Probably meaning this PowerDeleteSuite
I myself don't have much php experience other than one small site that i run, but i hope in the future i can too contribute to this project. But that said i do have somewhat more linux experience and if you or anyone here needs help with anything feel free to shoot me a message.
Probably meaning this PowerDeleteSuite
Submitted: 2023-06-21
Received: 2023-07-06
8 year old account.
EDIT: (for Firefox) If you can't remember the date and want to know, you can get it by opening your firefoxes profile directory -> find places.sqlite -> open it with sqlite3 command line or with some gui software and execute this:
SELECT datetime(visit_date/1000000,'unixepoch') AS visit_date, url, title
FROM moz_places, moz_historyvisits
WHERE = moz_historyvisits.place_id AND url LIKE '%';
EDIT: Added received date
And we even pay them to do it! Crazy world we live in
Yeah, just recently started self hosting FreshRSS instance. Before that i used Newsboat, first entry on its database is from 2020/09 so been a while in use. But basically i use it for my news reading, linux distro news and used to collect twitter feeds there but now...
Give it a go, easy way to gather all news feeds/blogs/basically anything you want to read in one place!
Currently on Artix, but planning on changing to Gentoo soon.
I had this picture in my head that sqlite-manager by lazierthanthou was still available, but now looking into it seems like it has been abandoned for quite some time. My bad! But about this "new" add-on i do not know.
For command line use you can use the binaries like @abff08f4813c said, which can be found here or some gui program like for example DB Browser
Yeah much happier here, feels like a new home