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Joined 1 years ago

Probably, android devices and especially Samsung can be locked down. I don't know your model though I feel like there are 4,327 variants of "galaxy note".

Some of these things might just be the usual Windows with the heat and fan noise. I have seen huge differences in a few machines (x86 tablet/HP laptop/thinkpad) running Linux vs running Windows. The machines running Linux hardly make a peep until you play a game or compile something. On Windows they were hot and noisy af, night and day difference.

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As someone who tried out MacOS in a VM out of curiosity I don't find gnome to be like MacOS at all in overall functionality. I think to most people it just looks like Mac because top bar, dock and some design choices. Really though gnome is much more like Android. MacOS felt extremely clunky to use vs gnome's fluid workspace and app switching.

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No I did not have GPU accel. I'm curious what you are referring to losing work due to a misclick? Personally I don't use desktop icons. I'm a previous i3 user so I am used to using my computer with a non traditional interface.

Well I know my local army base (US) was looking for Linux sys admins, so I figure they have some servers on base.

HP by chance? Had this happen to a 360 HP laptop (and I almost never used that functionality!), repaired by replacing the backside of screen where it screws in. This of course required disassembling the whole damn laptop. I was horrified by how cheap it was and now have a ThinkPad T480.

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I knew it! I had the sneaking suspicion that this was the case. About a month ago I updated my phone to Android 14 (custom rom) and noticed I started having trouble with RCS after a couple days since the update. I knew I was going to lose the play integrity but whatever. RCS was nice but I will not bend... just pushing me a step further to de-googling my phone. Lol it's funny how they cry to Apple about supporting RCS but yet refuse to allow third party apps or phones that don't meet their requirements, pathetic. There should be an encrypted text communication standard that isn't controlled by one company who can lock you out because you don't have approved software, that is ridiculous. That being said, I wish Signal was still a SMS app.

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Y'all need to get yourselves that Windows 10 2021 LTSC IoT badboy (IoT part is important). It's supported until 2032 and it's only bloat is edge. If I had to use windows again it would be that.

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Really it's the backbone of the modern tech world.

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I would think that some of these problems with RDP and monitors might be caused by running Wayland with an Nvidia GPU. I'm pretty sure both Ubuntu and Fedora use Wayland out of the box by default. Best off using Xorg until Nvidia sorts their shit.

I'm not so sure about that, they seem pretty hostile to consumers and employees.

I very much enjoyed your rant. Would subscribe.

I just wish we spelled things in a more German-'esk' fashion. They use K more appropriately. Examples such as "panik" and "akkordeon" for accordion. I find their spelling to be more straightforward and sensical.

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I think their current modified gnome is the best desktop that exists anywhere. Cosmic is a full desktop environment with an actual (auto) tiling window manager... a combo I think should be more common in desktops. The way they implement the tiling makes it really easy for beginners to use because you can turn it on/off by keyboard shortcut or clicking the plugin icon, and because you can just drag n drop windows to change their tiled positions (along with keyboard shortcuts if preferred). It's hard to go back regular "window managers".

The System76 devs have good ideas, they seem really cool, and sane! They have been a net positive for the Linux community and desktop development IMO. I am SO hyped for the new Cosmic DE!

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This is something that still happens. When I go on any road trips that involves driving on the interstate (US), I will always happen to glance at mile marker 66. I'm usually never thinking about it when it happens. I'll be totally absorbed into my phone (as a passenger of course!) or talking, and just happen to look up and right at mile marker 66. It always gives me a bit of a shock that I've noticed it again. Otherwise I don't really pay any attention to the little green mile marker signs on the side of the road. I am not at all religious or believe in anything like that. I guess it just means I die at MM 66 on some interstate somewhere. This started happening in my teens.

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1337, cmon now!

I do remember reading somewhere that smartphones don't have a standardized bootloader like PCs do with BIOS and UEFI, and that it can vary between manufacturers and devices. Could be wrong about it. Also some manufacturers really don't want you to be able to install custom software, like Samdung in North America. If you buy a Samdung device in NA...even if it is carrier unlocked.. the bootloader will be impossible to unlock.

You may have to look into figuring out which driver Linux is using for your touchscreen then blacklist that module so that it doesn't load anymore.

HL-L2320D brother laser printer, had it for years with no fuss. It doesn't have wifi but who needs it when you can just plug it into a raspberry pi and share it on the network.

Try Fennec browser, literally Firefox with proprietary parts removed and with access to about:config. Can be found in Fdroid

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You don't even have to be rooted. RCS won't work using a non-rooted custom ROM.

Set one of these providers as your private DNS in phone settings... if iOS allows it. I use the Mullvad. For the rest of you on android use FF+uBlock AND set your DNS.

You can set custom DNS to block ads and whatnot on androids and most smart TVs AFAIK. It should just be a setting somewhere. I use

For TV you might need IP address in which case it's

Source and more info about this here:

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Agreed, like what do chromium based browsers really have over Firefox? Real question.

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"WJLX still has its FM transmitter and tower, it is not allowed to operate its FM transmitter while the AM station is off the air."

But why?

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Don't worry, I watch neither TV shows nor movies. I would just rather do something else with my time, like programming stuff, learning something new, and playing video games. If I am stuck with nothing to do I will watch something on YouTube. I think I would rather watch content made by real people instead of studios if that make sense.

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Looks great, can't wait!

Well you should learn who he is if you hate greedy corporate scumbags. He's out there fighting the good fight.

In the words of our Lord Richard M. Stallman, "Free as in freedom."

You could use the android studio flatpak, install flatseal to ensure the app doesn't have permissions you don't want.

A distro with the Gnome desktop is where I would start. It has the best touch gestures and on screen keyboard. Gnome's keyboard still could use some work however, and I would recommend you install "improved osk" if you intend to use it a lot. Cinnamon will work fine but it's not as least since I have last used it. (Its been a few years.)

I used to have some 2 in 1 HP x360 that I initially had Linux Mint on and it did work well. But then I tried PopOS out on it and I had to switch it over to that because of the touch screen gestures and an on screen keyboard that would automatically pop up when you activated a text field. I wouldn't recommend PopOS right now if you want the latest and greatest Gnome updates, as it is a bit out of date since they are focusing on creating their own desktop. It's still a solid choice though.

You could theme everything else vintage steam green... except Steam, Lol! That color does bring back memories of the good ol days of the internet and online gaming.

Edit: hold up, theres a secret Rick roll in there!

Imagine if companies quit with the bs fluff talk and just told it like is. I think it might be easier to take their shit if they just told you things straight up.

A recent example of this is the skiff email they sent out to everyone. Six paragraphs of time wasting fluff that the end user doesn't give a damn about. They could have simply said something along the lines of "We have sold our company to notion and will be sunsetting our products in 6 months. This means you will need to find another email provider within that time.".

Too late

Always has been.

True, kind of silly you have to install an extension because the default gnome weather won't just let you use open weather.

Why are Nazis the first thing you think about? You and many others on the internet. I need a filter that blocks any comment that has the word nazi.

Cart narcs fights the good fight though.

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It doesn't use open weather unfortunately. It uses the Norwegian Meteorology Institute and their weather prediction is poor/entirely inaccurate for much of the world. I do wish open weather was an option especially since it's easy to get your own weather api key.

Luckily you can deselect the eos specific packages during install.