1 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Ok but first manufacturers must "rethink" planned obsolescence and right to repair

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They won't work for us, they'll work for the rich and the working class might as well starve because we're just expendable parts to them. I'm afraid we're not going to make enough reforms before AI will be cheaper than human labor in enough places to cause high unemployment. Idk man, it's freaky times we live in

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This timeline can't get any weirder

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If we're going though planet scale catastrohpic events, at least sprinkle some comedy in there haha

Well of course they're going to percieve a place where alternative ideas and organisation takes place as a threat

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I mean, it's probably good that you didn't know. Just fyi, there are sites dedicated just for that and they have probably millions of files.

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Hospitals are meant to save lives, not be profitable

Buy a ton of bitcoin

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"Out of sight, out of mind" or something like that

I feel like sewing belongs here. And cooking, at least to some degree.

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Maybe, but we accumulated enough "historical scale, unique events" for a few lifetimes

Yeahh I heard about it. But I have to tell people about it when I'm asking for help. I'm trying to do as much on my own as possible but there are moments where it's more than I can deal with.

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I woke up too early haha. I've been waiting for an important message since last Thursday and I counted on waking late enough so the message is already here but I have to wait while being conscious unfortunately. It's making me nervous.

A refresh button when I'm moving around on a map with right mouse button (don't ask me why it's made this way, idk) and it resets all my work done on the map.

It's a little routh around the edges but I love seeing how instances are developing. Also the vibes seem to be more united here.

Fixed a flat bike tire with my dad. I'm making chilli oil now. If you want, I could help with automation. I can do a little programming so maybe we could work something out. If you don't need help, I'd like to see how you do it if you're comfortable with sharing your process :) just wanting to learn

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Guess I actually finished a programming project, for the first time since starting learning all that. Now the only thing (apart from minor refactorings and touch ups) left is deploying the webapp which is a whole separate journey haha. It feels weird to complete something.

I only described it here for context, usually I focus on the functionality itself, unless the bigger picture is needed even though it's a little difficult for me to tell which details are important and what can be omitted. Sometimes despite my best efforts there's some confusion and making it right is consuming a lot of energy.

Space Mechajesus

I'm using a similar API, I think IMDb wasn't publicly available or something like this? I don't remember exactly. I need Polish actors if that makes any difference.

Good idea with focusing on the main features. I wanted to try this at first but with web appinstead of the usual console app was a little awkward but I'll look into this again.

Currently the number 1 issue is extracting actor names. They don't come in json like an array or something, they're only available via parsing a page so a string with html markup and stuff. There was some confusion because when I asked about that, I might've described it wrong because people on the server thought I'm doing web scraping? I'm not sure if it counts as scraping if it's from an api though. I'll have to clear it up probably but that last misunderstanding was really stressful.

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I do them in the oven sometimes. Not the same but scratches the itch just enough. Probably wouldn't risk using a gas burner though

While it was a change for the better back then, it was a century ago. It's high time the work week gets reduced again while keeping the wages intact. It's totally doable.

I'll see if there are any other APIs, maybe I missed some. I specifically need the Polish ones so it's a bit tricky

Ahh I see. Have fun then :3

It works similarly for me with the motivation thing. I don't have anything against learning things but I wish it was easier to find information about more complex things than just the most basic stuff. It's the problem with all those courses. They're great as a "starter" but after that point, you're on your own in a weird void. The documentation doesn't help much as well. Tutorial hell is a weird place to be in.

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I tried it and naaah it's not that great. Keeps giving a rule for sample text too, despite really making it clear that I want a more general one.

I get a lot of content about socialism, communism, guerilla gardening, permaculture. Not very mainstream imo

It's a last resort. I don't like using it and it's a 50/50 anyway. One time it suggests reasonable things, the other time it totally misses the point. I'm not sure if the suggestions are following best practices too.

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That makes sense. I arrived to a similar conclusion so I'm switching the tasks up from time to time but I think I'll reinforce that because right now it's not planned out the best way. It can be improved.

Maybe, ironically, doing other tasks will actually help me accomplish more of the main one. I feel like it could work that way.

Does the "not-ending" apply to really small things though? I think mine can have an end, it's more of a demonstration than a serious thing.

And yet we're still forces to work

Oh well, maybe that's true.

Does libretube, newpipe or revanced support screen casting?

Now that's a really shitty take.

I wonder how unsecure those are. I don't know much about cybersec but my senses are tingling.

Maybe that's the "protecting" they conservatives are screaming about.

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In a world where you must work, making jobs disappear is a death sentence. And don't you start babbling about "new jobs being made". There's no guarantee they'll pay as much and be as available as the ones lost. AI is not a thing to look forward to, judgning by how it's used. It probably could've been used for good but tech millionaires aren't good people.

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