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Joined 1 years ago

Let me guess, the ones pushing hardest for this are the ones that won't be affected by it?

Seems like something that's said by an employer that doesn't pay enough

All this accomplishes is doubling down my resolve to never give youtube a penny

Good. The sooner those types of games die for good, the better

It will be yet another endless cat and mouse game

There are smart people out there that will always find ways around this

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"1776 would like to know your location"

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You're right, but premium is too expensive. They make a pittance per ad view, but expect a user to pay $14/m to get rid of them? The math doesn't math.

Hexbear comments that aren't related to politics: 0

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You must email arbitration-opt-out@discord.com BEFORE MAY 15TH (30 days after ToS effective date) with your username stating that you wish to opt out of the arbitration

Yep, would never remember on the odd occasions I would look at Twitter, then just leave the site after being prompted to login

Yep, all they do is fling around their fortnite money

Glad I didn't bother with the game

But... why doesn't anyone think of the millionaires :(

Copy without tracking has been hit or miss for me on Firefox

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This has to be a joke right? Right?

And have half my screen occupied by an ad at all times? Yeah, no, think I'll pass

Well I guess I should've thought of that lol Thanks

Man the ptsd

Pretty sad that it needs to be explained why these are generally a terrible idea

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Guess I'll continue not playing any of their games

Common knowledge that touching electricity = ouch?

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At this rate I'm gonna be on 10 for forever

How are those kidney stones treating you?


If you like JRPG's, then can't go wrong with the persona series

You're just better off buying a new one

Strange, it's worked at every pump I've tried

Lol you think Elon actually cares about that

I've been on the fence about this game for a while now. How does it compare to something like PoE?

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The answer is always money

How much money? Yes

Oh no, they'll have to pay their employees half the cost of living...

... Anyways

3, 4, and 5 are all on pc now

Are they even able to see when their baked in ads get skipped over?

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They're hilarious if they think they're getting my ID

There are quite a few mods for the game to make it suit your tastes better

Even if it really didn't make sense, wouldn't it be more sensible to... Idk... Just leave it alone and not spend the time to get rid of it? Lol

Lmao, that's hilarious

That's funny, I was thinking the same thing about you

How dare someone give their opinion, right?

Don't mean to sound harsh, buts it's too little too late for me.

Already made the switch to lemm.ee, and the trust that something similar won't be done in the future just isn't there.

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