
2 Post – 91 Comments
Joined 7 months ago


Okay, that's kind of unnecessarily mean.

Thanks for the complete rewriting of my comment to clearly show my exact nature.

Why are you upset, and what's with the continued harassment over nothing that matters to you? Something @snowsuit2654@lemmy.blahaj.zone already showed me was really true, to my original disbelief..

Because then it'd be a romantic tragedy.

thank mr skeltal

Spoiler alert: It was his heart.

congrats, better than a wannabe fascist dictator is now being great

If they really want to make a good movie with some decisive social commentary it should be about mickey enslaved by a "nameless" corporation (because of course everything else is copyrighted and trademarked still) and escaping. Would make an interesting thriller, there's a lot that could be done to criticize copyright and the companies that abuse the system and their labor force.

Someone make this please, the idea is free (and so is the character)

I love my last name, it translates roughly to "those people over there past the tree"

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Simultaneously the worst and funniest feeling, is searching for a solution and most of the responses/results are to go search for it. If your answer is that searching for an answer is an easy and quick solution, you contribute to disproving yourself.

Me when I have to do anything other than copy and paste build, or package manager, commands /s

it's getting more obvious they are going to pull the rug, admittedly I haven't followed too much on the situation or on reddit at all since I stopped using reddit almost a decade ago. the site really went to shit didn't it. I just grab my popcorn when new updates pop up these days, all reddit is for me now is an end result from a google search about a problem.

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People who say they are pro-life will vote for the most pro-death policies, it's crazy.

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"Of course they don't stop progress... you'll just be stuck grinding for way way longer with our patented unfun^tm^ systems unless you pay, peasant valued consumer"

It "allows" them to invest in compelling content to make more money from the same service.

Thank you for helping me see things from another angle, I've cleared things up for the most part <3

Awards or any other monetarily focused system inherently balance discussions towards the inclinations of wealthy people. We already have too much of that in the world, that they can buy law, buy awareness, buy support, it is a bad idea to let them buy opinions and discussion. Everyone gets one vote, nobody is special enough to be worth more than any other.

There isn't any truly stopping them however, they can buy users, buy botnets, buy influence anywhere. Fuck it I guess, nothing is sacred, everything is tainted.

I used to avoid extra responsibilities, and I still don't have kids, and I don't do charity. In the past moving to stressful positions was financially motivated. But my current job as a patient advocate is extremely rewarding to me. It's the first time I felt I had a job that meant something and I am fulfilled by making impact in individual lives. I've had people call me a life-saver, and have had patients shed tears after I was able to help them. Sometimes my job is not so great, and some things are routine and go by thanklessly, but the moments I am able to be a difference motivates me.

This is the first job I've participated and engaged in more than just the basic requirements, because I see what I do and what my colleagues do as meaningful and valuable, beyond making a CEO their paycheck. I go as far in my job to actually reduce GDP I suppose, steering people towards options that are best for them, even if they don't generate direct profits for my company. I feel like a real person here, and that's why I take on more responsibilities. (it also will help me financially in the long run, but that is less of a primary factor for me now)

I have an electric kettle, AND I season my food, lol

looks like the same person whom a decade ago would tell young people they would regret their tattoos when they are older.

"boohoo life's unfair" - my conservative father

get over it rich boi, life's what we make it and I say we make life better for the working class for once in my miserable life.

😄 it's okayy, thank you <3

Well it is called the trans day of ignoring trans people after all, oh wait, it's the trans day of visibility. I don't think just mentioning it's an awareness day is that big of a deal, would it also be a bad thing if a solar eclipse or something was happening on that day and I mentioned that? Unless there was a misunderstanding between us, the only possible explanation is social war bull.

Family involves interpersonal relationships, conversations, and discussions of importance to each other. You are missing the point of family if you think I have to put up and shut up. Chosen families exist because of the fact there are families where shutting up is the rule.

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In this game the controls were practicality the best feature. The graphics are completely fine. It is a perfectly fine narrative experience that will work on modern computers so yeah idk. It's getting new paint I guess.

that's all of the context my partner and I had last night before bed, we spent an hour talking about it and how it was very confusing and hurtful. Only got 4 hours of sleep due to that, and an earlier game night we had with someone else that went on for longer than expected.

We're sleep deprived and stressed af with our lease ending and seeing a new apt. The following conversation I had over text this morning seemed like non apologies (they looked at first like those, "sorry you got offended" type things) and walking back without giving a clear explanation. I re-read it and maybe your first assumption is what she thought too it was right before they would have gone to bed. I'm going to call and get some clarification voice to voice. Text and lack of sleep maybe screwed some things up and I may have you to think for clearing up a miscommunication.. That's what I want it to turn out being at least.

I'll give an update once I am able to call and sort things out.

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Aww <3 thank you so much for the kind words! I think you've honestly made my day :)

Definitely! I pat it with a towel and then I let it air dry, I actually took this pic before it dried completely.

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That other commentor is a child or clearly never grew up. The internet is definitely not the same as when I was younger, kids don't have the understanding of money or knowledge of predatory psychological techniques that are used to make vulnerable people, or children, part ways with what they have earned.

You sound like a great dad who's taking an interest and involvement in your kids hobbies and I love that. There needs to be some sort of course, or game would probably be better, designed to teach children about the sort of things we see these days.

Personally I'm pretty susceptible to that sort of stuff so I use adblock and try to shy away from gacha type things. Microtransactions are hell.

Being Trans I already have to live with a gender subscription.

Did you ever see the jump scare manga?

idk if this one does it but I'm sure this was the one.

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2nd life into mortgage year one foreclosed because you couldn't pay :'(

Just kill me instead. Thanks!

Ohh that's some great advice thank you! I think the main thing I'm doing differently is the drying, I was avoiding a hair dryer unless I really needed it because I thought that can damage hair even if done right but I'll try using it consistently now to see how much of a difference it makes. The spray bottle is genius!

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Shrimp are pretty rich though, if you eat too much you'll get sick.

Personally if I'm talking to anything that has any degree of intelligence or sentience I use kind language. Not only does every living thing deserve it, but it also is just nice for me in the moment too. It's like a feedback loop of kindness, what goes around comes around, and I like feeling like a good person and seeing the reactions to that kindness.

Besides, my personal belief is everything has value and consciousness and we are all a part of the same consciousness, so in a way I also see it as being nice to myself in the end.

In case you are unaware... Flashpoint Infinity is an archival project for old internet games that makes sure they are all backed up and playable on modern systems. Give it a spin if you want to quickly relive some old memories.

Just gonna comment here so I remember to join once I figure out what matrix client to use

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Just jumped to linux after a long time of windows, I was very surprised to see my games running better at higher settings through proton. it's been at least a decade since I've used linux and played native tux games. I'm fed up with corpos and I like having full control of everything on my computer. There's only 1 program I use that I'm not sure will run properly but I haven't made attempts to get wine up yet cause it's just been a few days. That said... feels really good to be using EndeavorOS.

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Thank you for helping me see things from another angle, I've cleared things up for the most part <3

Thank you <3

It's infuriating and scary they way it feels most people miss that, I just want to live my life, maybe even love it. But with the billionaires on one hand and the bigots on the other it's really hard on so many levels. There's an element of fear and uncertainty in my home and I am sure in many others. The fear of self sustainability, looming threats of homelessness and poverty if there is anything to disrupt our productivity for the owning class along with making decisions based on when, not if, unjust laws are passed that threaten our very existence. Saving and moving house, trying to get to a point where we eventually live in a northern haven isn't a retirement prospect, a grasp for opportunity, or a change of scenery, it's a requirement to make sure we can continue the being alive part.

Sometimes it is hard when the future seems so bleak and I spend so much of my time barely keeping my head above water, having a seemingly lofty goal as a near necessity. This society is a fucking joke, but at least there are people, like you, in our corner. Hopefully in time things can unshittify but things are getting bad, fast, at the moment.

At the same time, I can't help but feel so incredibly lucky despite everything, There are people facing harsher systemic difficulties, less access to opportunity, and harsher local conditions. Despite everything I'm alive, I'm here now, and it makes me angry, and sad, that people like Nex are forced to end the fight so early due to heartless politicians and their base of vultures.

Sorry to trauma dump, it's been brutal lately.

That's what really threw us for a loop too. They don't act highly religious, I know they used to be but it's been becoming more spiritual for them over time. We thought they were taking some religious high road over us being "degenerate."

I think it may have been a miscommunication and them just saying they were planning on an easter dinner and thought we had explicit plans to observe a day of trans visibility. I'm at least going to go, and I'll let my partner know so she can make her own choice given the clarification I got from a phone call.