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Joined 10 months ago

When a company gets that hostile in their design to their paying customers is when I start advocating for flying a Jolly Roger.

Yeah. If you made it past 10 or so you'd probably live to at least 50, with 60-70 not being common but also far from rare. All those dying kids and babies really bring down the average.

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While I could say my gut/lack of hunkiness/taste but....

I really, really don't want to attract serial killers.

You'd be amazed how many people driving daily don't and have never had a license. Used to be a police dispatcher, shit happens all the damn time.

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Sure. But no system is 100% effective and all of their questions are legit and important to answer. If I got hit by one of these tomorrow I want to know the process for fault, compensation and pathway to improvement are all already done not something my accident is going to landmark.

But that being said, I was a licensing examiner for 2 years and quit because they kept making it easier to pass and I was forced to pass so many people who should not be on the road.

I think this idea is sound, but that doesn't mean there aren't things to address around it.

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You know, there's so many people I have tried this with. They just won't stop bringing it up even when it is completely unrelated to what we're doing. One of them told me he feels smart because when that comes up I usually walk away to avoid the endless drama and he took that to mean that his position and opinions had so confounded me that leaving was my only way to respond.

Stuff like "yeah I think religion should be enshrined in the Constitution and everyone should have to live by our rules" and "if women don't want to have kids they should keep their legs closed".

Like, even if I thought engaging had any chance of working it's just such braindead regurgitated Fox talking points that I wouldn't engage anyway. Just waiting for these people to get everything they want and suffer for it.

It blows my mind that there are people who think mental recovery from things like this is a simple, easy process. Imagine all the horrors of war without any of the training and purpose of cause that allow you to cope just a bit and most still suffer from severe PTSD from that. She just got more trauma crammed into one week than many will see in their entire lives, with more to come and maybe more previously we don't know about. Her life isn't over, and it could eventually be fine. But it will be different.

God damn Talibangelicals and their Shakira law.

Ah yes. The totally normal spontaneous death of a 16 year old completely unrelated to the physical trauma suffered just before. You conservative apologists are always so fast to jump to conspiracy, why not now?

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I don't remember where, but I saw a debate over the validity of the Satanic Temple. And one uber religious guy said something like "well if you don't believe in an actual Satan who does?"

To which the other guys just deadpan dropped "Christians".

Still don't quite understand what the first guy was going for there.

Most FSD cars have that. People just ignore the warnings and popups.

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That 8% would actually be 26% given there is an auto 18% added already.

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"women feeling the legit need to expose themselves for others to make a good living is another reason we deserve extinction" might be a better explaination.

But even if not for that, there's lots of other reasons.

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I have a 12tb external HDD for now, set it up with an Emby server so I can access it anywhere. Total cost was around $200. Gonna replace it with a NAS with like 80TB so I can keep it safe forever. This is the way.

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That still doesn't address all the issues surrounding it. I am unsure if you are just young and not aware how these things work or terribly naive. But companies will always cut corners to keep profits. Regulation forces a certain level of quality control (ideally). Just letting them do their thing because "it'll eventually get better" is a gateway to absurd amounts of damage. Also, not all technology always gets better. Plenty just get abandoned.

But to circle back, if I get hit by a car tomorrow and all these thinga you think are unimportant are unanswered does that mean I might mot get legal justice or compensation? If there isn't clearly codified law I might not, and you might be callous enough to say you don't care about me. But what about you? What if you got hit by a unmonitored self driving car tomorrow and then told you'd have to go through a long, expensive court battle to determine fault because no one had done it it. So you're in and out of a hospital recovering and draining all of your money on bills both legal and medical to eventually hopefully get compensated for something that wasn't your fault.

That is why people here are asking these questions. Few people actually oppose progress. They just need to know that reasonable precautions are taken for predictable failures.

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You're not wrong. However by the text of the Constitution a guilty verdict isn't required to invalidate candidacy.

I have a buddy working for redacted ultra mega corpo company, he works remote and regularly places 1st in all metrics they measure. He also finishes his whole work day in about 45 minutes. Getting good at your job can 100% mean you're doing the same amount of work as someone less skilled in half or less the time.

I mean, there's that whole Banana hit squad thing. Also all those Amazonian tribes murdered for their land to deforest. That's some corporate bs that didn't get anyone closed or punished. Not exactly the same, but close enough.

Yeah. I had all of this plus their awful locked BIOS. Ended up cannibalizing the cpu, gpu and ssds into a new case/mobo/psu. Super worth it.

lmao gottem

I'll tell that to the out of control housing, rising food costs and the worsening healthcare coverage and quality. Man! So glad these few things you mentioned are superficially better. There's no problems now!

/s because you know someone is gonna take it literally.

See also

  • 101st Chairborne

  • Cosplaytriots 

  • Delta Farce 

  • Fartilery 

  • GI Sloppy Joes/GI Doughs

  • Goutlaws 

  • Gravy Seals  

  • Green Buffets/Beignets

  • Irrational Guard

  • Meal Team 6

  • The National Lard

  • O-Dunkin-30

  • Operation Dessert Storm 

  • The ParaMealitary 

  • Patridiots 

  • Timid McVeighs 

  • Veteran: Normandy Beached, Cold Cuts War, Vietnaan and Dessert Storm 

  • Whisky Tango Foodtruck

22tb emby server. For my home videos and pictures.

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If you are not competent to care for yourself, you aren't competent to hold public office. She wouldn't step down and she couldn't do her job. Her constituents went unrepresented for a long time because of her ego and refusal to do what was needed.

Absolutely deserves all the vitriol.

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No. But they are prohibited from political action including financial supoort of a governmental candidate. This is just a way for them to overpay on bibles in order to financially support him with some level of plausible deniability.

I named my Emby server Shocked Pikachu.

Grass is green, sky is blue. More at 11!

That egg is going to birth some cosmic horror nonsense.

A decent article on the time frame of similar sales

The bill itself

"web hosting services in the U.S. would be barred from hosting any “foreign adversary controlled application,” specifically calling out ByteDance’s TikTok, per the text of the bill (H.R. 7521). The ban would go into effect unless such a “foreign adversary” (i.e. ByteDance) divests its ownership in the app (i.e. TikTok) within 165 days of becoming law."

The paraphrased relevant section.

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I was a 911 dispatcher for close to 6 years. Towards the end I was deep into all of these things, and more. I couldn't tell because it had all been normal to me for years by that point. It's insane how normal this can all seem from the inside. My advice to anyone reading this is that you rarely can be a good judge of your own burnout while experiencing it. Listen to the people you trust when they bring these things up. It's not judgement, it's not an attack on you. It's genuinely in your best interest to not let it get too far. I have been out for almost 4 years now and the last 2 months are the first time in almost a decade I remember what actual happiness is like and how it feels to enjoy doing something.

A forced sale on a timescale that these kind of sales have never and will never work on. It's framed like a sale for those reasons but in practice it's an impossible task designed to force failure and thus removal.

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Should, but when has that ever stopped businesses from doing what is cheap/easy?

9.33262154 × 10157% is a pretty sick increase, all things considered.

Traveling with my 7 friends in order to stop the rise of a dark god.

Awesome. I'll watch some videos and that's probably the way I'll go.

History kinda speaks for itself. Just look at Flint, MI. The only reason they have somewhat improved is overpaying for other water sources. But a decade later and their pipes are still lead garbage.

She warned them multiple times about issues and rumors of weapons. They did nothing. IIRC the child also had a decently long history of other issues. I would sue that school too.

My wifes ring was about 1,500. Wedding was another 4k. No regerts at all.

I'll tell all those women who have tried basically everything else and still ended up there that because it's not literally their only option they should just be okay with it. That our society has this problem to the tune of thousands or tens of thousands who all claim it's the only way to make a livable wage is an enormous problem and censoring it with needless and pedantic clarifications like this is a big part of why our society is this way.

Gotta get that Mytho somehow.

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