetic.

I just want every keyboard to have a home and end button (I'm a coder, and my current keyboard doesn't have them, and I have to set a binding in every. single. thing.)

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They used leaded solder. I'd hardly call that cutting corners.

As a newbie solderer, I can say with certainty that the overwhelming majority of hand soldering is leaded. All the experts and all the advice out there recommends using leaded solder, especially to beginners because "it's easier to work with" (anecdotally, I haven't found that to be the case, but that's another story)

Not saying these devices are hand soldered, just that using leaded solder is far more common than you'd think