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Joined 1 years ago


god wants the children to have incurable tumors

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instead of plugging that mental image into existence, you should not

what could these symbols mean? even the best egyptologists are still at a loss

and then when it gets too hot down there, all of the snowbirds migrate out and start an insane summer spread for the rest of the continent

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the most intimate thing a person can do, is to wash someone else's hair

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back in my day, we had to post memes updog both ways

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I'm finally over the feeling of going into comment sections thinking "there's too many bots, no reason to try adding to the conversation"

reddit had no middle ground between new posts that get buried and overinflated posts that have a thousand regurgitated phrases plastered all over it

there's a word for that... terrorism.

also follows with their sense of extreme conservatism, religious fundamentalism, and anti-globalism/hyper nationalism

we have always been at war with Eurasia!

in my head, I read it like someone was talking, and then had to start shouting over the sound of a train passing by, then return to normal volume as it passed

you fans sure are a contentious bunch

his name is Petey

as a mechanic working in a hodgepodge US/EU factory line, I have to suffer through always carrying double the tools to service metric and SAE machines. and after so many years in the industry, I still slip up and say 3/16 when I mean 3/8 sometimes, because fractions are a shit system for wrenches.

oh, and some of our linear encoders readout decimal-feet, because fuck it, why not?

it's fine, as long as the toes are covered. bad things can only happen when the toes are left out of the blanket.

everybody knows that

they respect values for specifically white, christian, heteronormative, American families with money.

they want a fascist ethnostate, and there's really nothing else to it

just watch how many will refute being "racist" or a "murderer"

not both; because that would be messed up

someone who cares

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it leads down a pretty dark rabbit whole of general Federalist Society plans for an overtly conservative autocratic regime, and it's terrifyingly plausible if they consolidate enough power and funding. and that's all pretty easy with the support of foreign oligarchs that need the US to be fully involved in its own libertarian implosion, so it can turn a blind eye to international war crimes.

i long for the times when conspiracy theories used to be fun spooky stories about cryptids wandering the wilds, and aliens doing creepy stuff in cornfields to mess with farmers

so, Team Rocket is the Yakuza, and Silph Co. is Nintendo? that plot in the original games was a cry for help?

I was saying boo-urns...

lousy smarch weather

still unfair to the intellectual and emotional capabilities of chimps

but do you remove the pringles before filling the tube with Lincoln logs?

also, what's the context here? I feel like I missed something good

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I first made the switch to android after my iphone 5 died and found out the newer models wouldn't have an aux output. I have significantly more chances to use a 3.5mm plug than bluetooth in my life, so it was an easy choice.

7 years later, and I still have the same phone. No bloat, and updated the way I want it. I charge it once per day at high-performance mode, and the battery is holding strong.

I keep an iphone dongle in my car for friends, because I am a gentleman, but they always remark on how easy it would be to just have the damn aux port.

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not mutually exclusive

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it's very easy to enter wrong numbers on a calculator, but you need some basic reasoning and familiarity to know when an answer is off, and you need to start over

think of the poor, hungry leopards!

iD-10-T error

so that's how the robocalypse begins. ai molds the media to make it look like we did it ourselves...

I can see Mark Wahlberg starring in something like that

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occasional ball-blasting from frigid intake water is a small price to pay for a squeaky-clean b-hole

sure, I've played Dark Souls. never dug too much into the lore, though...

that's a low blow, Loblaws

anybody can cut some holes in the wall. it takes skill to fix it.

I browsed /c/all for a couple weeks and picked up a few more subs with every pass. made a few guesses in the search bar, too, just to see if I could find some communities based on what I like discussing.

I subscribed to a ton of smaller ones, even without any content, just to see where they go. it's going to be an interesting ride.

I own neither a home nor a theater, and the only thing I watch is life passing me by, so I think I've saved more than any of y'all


both spellings are acceptable. the definition of "curb" as a verb is also consistent with its function as a noun. the difference is cultural, since "kerb" is only the preferred spelling in some places outside of english-speaking areas of North America.

"the city installed a kerb on the roadway to curb dangerous incidents of motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic"

"spelt" follows the same geographical distinction, as "spelled" is the preferred spelling for American english.

still, "kerby" is clearly the better pun, so thank you for that.

"hey tarnished, don't go to academy today..."

for some reason, I read this comment to the tune of "we didn't start the fire"