0 Post – 54 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

wait, what the fuck did I just read?

this case is way more traumatic and disturbed than a breach of user data from a company that will gladly sell its users to the highest bidder, which is honestly unsurprising at this point.

but the living hell that family is experiencing... and being punished for? they need to get these people some healthcare, not incarceration. damn.

wildly missed opportunity to mention Beetlejuice one last time in the article and post his picture at the end

damn. why did schools only teach the super boring part about the triangles. dude had the golden thigh of apollo and the super-speed of hermes.

also, it really sounds like he was a cult leader.

I'm sorry you had to see such depravity, and so close to home

yo ho, matey! shiver me timbers and man the fuck-down!

and the pool of potential candidates is even more shallow when considering that the insurrection caucus has enough votes to make a would-be speaker sink or swim

similar 100% true story from a green text:

kid goes out for his 21st, and grandpa tells him that the secret to never getting too drunk is drinking some olive oil before a shot, so that the alcohol never enters the bloodstream, or something.

they follow through, and shit their pants after one round; ironically, the oil drinking did technically prevent them from getting drunk.

I don't care if it's fake, it's still a hilarious idea

the ol' muddy basement window

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"A rice cooker. Making rice in a saucepan will yield different results almost every time, but a $20-50 rice cooker is just a set it and forget it kitchen tool that yields the same results every time. Very nice and easy."

A little bit of grammar goes a long way.

...and centuries of royal inbreeding

not with that attitude

I had to drive a newer Subaru recently, and it had no physical interface for any of the fan controls. I had to glance down to change temperature and speed, and that had me really uncomfortable.

Flat screen HMI don't work in cars, and I am not on board with it as a standard.

my cover band is playing a beach bar gig tonight... I started shedding Margaritaville and Cheeseburger as soon as I saw the headline

now that I think about it, yeah, pretty much

game that doubles as a service? beats me.

DRG is also a unicorn of a game

I hate ads, with a burning passion, but when I get stuck with one that's wildly irrelevant to my interests, I know that I'm doing something right. Feels good to be a blank spot on the algorithm.

it's alright, we just have to wait until their terms are up so we can democratically elect better justices, based on the will of the people


the ongoing July

reddit's oldest profession

you only YOLO once


gotta nuke somethin'

¯\ _ (ツ) _ /¯

remember kids: always use a clean straw for your booger sugar!

they ratio'ing errbody out here

no, don't do that

of course you don't!

the old town information road

10L of water in one night would be an incredible feat

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people love data collection, tho; just makes them feel like a part of something

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trinkets and baubles

the only multi tool I need:

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"Alright, it's taken 20 minutes to initialize and warm up, let's try a test print-"


"Well that's okay, I'm sure it's part of routine maintena-"


"No, damnit, I need to get the line running!"



"But I just changed the cartridge..."


crying and putting on lipstick

"Please, I have a family!"


"Okay, I'll do anything, just let me print these batch codes..."


"Thank you, oh merciful machine, I owe you my-"


and after overdoing it on the spicy foods, bidets are a true life-saver

sent from my bidet

still using Jerboa since I joined up, and I'm so used to it now that other apps just feel off. I was a rif user in the before-times, and jerboa has the same kind of stripped-down vibe I'm comfortable with

you only ever get one true blind playthrough. I would gladly blank all of my soulsborne knowledge to play through all of them again with fresh eyes.

it's not the same, but if you're playing on PC there are some decent mods for DS 1, 2, and 3 that make them a little more fresh. particularly, the randomizer for DS1 makes it a pretty hilarious challenge, since you can no longer plan your runs in advance, and have to roll with absolutely mismatched gear


the heavy blues fever dream I didn't know I needed

if 5 people are sitting together, and 4 of them proudly proclaim to be nazis, and the 5th person doesn't leave - there are 5 nazis sitting together

if there's an inflection with appropriate stress, it's a fairly sarcastic play on the phrase. "I could care less" says that they can care a little, but refuse to do so.

however, the way it's used here doesn't generally reflect that. and, if it isn't used in response to direct question about level of care, then it is fully toothless as a phrase.

to be clear, you're right; I'm just playing devil's advocate about how that wording was intended to be used. when it's overused without context, it's a pointless play on words, and generally annoying to see written or spoken.

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