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Joined 1 years ago

A mouse. Just any mouse. There are so many trackpad warriors out there (primarily Apple users) that complain they're being handicapped but they don't just go for the easy solution.

I've even seen some idiots stubbornly trying to do CAD work with a trackpad, and struggling in the process.

Get a fucking mouse.

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It's strange to me that the differences are so vast between different continents.

I know litteraly no one who actually uses iMessage. Never once (in recent years) seen some communicate through a channel that isn't WhatsApp, Signal or something similar. The whole "ew, green bubbles" drama just isn't a thing here. (Though the existence of iPhone users still harms society in different ways)

Though I do agree with many commenters that the EU caving to the lobbyists is a bad thing. Having the law only apply to "problems that are big enough to care about" is still a loss for the consumer in the end. I'm all for standardisation and free choice, which means any commercial messaging service should comply. Exceptions only for open source projects funded by non-profit organisations.

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with only a few exceptions for safety, like cars.

No. There are three main bullshit arguments being used by lobbyists actively making the world a worse place by fighting against this type of legislation.

  • safety and security
  • intellectual propery rights
  • hindering innovation

All three are demonstrably used in hearings to convince legislators to not sign right to repair bills into law. And all three are absolute bullshit.

Replacing the brakes on your own car is not generally seen as introducing safety risks, so why would software be any different? The only things that actually make cars safe are competent drivers (wether flesh and bone, or digital) and proper manufacturing (so no malfunctioning during use).

There is a reason full self driving is not legal in most places worldwide, and likely won't be for a very long time. We've seen too many examples of software fuck ups and the legal responsibility in case of an accident is still a difficult part of the equation.

If we're able to integrate full infotainment systems into cars, and all kinds of AI gadgets for driving assistance. We should be able to make cars safer even if the software is user servicable.

No more gatekeeping bullshit.

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Yeah that's the thing. Users stick to reddit because they have ties with the individual communities, not so much the platform itself.

People used to use Facebook for similar reasons. "Because all my friends are there". Not because Facebook was so great.

It can be difficult to leave communities behind that you feel a part of, even if you just lurk most of the time. The fact that reddit was turned into a corporate dystopic shitshow does bother users, but it hasn't outweighed their needs to still be part of their respective communities.

But seeing as official reddit sources claim that "they're still in the early stages of user monetization", it might not be long before we see what's left of the platform turn into the biggest dumpster fire the internet has ever seen.

NATO was originally founded so that we'd stop invading each other, which should still hold true today.

I like to think of most developed nations as young adults. All of us are supposed to be mature, which means no more war. We can just talk about things like responsible adults.

Sadly, some of these younger fucks still haven't grasped the concept of "don't be an idiot", and we now need NATO for a strong message of "no, you're not going to touch us, there will be consequences". It's a sad thing that we still need to do so, but I'd rather have a large group of friends that I'm sure will have my back if someone would start shit.

So yes, Sweden joining NATO is a good thing. If anything it will lead to better cooperation and coordination between our countries. Not just in the event of war, but just sharing defense resources and intelligence as well. But the best argument is that we just like you Swedes, and we want to keep hanging out together.

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Simple counter: Don't be French.

If anything, torrents have a region boost. Provided no one has servers or seedboxes set up, you're going to benefit hugely from seeders near your location.

So your system knows the exact situation and still is slowing down my bike, just at the moment I need to accelerate to avoid being overrun by that large truck heading into me.

After reading the article, it seems like the system is supposed to temporarily jam pedal assist, turning your ebike into a regular bike. And the system would need to be installed in all street legal ebikes for that to happen. Since you're still free to accelerate by pedaling like a normal bike user, that significantly reduces the amount of situations where the pedal assist would actually save you. If you can't avoid collision by pedaling harder, you probably had no chance in the first place.

Considering most of the inner city's roads now have a 30 km/h speed limit for cars, collision safety is probably even less of a concern now.

I do share the concern of others in the comments that such a system would probably be broken on day one, and you have a bunch of script kiddies with flipper zeros running around bricking ebikes.

The only way for that not to happen is to use proper encryption for any wireless signals being used to control this system. Considering the Dutch governmental reputation for IT failures, this is probably not going to go well.

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Of course they do, people also prefer being told lies that put a positive spin on things over being told the truth. That's human nature.

Can confirm, society needs more women in tech, for equality reasons of course. Definitely not for any other reasons...

Joking aside, one step up from a woman troubleshooting her own tech problems is a woman troubleshooting my tech problems.

And it leads to a neverending stream of newly invented hype words.

We even have a yearly word of the year tradition, where the organisation behind our most famous dictionary picks one of these newly invented words based on coverage in media.

Last year's word was "graaiflatie", a combination between "graaien" (no direct translation, means to grab, but in a greedy way), and "inflatie" (inflation).

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While this is very much welcome news, I am a little skeptical because this might still be a PR stunt.

Apple has shown they have the engineering capacity to design their devices to be virtually unfixable, all while still technically being compliant with this proposed piece of legislation.

Nonetheless, this show of support might finally be a means for us to end the ongoing culture war on repairability. It has been too much of a polarized debate lately, where opponents seem to be under the impression that a lack of repairability is a good thing for everyone, when it is really just having a choice that matters most.

Now that Apple has officially put in writing it's support for repairability of consumer electronics, we can finally stop debating wether or not repairability is a good thing, and instead how we're going to ensure the new situation works for everyone involved. Hopefully.

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Yeah, most western European languages actually.

Dutch, French, Spanish, Italian... Though most of these languages alternate between "taking a decision" and using a form of "to decide".

German seems to be the exception. They just had to be different. Guess that's that German precision for ya, they have to "hit their decisions" otherwise they won't count.

I take issue with some of the statements here. First of all:

I find this whole "right to repair" really pointless endeavour pushed by repair shops wanting to retain their outdated business model.

Right to repair is definitely not just being pushed by repair shops. If you take a good look at the rate Framework is selling devices at (batches instantly sold out until Q1 2024), you'll see that consumers want this more than any other group. We, as the consumers will ultimately benefit the most from having repair options available. Right to repair is not meant to halt innovation, it is not about forcing manufacturers to design products in ways detrimental to the functioning of said products. It is about making sure they don't lock third parties out of the supply chain. If you replace a traditional capacitor with a SMD variant, someone is going to learn to micro solder. If you convert a chip from socketed to BGA mount, someone is going to learn how to use a heat plate and hot air gun to solder it back in to place.

The main problem is manufacturers demonstrably going out of their way to prevent the feasable.

The second part I take issue with is this:

It is probably better use of our collective resources to focus on researching technologies that will help us deconstruct these tiny components into their constituent matters

From my 12 years of experience in design of consumer goods and engineering for manufacturing I can tell you this is not happening because no one is going to pay for it. The more tightly you bond these "constituent matters" together, the more time, energy, reasearch and money it will require to convert them back into useful resources.

There is only one proper way to solve this problem and it is to include reclamation of resources into the product lifecycle design. Which is currently not widely done because companies put profits before sustainability. And this model will be upheld until legislation puts a halt to it or until earth's resources run out.

In terms of sustainability the desireable order of action is as follows:

  • reduce: make it so you need less resources overall
  • prolong: make it so you can make do as long as possible with your resources. this part includes repair when needed
  • reuse: make it so that a product can be used for the same purpose again. this part includes repair when needed
  • repurpose: make it so that a product can be used for a secondary purpose
  • recycle: turn a product into resources to be used for making new products
  • burn: turn the product into usable energy (by burning trash in power stations for example)
  • dispose: usually landfill

You can do both though. Lots of high-profile software is both open source and available as SaaS.

The beauty of that strategy is you can ensure the software will survive your service provider going bankrupt or otherwise suddenly disappearing, leaving you without a solution.

By not being locked into a specific vendor, competition will be centered around providing the best service, which is in my opinion exactly as it should be.

Going into a little more detail:

There are plenty of ways to do open source, and the differences mostly come down to the license something is published under. Some licenses prohibit redistribution, while others restrict commercial use. One of the more popular permissive licenses is the GNU General Public License (or GPL for short). Which you can read up on over here.

Technically there's nothing stopping you from ignoring the terms of the license agreement and just doing whatever. Think "agreeing to the terms without actually reading them". While the licenses are usually proper grounds for legal action, it depends on the project and the resources associated wether actual legal action is within the realm of possibilities.

When it comes to "everything is open source", you're technically correct in the sense that you can reverse engineer everything and the amount of work you're willing to put in is the only limiting factor. Compiled code and techniques like code obfuscation and encryption will pose barriers, but they will not protect from someone determined to get in. In the same way a door lock will not protect you from someone who brings a blowtorch.

Some code is technically not open source, but is delivered in human-readable form. This is the case for things like websites and scripts in languages like python. Other software is compiled (pre-converted to specific instructions for your processor), and is delivered in binary, which is not particularly human-readable. But with the right tools even binary applications can be "decompiled" and converted into something slightly more closely resembling the original source code.

A great one liner from the YouTube channel Low-level Learning is "everything is open source if you can read assembly".

So, in summary: It depends how you look at it, generally speaking open source means that te source code is available for the public to see and that you're free to submit any suggestions or improvements to the code, no matter who you are. In practise the source code is sometimes visible (out of technical necessity or for troubleshooting purposes) even though the product is not open source, in which case the end user license agreement will likely contain a clause prohibiting you from doing anything with it.

We actually had a champion for a while. So far he hasn't really achieved the original goal, but that doesn't mean that the dream is dead.

Heck, if he doesn't do it, I will! We need capes back in fashion. Either subtle renaissance style fashionable shoulder capes or full blown cloaks that can double as blankets in a pinch.

I agree, reddit gets most of their traffic from the engagement surrounding the latest shitposts and low-effort memes. (Or just genuine community content if you prefer)

Months old posts are hardly relevant to large scale user engagement and it's unlikely that the one user trying to solve a problem by visiting a years old thread is going to have much of an impact.

If people are going to move away from the site in a healthy manner, they need to realise for themselves that it's time to move on. Better to have a bunch of hopeful and curious people looking for new opportunities rather than bitter and resentful users which are going to vent their frustration elsewhere.

The python community would like to have a word with you.

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Excellent analysis. Especially this part:

It will be much more productive to try to solve this with the handful of Browser vendors than trying to regulate each and every consent banner.

Early cookie banners were a bad experience but they were manageable. But now thing have transitioned into content-blocking modals, dark patterns, forced individual consent/rejection for each and every one of the 943 partners they're selling your data to, sites that refuse to serve content if you reject tracking and other ways to frustrate the end user.

I'm done with every piece of shit predatory actor inventing their own way of malicious compliance with the GDPR. You either implement the user-friendly consent API or you get no more tracking at all. Paywall your shit for all I care, at least then you'll have a sustainable business model.

Seconded, depending on what your goals are with transcoding, you might want to reconsider your strategy.

Hardware encoding (with a GPU) is mostly useful for realtime transcoding applications like streaming video. There are definitely some caviats that come with the realtime performance, and you'll find that NVENC encoded video is almost always inferior to the slower equivalent software encoded variants.

So let's talk codecs: While h.265 might seem like the holy grail, it is way more computationally intensive than h.264 is. In some cases the difference in encoding time will even be as high as 3-5x. Not really worth it if all you're gaining is a slightly lower filesize.

Your results will vary by the media you're encoding, by your encoder quality settings, tuning and encoding speed. As a rule of thumb: slower encoding speeds equal more efficiently compressed video (a.k.a. relatively higher quality for lower file size).

Handbrake is my choice of software for encoding video. It includes pretty much everything you could ever want if you're not looking for niche codecs and exotic video formats.

I find myself mostly using x264 because it is relatively fast and still provides awesome results. My encoding speed is always set to "slow" or "superslow" (not much difference for my setup). I usually set the quality by making use of the preview function in handbrake, which transcodes just a short section of the video which I use for pixel peeping and checking for any major artifacts that would ruin the content. The resulting file also provides an estimate for how large the final transcoded file will be. If you're happy with the quality setting, you can opt to mess with the encoder tuning. There are different presets for film, animated content and such. I usually do use film tuning if transcoding live-action media.

All this generally leaves me with pretty compact file sizes for 1080p media. And transcoding usually happens at a rate of 60-75 fps depending on the resolution. Going up from "slow" to "medium" improves fps by about 25% and increases file size by about 10%. The ideal balance is up to you.

Advanced tips: try using VMAF (objective video quality analysis algorithm developed by Netflix) to score and compare your different encoding settings. VMAF is neatly integrated into FFMetrics, which is a GUI for FFMpeg and a couple of video analysis algorithms. I also use MPV (open source media player) with FFMpeg command line arguments for playing videos synchronized in a 2x1 or 2x2 matrix. This helps compare the results for quality.

To be perfectly honest nothing even comes close to the level of productivity I get in Solidworks. And I've tried them all.

Fusion360 is a great alternative if you don't mind depending on cloud-services for your software to work properly. It handles some things in a more modern way than Solidworks does, and I really like some of the features, it's just the way the software is built cloud-first that really pisses me off.

Then there's Inventor, which is actually has some interesting features if you're a mechanical engineer. The current version is perfectly capable of most things you can do with Solidworks, although I would argue drafting parts is much more of a pain.

If you're into open source software there's always FreeCAD, which is what masochists use for their fix. (Honestly it's not that bad, but there's absolutely no polish to the user experience)

If you like to use tablets or phones for anything, you could give Onshape a go. It's a pretty great lightweight replacement, all things considered.

Last, but not least: Altair Inspire. If you like working with generative design this might be the alternative for you. Really fun to work with, but not a full-blown replacement for everything Solidworks offers.

This only works if you spin this with a product leadership strategy:

Shovelware games that don't offer a solid chunk of hours or any kind of replayability should be priced lower, and proper games should be priced normally.

The thing is, this is not at all how pricing works if you're building a business model. Prices are always heavily influenced by what the consumer is willing to pay, or in this case what they've been used to for years. For as long as I can remember "full price" has always been $50 or $60.

Special editions with marginal bonus content, $10 price increases on the base game and shitty DLC (horse armor comes to mind) are all examples of corporate shit tests, designed to see how far they can take it.

History has proven though, that changing consumer expectations is among the more difficult things to do in a market where alternatives are rampant. Though the whole franchise loyalty thing kinda ruins that, but I'll be damned if I have to pay $200 for a game. That will promt me to just play something else instead.

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  • Laughs in Dutch EDM * 🤣

(Hardcore/Gabber starts at ~160 BPM and goes all the way up to ~300 BPM). Definitely too fast.

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Additionally, if you're into mapping, give QGIS a try.

It's an open source geospatial data management application, which is available cross-platform.

It neatly integrates many processing tools into a relatively intuitive GUI, and having even some basic skill can lead to some job opportunities.

You can even import OSM data through plugins or download services, which you can use for all kinds of fancy things.

Now we get into the dangerous game of guessing Doric, Ionic or Corinthian. And if you like your life extra YOLO you'll either say Composite or Tuscan.

We'll call this game Roman Roulette. I'm going with Corinthian.

For this to become a serious issue a couple of conditions need to be met:

  • there has to be enough second hand supply to meet demand and keep prices low.
  • ...which means lots of people need to circulate their games.
  • ...which means they didn't like your game enough to want to keep it in their collection for replayability
  • ...which means you made an unremarkable game

Now, given the fact that I have full confidence in your ability to create something worthwhile (because you would do so from passion), this cycle will likely be broken at some point.

There's also the other option where people will circulate their second hand games with the knowledge they'll be able to buy back another copy somewhere down the road.

But yes, you're right that this will bring a new factor to the gaming industry that everyone has to take into account. Keep in mind that your financial security in the indie gaming sector is fully dependant on wether you develop something worthwhile. You are in no way entitled to be able to make a living from publishing games regardless of their quality. Which is the beauty of the indie games segment: the more love and care you put into your game, the bigger the chances are that it'll be a success.

Holy crap, that would be dense.

The free games are 80% shovelware not worth playing, 15% indie experiments that have the potential to become a full game with another development iteration, and 5% AAA games that can be bought on sale for a fiver anyway.

I doubt much of their Fortnite money is actually being spent on licenses for these games. They likely negotiate some kind of "do it for the exposure" deal with the smaller developers in order to keep the flow of free games going.

Chances are the games given out for free will end up in a Humble Bundle at some point anyway. Which is when you acquire a steam key anyway.

Yeah I believe this to be a fallacy. If all your contacts use WhatsApp, they still haven't grasped the concept of installing two applications side-by-side. Or they don't fully understand why people are using signal over WhatsApp. If you fail both of those, congratulations, you've failed to be a self-aware tech user and you're now demoted to a braindead consumer.

I know, mind blowing right? Point is, society in general should not accept others forcing you to keep the WhatsApp monopoly in tact, which is exactly what's happening here.

It will take some time but eventually adoption will spread, even among your contacts. It's just a matter of critical mass, and there are some pretty compelling features within Signal that make it a worthy replacement.

Yikes, imagine not using a password manager on that. That's some next-level numpad skills.

It's a simple and elegant way of covering 95% of document structuring needs, while being as close to readable plaintext as possible.

The vast majority of documents currently written in MS-word could just be markdown. The vast majority of web content could just be markdown. This would save the modern world petabytes of XML bloat.

If you need something fancier, either use a vector format or do fancy client-side styling.

Transcoder here, if you're looking to leverage quality/file size benefits of your codec, you don't encode with hardware.

As a rule of fist hardware encoding is better served for streaming purposes where you need to crush a raw 1080p or 1440p stream into something that's actually a sensible bandwith as fast as possible, especially if you're streaming 60fps because your algorithm has a time limit of 16ms per frame.

If file size with preservation of quality is something you care about, you encode as slowly and thouroughly as you can, which is why x264 on your CPU will outperform encoders like NVENC any time.

When it comes to HEVC, software encoding is only really worth it if you have the time to spare, because x265 takes between 3x and 5x as long as encoding the same footage through x264, with a 15-20% smaller file size at best. It is also more intensive to decode, which is why you still see many files with a H.264 codec.

Exactly what I was thinking. The whole AI hype has been cringe so far and this just confirms it. Seems that the ratio between legitimate use cases and fucking around is kinda skewed towards the meme side of things.

Or it might just signify our population has a HUGE lonelyness problem (for a myriad of reasons).

NVIDIA shareholders hate this post!

Apple's whole modern "it's reliable and just works" cult following exists because they found a fix for situations where the problem was between keyboard and chair.

Both Windows and Linux-based operating systems are plenty reliable if you actually know what you're doing and you know how things work. Apple started a culture where you don't need to know how things work because you have no influence over your own devices. Which lets people do the simple tasks without adressing the problem that your userbase will not amass any computing knowledge whatsoever.

And when Apple devices do fail (and trust me, they do), they fail catastrophically without a way to fix the problem yourself (which is by design).

The distinction is larger for computers than it is for mobile devices, but yeah in general Apple devices are for simpletons. But the biggest issue is that Apple's design philosophy actively creates these simpletons.

Wow, this is awesome! Definitely going to consider supporting this, looks like a lot of fun for just moving around.

As a long time RuneScape player, this is exactly the kind of stuff I want to see more of.

Are you in contact with Jagex at all? They have a history of actually supporting "community projects", best possible analogy to this being Melvor Idle, which is officially recognised and published by Jagex. And they're also known for supporting mental and physical health causes. Seems like the perfect game to form some kind of partnership on.

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I hate the fact that none of the big names support CalDAV natively. DAVx5 is cool and all, but app developers really need to step up their shit and support CalDAV already. Not just Microsoft Exchange and Google Calendar but CalDAV as well. It's not like they need to rebuild their apps from scratch.

At this point you might just be better served using a web app instead of a native mobile app. Maybe K-9 Mail transformation into Thunderbird Mobile might bring some good news, but I'm not holding high hopes.

Maybe we should, under the EU's DMA, force anyone that bundles a calendar/note app with their phone OS to support CalDAV as well as any proprietary protocol of their choice.

Sounds like it's not really SQL as a query language but rather the whole database paradigm that's the problem here.

Look into noSQL databases and their respective drivers. They often use JSON-like syntax and are more likely to be seamlessly integrated with whatever programming language you're using.

If a search engine won't point you in the right direction I'd suggest having a look at MongoDB, which is well documented and fairly accessible to mess around with.

Especially Germans, and your cousins who live in the swamp next door.

We can't help the fact our languages just arent't that elegant, no need to apologize for it.