17 Post – 402 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The Supreme Court members who made this decision are in official act range right now at this moment. Donald Trump is in official act range at this moment as well. Not to draw conclusions but I'm not sure how serious the Democrats are about staying in power.

I would like to see this poll again with "no one" as an option. No one won anything at this debate. Anyone pleased by Trump's performance would have been pleased no matter what, and everyone else is horrified.

I really hope that there weren't many burgeoning conservatives hearing Donald Trump speak for the first time, but I'm not sure how likely that is. For everyone else he's a known quantity. His performance was more or less like his historical performances although for Trump it was probably the worst he's ever performed while being more vulnerable than he ever has been (which could only have been irrelevant in this context). His base liked it, everyone else thinks he's a psycho, and Republican voters are just going to vote for the Republican regardless.

I'm seeing a lot of people upset that the moderators didn't do a better job debating Donald Trump. Joe Biden was supposed to debate Donald Trump, and he was not up to the task. He rebutted many of Trump's lies and said many things that would probably have been effective if he had the energy he had even 4 years ago, but it didn't matter because he could hardly get words out and looked terrified most of the time. Worse still, many of the things he did say which were understandable were word salad (contrasted to Trump who speaks so fluently in word salad his base doesn't notice). The thing is though, most democrats already knew Biden was this bad and are deliberately obfuscating to others and perhaps even themselves this fact even now. No one who was going to vote against Trump is going to change their vote just because it got way more difficult to be dishonest about the Joe Biden's abilities for 90 minutes. Biden is really irrelevant to this election anyway, it's still about whether or not we want Trump in office.

What seems to me was most relevant about this debate is that we have reached a new low which is strikingly obvious to everyone paying attention who isn't pursuing their political party's interests above even their own. We have never had a debate which was almost totally unintelligible from beginning to end like this one was. I can't guess what the effect of that might be.

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The worst moment of the debate was when the moderators asked Trump about Roe and Trump doubled down on the extremely unpopular stance. Instead of seizing on the single greatest advantage the democrats have during this election, Biden instead decided to make an appeal to racism which I can only imagine was an attempt to capture some of Trump's racist supporters which I could have advised is the dumbest possible strategy for a democrat to employ unless they're running against a democrat to the left of them. He changed the topic from ending federal protections for abortions to one of the Republican's favorite stories of the time a single undocumented person committed rape, and they like the way Trump tells that story way better. Changed the conversation from protecting women to who can make life harder for immigrants, and Trump wins that competition despite the Biden administration's efforts.

This could be this decade's Citizen's United. Neo-liberalism especially among the court has been whittling away at the economy of regular people and the ability of the government to regulate business since at least the 70's. Privatization never stopped or even abated, regulatory capture has been common, and businesses themselves write the bills for the congresspeople whose campaign they bankrolled to pass quid pro quo. We already have a severe lack of regulation and now we're going to have no regulation. We just handed the entire country over to a class of gangsters whose morals are exactly the same as Donald Trump's but wield a much greater degree of violence domestically and worldwide.

Freedom has two components: Positive Freedom and Negative Freedom. Negative Freedom is a lack of restriction from doing something, while Positive Freedom is the ability to do something. For example, I am free to go to Mars through the lens of Negative Freedom but not through the lens of Positive Freedom.

Restricting Negative Freedom can enhance Positive Freedom. If a terrorist hate group is not allowed to exist, then those who would have been their victims can be free to live their lives without having them cut short by this disallowed association. This is a pro-freedom move in the direction of greater fairness and safety in Germany.

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I don't care about fixing Reddit and I don't care about teaching Reddit a lesson. I don't care if the site buckles or continues to hold on and grow while they regulalry downgrade their service as they have been doing for the 10 years I've been an active user. No protest of anything Reddit has done has ever caused Reddit to reconsider what they're doing. Reddit does not care about anything because it's not a person. It's a business entity which will attempt by any means to maximise profit. Having a functional website or having human users or moderation at all are not strictly necessary to secure investment or generate ad revenue. Doing what investors want them to do, regardless of the actual effect it may have long-term, is what will get them investment now. That is more important to Reddit than everything else put together. There's no mastermind, no one's at the wheel, no idiot is unilaterally making decisions like a king. There's only the inevitable consequences of the collective decisions of businesspeople participating in corporate capitalism.

The main reason I don't care is that I don't have to care anymore. The Fediverse has been a breath of fresh air after a very long time.

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I may be biased after sticking around there for a decade, but who in the hell would ever trust Reddit?

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What frustrates me is that the crypto scene didn't have to develop in this direction. While I'm not sure how to get around the electricity requirements necessary for any "coin" to exist on a large scale, the concept of a blockchain doesn't seem to me like an inherently predatory idea. The idea that coins or NFTs were investment vehicles really provided the opportunity for those with the knowledge and resources to manipulate a poorly regulated market and literal con artists to move in and be the main influence as to how everything played out. Although it's somewhat of a relief that it's widely recognized by most people as being a racket, the missed opportunity of the concept of permanent and intangible "objects" to be used for some purpose other than scamming does bum me out a bit.

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Conservatism has exactly one position, and understanding it will provide consistency to the entire political philosophy:

"The government must protect but not bind my group, and it must bind but not protect those not in my group."

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I have been reflecting recently that I was not learning the same lessons about the Holocaust as some of my classmates. I got the impression nothing like it should ever be allowed again and we should do everything we can to stop it when we see the signs. I assumed everyone got that impression but I'm realizing that was not the case.

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Talk is cheap. Pull the plug.

Weird article. I'm all for not arresting students in classrooms as happens in my country, but in this case the kid was arrested for a pattern of behavior including explicitly documented terroristic threats which ultimately ended the life of their classmate. Too little too late by the French government since they were aware of the problems and only decided to take any action after it could have helped the victim. Hopefully this at least sends the message they intended to send rather than an unintended message associating vulnerable people with the otherwise oppressive state.

A lot of Congolese children died in humiliating and painful ways for that e-waste. Now many more will suffer and die. The good news is that Microsoft executives are probably getting a great bonus out of it for their stellar leadership and business acumen.

Because the literal majority of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck. Trickle down doesn't work.

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It's so strange to me how anti-authoritarian the rhetoric is in Texas despite having one of the most authoritarian and least democratic governments in the country. The executive branch has so few checks it's ridiculous; not that I'd want most of the dumbasses in state congress to get their way.

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The pointless persecution of trans women by people whose lives would be no different if they didn't bother with their bigotry campaigns never ceases to confuse me. Why go through all the trouble just to screw over a stranger? Surely their sadism can be satisfied in some other less harmful way?

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Be(e) nice to the admins and mods who have made what we have possible. Kudos to all y'all. Beehaw rules.

I wish people knew more about the way business works in general. Focusing on quality of product or service is a strategy only the smallest businesses can afford. In the big leagues it's all about triggering purchasing behavior and minimizing price sensitivity by using well-proven psychological techniques to sell cheap minimally-viable and soon to be obsolete products to as many people as possible, and sell them the solutions to the problems left in the original product as "optional" add-ons. Developers all want to make good games, but the businesses they work for couldn't care less since they make their money in other ways. Welcome to the 21t century, consumers!

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Watching those newborns suffocate to death on a table over the course of the day was something I'm never going to forget. If the IDF thinks they can move past this without a lot of scrutiny, I hope they're dead wrong.

This is a great example of a line of thought which I think is addressed in concept by this classic.

With manufacturing we have up front costs like the cost to design the product itself and the tools needed to make that product. These upfront costs are eventually going to be neutralized if revenues are greater than expenses. Once that's established there are the various ongoing expenses such as materials, energy, and labor. From what little I know of manufacturing bicycle or motorcycle parts, 1/3000 of someone's hour at let's say $30/hr, a little piece of what I assume to be steel, the energy cost, and more abstract costs like the maintenance the system will also need, the cost to make a single one of these is going to be well below $2.42 which is about a third of minimum possible wage in the US.

All of the above factors into the price of a product far less than the economics of perceived value which the largest companies can have massive influence in defining for the market. When a CEO is being paid about 400 times more than the average worker on the line which isn't even to speak of what happens to the actual profit of the business, that's when the disparity being pointed out in the picture becomes relevant. This is especially given that unsold inventory is dumped rather than distributed because they don't want to undermine the dollar value of their product by reducing it or giving it away for free.

The only thing crazier than this idiot inventing a master race of republican-aligned tech bros whose destiny is to conquer Silicon Valley through police banquets is that an entire audience of people took it seriously. The article promised a crackpot's raving and Balaji sure delivered.

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Superman 64 is the only game I tried to return to Blockbuster before the rental window was done. They wouldn't let me so I had to keep it for the rest of the week.

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A two-state solution would not have worked in Germany in 1946 and it would not work here. Israel is responsible for every Palestinian life despite their denials. One state with equal rights for all, and probably a new constitution which would make another Netanyahu impossible, is the path forward. To preempt the common revisionist Zionist argument, I don't think the Palestinians are too primitive and barbaric to deserve full rights. I'm from the American South and that argument is very familiar to me.

Could it be waning opportunities, falling wages, rising prices, the erosion of democratic institutions, and the proliferation of fear-based marketing to maximise gun sales? No, surely social media is to blame. The US never had social problems, desperation, or poverty before the demonic internet.

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That is left vs right.

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Remember kids, almost all freemium games make their money through manipulating your animal impulses to make you spend money on essentially nothing which you wouldn't rationally want to spend. Disarming this particular skinner box seems like a positive direction.

LibsofTiktok is approved there, so I'm not so sure. Not overwhelmingly Nazi, but Nazis are welcome as long as they don't say slurs kind of thing that centrists like.

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I don't think it's code either. It's more like Trump, the shooter, and PSA have the same preferences and American Conservatives see it as completely normal and fine. That to me is more disturbing.

Someone on here a few days ago said rules like these are written in blood. I've been around to see what happens when rules like what exist here are not around, and it's not pretty (usually lots of literal Nazis get involved). I know any kind of hostility can sting however absurd it is, but ultimately this criticism can be disregarded as it is made from at best total ignorance. Freedom should extend to the point where it doesn't infringe on the freedom of others and I don't think that's too hard to understand. Some restrictions on negative freedom can enhance positive freedom, and I've really been enjoying freely expressing myself in good faith here without bracing myself for a stupid fight. I've been wanting what this is for many years.

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In my lifetime, Jewish voices have always been at the forefront of anti-genocide, anti-apartheid, and anti-ethnic cleansing campaigns throughout the world and continue to be. Assuming that all Jewish people support and are involved with an ethnic cleansing is horrendously anti-semetic and must be opposed. Where the article points out this behavior from leftists who don't understand their own side, it has to be opposed.

This article also airdrops this in there as an example:

"Israel is not a ‘colonial’ state and Israelis aren’t ‘settlers.’ You cannot colonize the land your ancestors are from," Blotner wrote.

Unlike what the secular state of Israel proclaims at every opportunity, Israel does not represent all Jewish people or Judaism. Indegeneity is not relevant to colonialism. The process of colonization is relevant to colonialism. Importantly, all Jewish people throughout the world including in the state of Israel do not support the behavior of Netanyahu's government. It is not a necessary tenent of the religion or the identity to settle the the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Golan Heights regardless of what opportunistic politicians say. Conflating critisizing a far-right state abusing religious rhetoric that is even considered heretical by many Jewish tradtions is not the same as assuming all Jewish people by religion or ethnicity are "the other" in every nefarious form that can take.

This is interesting to think about because I might be one of the last generations of people who existed physically with one another more often than we would text or message one another. Since my old man hat is on, back in my day if you let one fly like this there were immediate social consequences. Everyone would go silent and look at you in disapproval and the person who was really invested in expunging the word would, at that moment, explain why saying that word was unacceptable. The person who said it of course wouldn't have a change of heart, but they would learn that if they wanted to participate socially they would have to watch their language.

Now that it costs $100 to leave the house and most socialization takes place behind in a non-rich communication medium there isn't really a consequence like there used to be. In most online "communities" no one is actually in community with one another and have no reason to be pro-social other than wanting to be pro-social. Trolling has always been a problem, but now that more of the population in general is communicating primarily on the channels where trolling is happening, trolling is now a political and social problem.

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How has Israel been in a proxy conflict with Iran since before Iran's current government even existed? The civil conflict taking place in israel has been going on since the early 20th century, with the Nakba occurring in 1948. Contemporary Iran didn't exist until the '79.

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I made a good faith effort to research this claim you made but I couldn't find anything other than a reddit post making the same claim. Where did you hear this? Also, how would it be relevant to anything I've linked or said?

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Israel is making it up as they go along, with whatever was true yesterday being irrelevant. Similar strategy as Trump. It works because there are many people who want to believe what Israel says for a variety of reasons.

The GDP is completely irrelevant to the vast majority of people. The difference between perception of economic barometers like this one is that people used to have more faith in capitalism and it has become so painfully clear that this faith is unwarranted. In the past, people in desperate financial situations could easily delude themselves that they were temporarily embarassed while everyone else in the same situation was probably just lazy. Now people are starting to realize the system is causing it and are much less willing to eat the table scraps thrown to them during times of "economic prosperity."

After coffee I'm just going to jump straight to the caffeine inhaler if we have to be cyberpunk about it.

Context: During the Haitian Revolution, France hired Polish mercenaries to go to Haiti and help with putting the slave rebellion down. After arriving, the Polish mercenaries immediately recognized they had much more in common with the other people being oppressed by major European powers and joined the revolution on the Haitians' side. After the revolution and because of some of the most severe international sanctions in world history (many of which are still in effect to this day), the Polish mercenaries were now completely Haitian and were legally declared "black" by the new Haitian government.

Probably the creation of Orks.

I subscribe to the idea that since Orks are living in a utopia from their perspective, they are the only faction living in utopian circumstances, and we know Ork psychic energy can affect reality so the sum total of all Ork desires may effect the entire universe, the current circumstances in the 40k universe are all a consequence of Ork desires. Every bad thing that has happened since Orks were created were to engineer a paradise for Orks, which is an irreconcilable deadlocked state of total war.

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He's so weird. He talks like Andrew Yang about 25% of the time when he's talking about being data-oriented and being in touch with regular people, then 75% of the time he's talking about how the ******* are subverting America through degeneracy and the only way forward is through a government-enforced American identity campaign to unite the true American people against their dreaded enemies like "Reagan" did. Then he'll say he's against corporate influence in government (he isn't actually). Such a trip to hear him talk.